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Posts posted by andrea2774

  1. You have to bring the proof of income and a completed I-864W -Intending Immigrant's Affidavit of Support Exemption

    YOU have to fill the same I-864W for your child as well. that is all. Do not Panic:) If you dont bring something for the interview they will just give you the RFE so everything is going to be ok:)))))

    Thanks! I completed it already but when I read the USCIS site, it says that sometimes we have to pay for a state whatever.....but there's also a note that "Don't do anything until the USCIS ask you to..." well I am just preparing everything so when they ask I have it...it's only that even when you think you are prepared, since we are not lawyers, we don't know what else will we need...Thanks for this site...I have somebody out there to answer my questions....An unknown friend....Hoping for the best for everyone...

  2. I also thought I-864W was a waver but they still asked me to bring the proof of income for a year. well, i didnt work much but friends and family helped a lot so i just brought all the bank statements showing all the deposits i did. they just need a proof that you will not go to ask for the help from government straight after you get the green card.

    good luck and little advice for you, bring those money proof with you, in case they ask for it, otherwise you might get a RFE and then wait and wait again, just like i did.


    Just a clarification, do we need to bring the completed I-864 when we go to the interview like this? Or shall I just bring all the proof of income for the past year? I have an interview on the 3rd and I am confused. I don't have attorney to ask with..Pls help me...Thanks...

  3. Congratulations for all approved VAWA petitioners..I was approved too and have an interview scheduled on the 3rd of March but I was just wondering why my son has his own interview schedule. Is there anybody who knows what would be the question for a 7 yr old boy...who might have forgotten what took place 3 yrs ago...Men! I am just so worried about this interview....

    Also those who have undergone I-485 interview thru VAWA...did you have any lawyer with you? Did you bring medical packet even if you have submitted it 3 yrs ago? Pls help me...I don't want to get a lawyer because I can't afford it..but I am afraid of what kind of Questions are they going to ask....

  4. Thanks, I will take statements and hopefully it will be fine. It would be nice to get the whole thing behind me. I guess that's how all of us feel.

    Congratulations for all approved VAWA petitioners..I was approved too and have an interview scheduled on the 3rd of March but I was just wondering why my son has his own interview schedule. Is there anybody who knows what would be the question for a 7 yr old boy...who might have forgotten what took place 3 yrs ago...Men! I am just so worried about this interview....

  5. what prima facie can do for you ? Rent ? Bills ? Emergency medical ? phone? insurance ? Foods ? transports?

    Of course will affect adjust status .that why interview is needed for vawa to find out ground of inadmisibily .is not good to use prima facie that called public charge will be on your record rest of life .

    Everyone should request work permit to VSC Under (14 c ) write letter with your i-765 tell them you need to work to puy laundry . So prima facie will not give you even milk for the child .some people should be permanent residence to get benifits .

    look at tuna time line she request renewal of prima facie but vsc Toush her 131 to find out if she is travel and can afford it and not afford food .

    prima facie or any assistance benifits is not good for your case because most vawa people when they write the history letter they should say Dear officer I NEVER get any assistance or public benifits or comited any crime please Grant my petition .

    for filing or instruction how to file i-765 under your situation with pending i-360 call customer service .

    hmnnn..That sounds interesting...I was about to renew my prima facie so that at least I have a medicaid for my son..now I need to renew it for that rreason..but if it will make my case weak then I think I will not...Thanks!!!!

  6. I am so happy for everyone who got their VAWA approved and for all of us waiting I pray for a quick examination and approval for all our case....Right now, I am in the verge of frustration....Our Visa (mine and my son's) expired last August and our Prima Facie will expire Nov.. I need to get an extension so that my son's medicaid will continue( I didn't use his medicaid yet but I am afraid that If something will happen to him then I will need it, I don't have job yet...) plus the school is asking for it too...Is there anybody who could tell me how to apply for the extension of prima facie? What should I say in the application and what documents are needed??? I lost my attorney too so I need to do it all by myself..No money to pay her either...Pls help me as soon as possible....Thanks!!!

