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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
    South Korea

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  1. Emailed DS3032 again. This time with the scanned DS3032 attached. Bah.. What's going on.. hurry it up already.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Btw what is ur opinion about N. Koreea's atack on S. Korea? What are your feelings towards them? Me, as an outsider i probably see things diff than you. If it was my country i would hate them, but at the same time... they are like ur brothers no? Just the ruling is so bad.... :(

    3. tooduhri


      oh, NK is trying to tell the world that they exist and they deserve some attention. Since we have absolutely no individual level interaction with them, we do not have much of opinions towards NK citizens. We just don't like the dictator who thinks that they can shell us any time they feel like it, but a war is definitely not an option.

    4. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      I see. Ppl were talking today abot WWIII getting started by them, but this thing was dismised because they should be backed up by some other countries, & also in the region China is too big to allow such thing. Now let's change subject to much more pleasant subjects, but i was curious to ask you because for little time you still live in S Korea and you are connected to the reality there until you'll move to US!! :)

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