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Posts posted by blessedblessed

  1. hey, all!!

    so our K1 paperwork finally went through and the time finally came--my (now) husband has been here for 2 months now and we are both STOKED. it's now time to continue on with the AOS process. i have some questions--hopefully they aren't redundant!

    1.) the i-485 form asks for the "non-immigrant visa number"--can someone point me to which number this is on my husband's visa?? there are several and i just want to make sure i get the right one.

    2.) i understand that the i-131 form is for permission to travel. in part 3, it asks for "date of intended departure." does this mean i only fill it out if we have specific travel plans? what happens if we have potential travel plans?

    3.) lastly, on form i-765, #16 is about "eligibility category"--can someone confirm that since we did the K1 paperwork that our eligibility code is a6?

    any information is helpful!!!! thanks!!!

  2. Having had rather poor luck sending packages to my husband via USPS, when it came time to send visa paperwork, I paid an exorbitant amount of money to fedex to insure that it got there, and got there in time. I know it has nothing to do with USPS that those packages went missing, but I was still irritated about it, and didn't want any hassle. I thought my best bet would be to start fresh, and it worked fortunately. I sent over a small, cheap photo album for the interview, and maybe 150 pages of documents. Fedex charged over $200 to send it to Laayoune, it was supposed to be 3 day but took 5 because Laayoune is in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere a lot of mail is sent anyways, because any packages or letters besides the big visa one that ever did arrive took a minimum two weeks. But when he sent me stuff, it always arrived quicker. Go figure. Fedex was the only place that would send stuff to Laayoune back then, besides USPS, so it's not like I had much choice in the matter.

    oh my goodness! that's a lot of money for shipping. i'm realizing how lucky i truly am that abdelhay lives in sale--i've sent him both a package and the paperwork and they both reached him in time. thank you so much for your response. :)

    When I was in Morocco, my mom sent me several USPS express mail envelopes. It always took 7-10 days for them to arrive to the door from Chronopost, and the tracking was not reliable. We lived in Casablanca.

    I should add that was 7-10 days, not business days. Always was 4 or 5 business days. I don't seem to remember Maroc Poste delivering on Saturdays.

    thank you for your quick reply as always, squeaky!! your daughter is soooooo cute by the way!!

    Just a suggestion...my husband opened a PO Box at the post office, which garuanteed the mail to get somewhere, he would pick

    up his mail , instead of having it delivered to the corner store that they used for mail. There are no addresses on the houses, and

    we were scared the packets would have gotten misplaced if we did not have a PO BOX. Just a suggestion!

    very nice idea!! thank you!!

    Sorry, I am sure you are on edge! I sent my husband's paperwork global express from the postal service and it took 4 business days. He lived in Casablanca, so luckily it delivered quickly once it was released from customs. The mail service there is terrible, the best you can do is continue to track it online if you can and have him go to the post-office and request it as soon as it is released and arrives. Try not to panic just yet :thumbs:

    Good Luck,


    i soooo appreciate your kind and helpful response!!! :) :) i think it helped--he got the package yesterday. humdulilah!!

  3. Since I don't want to disappoint on the negative comments front, I have to say that I don't understand what makes your man any more of a "real man" by the attributes that you've stated. I also think that whatever roles work for you guys, then great, I just object to the implication that anyone who strays from these roles is any less of a man or a woman. This is the same problem I have with similar statements made by American men in other forums regarding the "real women" in other countries. But then again, what do I know, I just burned my bra because it was irritating my armpit hair.

    you just became my favorite person on VJ. :)

  4. hey, all.

    i'm getting a little nervous since i mailed my financial paperwork to abdelhay a week ago today through express 3-5 day mailing, and he still hasn't received it. i just need a little pick-me-up and some good vibes since his interview is on monday the 7th!

    how long did it take your fiance/spouse to receive their paperwork in morocco??

    does anyone have tips/tricks/words of wisdom to find/receive mail quickly in morocco?? :)


  5. hey everyone!

    it's me again. :)

    i would like to hear about the experience your MENA fiance/spouse had at the airport upon arrival in the US. how will Abdelhay's (my fiance) experience upon arrival be different than mine, as a US citizen? i know he needs to bring his vaccination sheet...will he be given a small interview?

    all that being said, how much time will he need to go through customs?? 3 hours? 5 hours? i don't want him to feel stressed out or rushed!

    any personal tips, ideas or stories are welcomed. :)


  6. hey, everyone!!

    i can't for the life of me remember if i've already filled this out and i don't have the motivation to flip through the pages to find out! haha


    Where are you From- Indianapolis, Indiana (any others from Indy around??)

    SO's Name-Abdelhay

    Where they are from in Morocco-Sale

    Anything else you want to add-We're anxiously awaiting Abdelhay's interview on March 7th! :)

  7. hey guys--

    i actually contacted the embassy by email and they responded, "Dear Madam, Thank you for your email inquiry. Mr. Abdelhay has been scheduled for an interview on 07-MAR-2011. The required affidavit of support is the I-134 Form."

    i will for sure double check with the paperwork he received, but if it also says i134, then that's the form i should use, right??

  8. hey everyone!!

    i'm sorting through financial paperwork in preparation for Abdelhay's interview on March 7th, and i've run into a few questions. those of you in the morocco/MENA forums might be able to help me out best!