  7. Its funny.. You are waiting since 2008? I am in immigration limbo since 1997.. still did not got my green card. My kids are already 10 and 8. born in US. No crime nothing. normal process takes year ot 1 1/2. but mine?

    ITS IMMIGRATION. look at my timeline, you will see they even denied my EAD anf then approved again. Its an ongoing process. All depends on whom you are dealing with. My emotions sometimes runs so high that I should either leave everything and just leave or just...

    Hi PAscal..just don't lose hope..it will come...if not soon..but you are right just don't count it....

  8. Thanks for giving me this site and i called the number associated with domestic violence.. and they gave me number to contact but the problem is they can only offer me overnight stay.. i need longer than that while im pulling ourselves together..but where im gonna put my daughter now?

    They say you can only stay overnight but actually they will help you more than that..go there..I stayed in the shelter house for 3 mos. no money..nothing at all...they let me stay because i have nowhere to go.. and I am positive they will let you to too....I pray for your safety....

  9. The SS card took about 4 weeks to receive for us. You can apply now for AOS without the SS#. The SS she will receive now will be restricted, I recommend waiting to receive the EAD or GC and then changing her name after wards on the SS card because she will need to adjust her SS # to unrestricted.

    Also when applying for AOS use her married name on the forms.

    I came here as k3 and they didn't give me SSN until I have the EAD or AOS...that's the new ruling for SS

  10. Hi Guys, My wife is here on a J1 Visa we got married on 5/15/2010. We are currently finishing all of the AOS forms.

    My question is, Can she put my last name on all the forms so that her greencard when issued has my last name?

    Also, she has a social security # that was signed to her when she entered the country on her J1, which says "temporary". Will she be getting new social security #/card when her AOS application is accepted and completed?

    If she changes her name to my last name on all of the AOS forms, do we need to wait after the AOS is complete to change it with social security serices?

    Im really not sure how the process works 100% if someone can shed some light on the subject for me.

    Thank yo,


    Her SSN will change when she change her status....her current SSN is for temporary residents...Then when she have her green card you need to go back to SSA to change it and make it permanent...that's what the officer told me when I went to the SSA..it is also stated in the website...

  11. Hi all, Yes, they're are fundamentalist Christians just as she describes that aren't Amish or Mennonite. I have known about these types of believers for a while. Sorry, I can't help, but I'm so sorry for this dilemma. I can tell you one thing though--He's not living as one of these believers--that's hypocrisy in any religion!!!! Tracy

    It is not an issue of religion. If he is a true believer, he will not do anything wrong to you even if you weren't baptized. Not accepting one's faith is not a reason to be abusive. Actually my ex-husband used the same tactics to me...he gave me verses about wife's submission to husband, and he used that with the SEX in his mind...fortunately I am a Chirtian, I read the bible and understands it...applies it..Christians..real Christians can't be judge by the way they dress...I am sorry it happened to you...but it's not because you're a Muslim and he's a Christian, Because I am a Christian and my abuser is a "Christian" too...Pls realize that It is the person's character who abuse you...not his faith...Absolutely not because of his faith that's why he abuse you..but of course he can use it to hide his real personality from his Church. He can tell lie and he can use your religion towards it...But it is Jesus who said " Love your neighbors as yourself" and if we consider muslim and christians as enemies, " it is Jesus who said " Love your enemies" for marriage..."Wives submit to your husbands, Husbands love your wives like Christ love the church, And what kind of love was that? Jesus laid down his life for US" ...that is what a husband is supposed to do for his wife... I am telling this because It is painful to me to see this "religion" issue...We should accept it, In any place, Turkey, US, Philippines, England, any nation of any belief, you will find good and bad people...whether he is religious or not....Because we are humans... for some of us conscience doesn't matter,to some hearts doesn't matter, to some faith doesn't matter, religion doesn't matter, law doesn't matter..why???Because it is the SELF that matters...

