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Posts posted by bethnash

  1. i was on a plane to america once from germany, and the american next to me asked me where i was from, i said england, and he said is that in london?... thought that was funny! Im in oklahoma right now and i cant count the number of times people have asked me where im from, i say england and they say, is that on the east coast?

  2. I hope that one day Jake and I will get a chance to live back in england. We'll wait till we're more fincially stable over here (USA) and then maybe. Its definately an option to move back to england, of even somewhere new! I grew up in different countries so im a nomad, no place is really home! Some thing appeals about raising children in england more so than over here in the USA. Maybe im biased but i think education is better over there, i like GCSE's and A-Levels not the High School Diploma thing they have here! :innocent: And having attended university in the UK and here, i prefer the UK!

  3. Ive been in the US since June 2006, first on a K-1 visa, as of Dec 15th i became a Permenant Resident.

    I am so confused about how my husband and i file taxes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated or any recommended books you have used before.

    I just have no idea whatmy status is woth regards to tax. I have not worked since ive been in the us, if that makes a difference.


    Any help would be great from someone who has been or is in the same situation.

    Beth xx

  4. hmmm

    i didnt give them a wedding or travel date when i sent mine - i think i just put the month that i intended to them to happen, eg - Wedding Date - August or Travel Date, June

    I did book my medical before i sent he check list off, i might be wrong but i dont think they will issue you an interview till you send the checklist back, and i think you need a medical date for that.

    Your best bet is to see roughly how long it should be before you get an interview, and arrange for Jenni to be back in the UK before then for a medical, which you should book now so you can send the checklist back. At the end of the day the quicker she is back in the uk and you can get this sorted then quick she'll be back with you!!

  5. Banks in the US confuse me too!! My banking was so much simpler in the UK...with my overdraft there you had to apply for one, here if my husband goes into his overdraft in reality it is coming out of his savings account so its not a real overdraft like i would consider one!!

    Im still trying to get used to the system and the way they word stuff over here!

  6. I miss UK shops!!! I am having the hardest time getting used to american shops. I miss places like Topshop, Zara, Mango, Miss Sixty, Debenhams, Selfridges and Accesorize. Especially because Oklahoma City is lacking in the shopping dept. full stop! So far i've mainly bought stuff from Gap, A&F and Banana Republic. But it seems like all the stores in the mall sell the same kind of clothes. The shops in england all have a little flair of their own!! And its so hard to find jeans/trousers that fit over here. Ive taken to internet shopping and having it shipped to my brother to send to me!! Oh what i would give to go to Leeds City Centre and shop, or London!

  7. Hi,

    My grandma is seriously ill and the doctors are talking about her not making it. Im worried that is she were to pass away im going to find it hard to get back the the uk for the funeral and to be with my family. Is there a way to get AP fast? Do i have to hae it? I tried to read up on it and got confused, what i read made it sound like it would be hard to get back into the country. Especially as my passport was stolen with my K-1 visa in it, so all i have is the paperwork stating i submitted applications for AOS/EAD and my replacement I-94.

    Any help would be appreciated. Could i use infopass to make an appointment, does this speed up the AP process?

    Thanks Beth

  8. They asked for W-2s, Federal Tax Returns and Employment Letter.

    My husband is in the military, we submitted his W-2s, his federal tax returns for that last 3 years (and a note explaining why he didnt have any taxes in 2003 - he was stationed in the middle east in a tax free zone), and a letter from the US Navy saying he was active duty and all that stuff about that, and we got that letter less than 3 weeks ago!

  9. We recieved an RFE with regards to the Support forms (I-864) ..... But everything they say that they need from us we submitted to them already .... so we're confused about what to do. Do we just send all the stuff again? Can we call someone and clear it up?? We got the RFE only about a week after we initally submitted the AOS package, that was fast!! Anyways any help would be appreciated.


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