    1.) before we received the 3rd packet, i was planning on and preparing to fill out the i864 form for the affidavit of support--but turns out they want the i134 instead! this is fine, as it seems less complicated as the i864. it was clear on the i864 form where and how the joint-sponsor would be visible on the paperwork, but i don't see any place for the joint-sponsor on the i134. is the joint-sponsor the one who fills this out? do i, the petitioner, fill it out and just include evidence from my joint-sponsor's financial history as well?? any info would be helpful!

    2.) is there a site that i can visit that will give me more information on obtaining a worker's permit through the JFK airport? i've heard that some individuals are able to receive a worker's permit through this airport sometimes--who has had luck with this? any tips? recommendations? ideas? comments?

    thanks in advance, guys! :)


  9. Hey there!!!

    I actually met my fiance by studying (classical) Arabic in Morocco!!

    I agree about the ArabicPod podcast--it really is a helpful podcast!! Just beware that some podcasts are in dialect!!

    There are also some cool iPhone/iPad/iPod apps that help with vocabulary and are fun too!

    Outside of these ideas, you could pick up a book or two off amazon (used is always best!) and learn things by the book, but I think the best idea is to immerse yourself in the language, like someone else stated above. It really is the fastest way to learn a language!

    Good luck and enjoy it! :)

  10. hey there! :)

    you should go to your country's portal and see if there is any information on which form your country uses. for example, my fiance is from Morocco, and the embassy in Morocco requires the I864 at the interview for a K1 visa. so i don't think you really get to choose which form you prefer--the country of the beneficiary (sp?) determines it! hope that helps!!


    hey there! :)

    you should go to your country's portal and see if there is any information on which form your country uses. for example, my fiance is from Morocco, and the embassy in Morocco requires the I864 at the interview for a K1 visa. so i don't think you really get to choose which form you prefer--the country of the beneficiary (sp?) determines it! hope that helps!!


  11. Sarah,

    You're always so helpful!! Thank you so much!!


    1.) List of translators: http://morocco.usembassy.gov/service/professional-services/list-of-translators.html

    2.) You should call the consulate regarding which affidavit of support to send. While a few months ago, they were requiring the I 864, I understand recently they have requested the I 134. Only they can tell you for sure. The packet he receives from them will tell him everything he needs to bring, including his sealed envelope from the medical exam.

    Good luck!


  12. Hello, everyone!!

    Abdelhay and i finally received our NOA2 on January 26--so excited!! i've been scouring the forums for information, but i'm hoping to find answers/advice specific to Morocco.

    1.) i want to make sure Abdelhay goes to a translator that is certified by the Embassy--he lives in Salé but can travel obviously to Rabat or Casablanca if need be. do you all have suggestions on a certified translator?

    2.) i just want clarification that i, as the petitioner, only have one thing to do at this point--sending in the I864 form. furthermore, i send this paperwork to Abdelhay so that he can take it to the embassy, correct?? i assume this information will be in the packet Abdelhay will be receiving soon--i just want a head start.

    i've read the long thread specific to Morocco, and Morocco's portal as well, and didn't find anything specifically answering these questions. if i've somehow missed a post regarding these questions, please feel free to guide me to that post!!

    thanks everyone!! hope you are all doing well!!


  13. hi all!!

    i haven't posted an extraordinary number of times around here, but i wanted to announce that abdelhay and i have received our NOA2 today, January 26th.

    it's kind of a fun story, actually. maybe you all would like to hear. :)

    i was getting ready for bed--i had even taken my glasses off for the night, but i thought i'd give USCIS one more chance before the day came to an end. usually i log in with my username and password, but tonight i decided to just check the site with my receipt number. once the page loaded and my eyes fell on the same "initial review" bubble yet again, i realized it wasn't the bubble that was highlighted anymore. no, no...it was the very last bubble, "post decision activity." and sure enough--once i signed in, i saw that my case was last updated today, a date that hasn't changed since 9/04/2010 (a date that is forever burned into my memory! haha).

    i also wanted to add that i haven't yet received an email, although i have received the text message, and was able to see the update on the USCIS website before i received the text message. i also signed up for email/text notifications slightly late into the process too, so it does still work (something i was kind of curious about).

    to all of you who have not yet received word--hang in there. keep up the hope. everything has an end--eventually. ;)


  14. oh, malika! i'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. i can't imagine how difficult it must be for the two of you. thank you for your response, and please, keep us updated as well!!

    Hi Jessica,

    Congratulations on your interview. I know how excited you are since my husband just had his interview on Jan 3. However, he was denied a visa on the basis of our marriage being "for papers and not real" which is absolutely untrue. Obviously, we are very saddened by this. We've known each other since 2005 with documentation and I've been to Morocco twice to see him. We were married there. Our red flag is the age difference. I would suggest anyone who has difficulties with the Casablanca consulate to go to wafin.com. It is an online support newspaper and they are interested in hearing from other people who were denied from legitimate marriages. I've contacted my Senator and gave him all the details concerning the unprofessionalism and abuse of my husband and he's doing an indepth investigation into the consulate.

    From what I understand, when a Senator gets involved in a case, it's a big deal to the consulate. I am packing my things now and preparing for a move there and hoping to

    straighten out this mess from there. If the riots in Tunis spill over into Morocco, I may have to rethink my plan but for now I am on "go". I wish you the best of luck with the

    interview. If you have no red flags then you'll probably sail right through it. Please be sure to get us abreast of your situation.

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