    Anyway, as for your questions...you can file a temporary protected order, stay in the women's shelter, they will help you with everything..with or without police reports...During court hearing, he may deny everything that you say..but the judge may know who is lying...Also if you can find a real Christian amongst them, and who can actually help you with the battle to testify...which I doubt it...because that person might think he is opposing the church...If you are still staying with him...the moment he do something to you...call 911...but if I were you, I'll flee from him..for the sake of your daughter and your safety...Pretend everything is fine...then flee if you have chance...You can also file 1-360, 1-485 and i-765 concurrently..that was what I've done...Be safe...God bless you...

  12. No, I'm not a cop. My next door neighbor is a cop, and he loves to talk. :blush:

    Cops get called in cases of domestic disputes frequently. Many times, one person will make an accusation of abuse against the other. The cop will look for evidence of the abuse. If he finds any evidence - bruises, scratches, torn clothing, whatever - he's compelled to make an arrest. Why? Because there's evidence that a crime occurred, and there's a witness (the abused) who made a statement about who committed the crime. It may not necessarily result in a conviction, but it meets the minimum requirements - evidence of a crime, and evidence identifying the perpetrator.

    There are a lot of divorce cases where one party wants evidence of abuse against the other, either because they are divorcing "for cause", or because they want leverage against the other party, perhaps for child custody. They call the cops to make a report of abuse. The cop will do the same thing he would do if he'd been called during the dispute - look for evidence that the abuse occurred. If he finds it, he'll take the report, though if the complainant isn't in immediate danger he may not make an arrest. If he doesn't find any evidence, then the investigation stops right there. Without evidence that a crime occurred, there is nothing further to investigate. An accusation by the alleged victim may be relevant to a family court judge during a divorce hearing, but it's not enough for a cop to open a criminal investigation. As I said, it isn't the cops job to certify an accusation of abuse. It's his job to determine if a crime was committed, to investigate the crime, and to arrest the perpetrator.

    This has nothing to do with cops taking one side over the other. It has to do with cops doing their job.

    As far as battered women not reporting the crime because they fear the abuser, I have absolutely no doubt this is true. Unfortunately, there are not enough cops to assign every battered woman a personal protector. I wish this were not the case, but this is the reality of the society we live in. More often than not, there will not be a cop to protect you when you need one. Cops usually respond after the crime has been committed. The courts are also little help. They can issue a restraining order, but a piece of paper is not much protection. They can't arrest and detain the abuser indefinitely because he may commit another crime in the future. This is the reality of living in a country where people have rights. People are often left to defend themselves against aggressors, and seek justice from the cops and courts afterward. A woman in this situation needs to seek protection, and not rely on the cops to protect her. A battered woman's shelter is a start. A body guard is also good. She could also get a gun and learn how to use it. If the abuser shows up and threatens her then she can call the cops, but first and foremost she needs to take measures to protect herself because the cops probably won't be there when they're needed.

    My point of view is irrelevant, and I never said anything to either trivialize what abused woman go through, nor to indict the entire system because some people abuse it. I explained, in a rational way, why a cop would not take a report when he was not offered any evidence that a crime was committed, in spite of the fact that many women might ask him to do so.

    I know what you mean..and they are true, but in my case it's very different that's why I was so upset. That happened to me when I was new here in US, no friends, don't know how to drive, no work, no money, no nothing, plus I have a son who cannot talk english, so the police officer cannot ask my son what happened to him...And I believe that there are too many false reports...but I just hope he didn't do that to me...I just hope he didn't take sides...I just hope he didn't say anything to him...but whatever I reported to him...he went to my ex-husband and tell exactly what I told him..and together they laughed...and I might be wrong but I think he was part of the plan...he might be the one whos suggested to my ex-husband whatever he did to me........

  13. In all fairness to the cops, they get false reports of abuse a lot. They are rightfully suspicious when the report comes long after the actual abuse was said to have taken place. You have to see it from their perspective. If the abuse wasn't bad enough to justify calling the cops and seeking their protection at the time it occurred, why is it bad enough to justify calling the cops long after it actually happened? In most cases, there is an ulterior motive - the accuser wants a police report to use against their spouse, usually for a divorce case.

    It's not the job of the police to rubber stamp your accusation in order to give it credibility so that you can use it in a divorce or immigration case. It's their job to solve crimes, capture criminals and offer protection. In most states, if you call them at the time the abuse occurs, and they see any evidence of abuse, they are required to make an arrest. This is intended to give you some safe time so you can file for a restraining order. They are understandably reluctant to believe someone who didn't take any action to protect themselves at the time the abuse occurred, and only decide to report the abuse when they need a police report.

    I understand them...and I see your point..but as a police officer, they have to keep records of whatever reports they receive from whoever, without discrimination and looking at other people's race. They should not pretend to record everything that you say..then throw it in the garbage when you're gone..then laugh at you when you aren't there, plus laugh with the perpetrator????...he asked me what were my plans..I told him that I will go back to the Philippines...know what he did???He told it to my Ex-husband..then what my ex-husband did???He sent all my papers to the immigration "so you will be a fugitive" that's what my ex-husband told me...So i stayed in the women's shelter for months!!!! without even going out...no money, no nothing..then one day...a man called the women's shelter asking if there's a lady from _______ staying there...how did he know???huh!!!.where was my safety there??? ... In my case, If it was just me who was abused, I can probably bear it, sacrifice for the sake of my marriage, but not when my son's life is at stake...Never...

    I am sorry that I poured out my emotion here, but the way I understand it, police officer are supposed to make sure that there are no crimes, and if they have their doubts, why can't they do their own investigation????Record everything...facts...then in the end, if the filed report is fraud, then they can throw it if they want, arrest the person who file false report, whatever they do I don't care, But never throw any report while it's still in the process...Because if we died because of what he did...can he still laugh...he don't believe me, not because I filed false report but because he is prejudice! He is supposed to protect the truth from wrong not the color of the skin and the citizens...

  14. Thanks again for all the replies. I have just come back from the police station and the family law clerk where I filed a police report for the threats and the past abuse and I also filed for divorce. That was a harrowing experience as I felt the police officers did not believe me since I hadn't reported the abuse from before, even with all the emails, but I did it anyway just to have it on record. Tomorrow morning I will go to file the restraining order (I told the police officer it was urgent, but he said urgency applies only to those in the US) so I missed the time period to file the order. I am going to call ICE in a bit before I get to work.

    You know what? sometimes the police sucks! They will only believe you when you report it at that very moment which I didn't do too, because at that time I was still considering my marriage to my ex-husband. Would you believe that police officer went to my ex-husband and together they laughed about me, and NEVER recorded whatever I told him...He actually has the nerve to tell my lawyer that he don't believe me and that I am only making stories....he said that after the court hearing wherein my ex cannot deny the truth..huh!!!what should we do to those kind of prejudice cops???I thought US cops are the best in the world..but now my mind is open...But nevertheless, go for it!!! Fight for your right. And they are right, go to the women's shelter because you'll be safe there....I pray for your safety...Don't let that man fool you again....for the sake of your daughter..God bless you!!

  15. Except for evidence of abuse, you need those same evidences to get a green card based on marriage, or to adjust status even you're still married to the original petitioner. So, the only unique evidence this adds is the evidence of abuse. This is absurdly easy to get. Like I said, have a friend sock you in the eye, and then call the cops and blame it on your husband. After that, head for the battered women's shelter, get a restraining order, and start preparing your paperwork for the VAWA petition. This happens so many times that entire websites are dedicated to trying to expose it. I'd give you some links, but to save time just google "VAWA fraud". You'll have about 100,000 web pages to read.

    How, exactly? Do they dust your black eye for fingerprints? Legitimate spousal abuse cases rarely have witnesses, so a real case and a fraud case often look very much the same to an outsider. It's a game of "he said / she said", but "she" has the upper hand if she's got evidence of injuries. In most states, if the police see so much as a bruise then they are required to make an arrest. The "victim" now has the police report, arrest record, and will soon have the restraining order. This is sufficient for a successful VAWA case.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't get a green card. I'm saying that the green card should not be a reward for accusing your husband of abuse. Making the accusation is relatively easy compared to the value of the reward, which provides a very big incentive to cheat. Judging from the number of testimonials on the internet from men who claim to have been falsely accused in a VAWA scam, I'd say that the cheating is happening quite a lot.

    To see this from a different perspective, what reward is given to the US citizen wife of a US citizen husband if the husband abuses her? I'm not talking about a fraudulent report of abuse, but a woman who is REALLY being abused by her husband? She files the police report, gets the restraining order, goes to the women's shelter... and then what? Does the US government give her a big fat check, since she's doesn't need a green card? The answer is she doesn't get anything. Advocates of VAWA law say that this is because a VAWA applicant would be punished if they didn't get the green card because they'd be deported back to their home countries, which is what you implied above. However, this argument doesn't jive with immigration law, which clearly states that deportation is NOT considered to be a punishment by the US government.

    You are right about that. Actually I stayed in the shelter house for more than 3 months, I can say that the government is abused somehow, by some aliens and some US citizen. This is to inform everybody that there is a "REWARD" if you may call it for the US citizen wife if they were abused, although they don't need a green card, they need to live ---safely live, so, some of them if they are really in a scary marriage, can change their name, SSS#, get Food stamp, get check, if I am not wrong, 300dollars for each child, get housing assistance, get to get a car, not a new one but usable car, and if that woman is not lazy, she can have a job....now...let's not say that only illegals uses, misuses, abuses the VAWA, the shelter house, the government, the law, because the citizens are like that too...some of them...I saw them and live with them...I see who'se real and not...in some cases, the illegals that I was with..they went ouot at night partying...having more than 1 guy per night..kids were left in my care without the knowledge of their advocates...there was one who was actually a wanted in other state and get to change her name...that make me feel bad about this country who tries to eliminate discrimination...the country who tries to help her people...the abuse is so much...THE TERM ITSELF IS ABUSED by every individual..children against their parents, husband and wife against each other... I hope that the change would go to those institution who help them...try to figure out who is the real helpless, needy, and needs safety.....huh!!!

  16. thank you very much Markieboy. I also googled that and it says in New York. I wish they have an office here in Jersey though.:) again, thanks alot man!

    HI everyone, just happen to see this topic, I am wondering if I should change my passport too? I was married to a US citizen, unfortunately it didn't work, when we divorced I asked to change my last name back to my maiden name. and Unfortunately again, and I guess I wasn't thinking that time, my documents including my passports carried my married name. I was planning to go back home, shall I get a new passport so my maiden name be on it? or can I still use my old passport with my married name and just carry my divorce paper with me when I purchase the ticket and fly????Huh!!! I heard that it's expensive to get/renew passport here!!!!

  17. Hi everybody. I am new here. I have few questions because I am confused. I filed 1-360, 1-485 and 1-765 all at the same time on April 11, 2010. Got my schedule for biometrics for 1-485, to be done on June 3, 2010. How long does it usually take to adjust status? Secondly, I got my Establishment of Prima Facie on May 11th. What does Prima Facie mean.Thirdly, I check my status for the Employmeny Authorization online and it says " On May 13th we requested a new card for you.Pls allow 30 days to receive your card" Does it mean my work permit is approved already and that I just need to wait for the card? Somebody told me that everytime you file an application there is a biometrics, including the 1-765, If so, why is it that there is a production of card for the work permit but no appointment for the biometrics yet? The only appointment for the biometics is for 1-485.. Anybody who knows about this please???I am here in US for 2 years now, without a job and I have a son..I really need to work.....

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