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Posts posted by ghana1821

  1. I feel your pain. It happened to me too. After spending more than $15K to bring her to the States and put her through nursing school so she can earn decent paycheck, she run away with another man. As to whether you should attend his AOS interview, is up to you. But, before you go to the interview with him, please, know that he is not going to change.

    and I really do feel like he's not gonna change. I forgot mention, I also saw a half of a email from of his friend saying even if you divorce her afterwards(#######).That took the cake, I then knew he wasn't serious.
  2. I filed for my husband and went through hell to get him back to the states.He was removed the states in 2009. I did everything that I could to get him back to the states. Some of his own family turned their back on him. But I was there, although his family told him I wouldn't be. I was there from the beginning to the end.Praying and contacting everyone I knew of from American Embassy to Ghana Embassy to my congressman.Ghana embassy kept sending him back for more proof.After the second time they ask of more things and to come back for a third interview. I decided to buy a plane ticket just to be by his side for the 3rd interview. now I'm going through more hell living with him.. He tells his friends I complain to much, and he can find him a person that don't complains. He feels I complain to much, because I ask him to pick up behind himself. He switches it back on me to try and make me feel bad when I try to talk about it. His reply is oh I'm your husband and you can't clean after me? The problem is not that I can't clean after him, but he does things just so I can clean behind him. If he cooks, grease will be all over the floor,stove, cabinets, half wash dishes, plates, cups, water bottles all over the house. He does this while I'm at work or sleep. Ok what's wrong with him picking up behind himself, and not leave it for me to clean or pick up behind him. If the shower is dirty he will not clean it. If I say something to him about it he half cleans it, and I end up cleaning it again myself.I tried to tell him the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Then he said well I will be looking for someone to branch out with and get a place with them. I told him when you do don't forget to sign on the dottie line. And he said cool.

    Ok we had a child together and when he change the baby he leaves the pampers where ever he changed her.Oh get this, he took the pamper off baby and she wet the bed.He left the sheets there for me to change and I was at work when it happened.lol I've ask him to lets clean together from time to time. But after I see he half cleans, I just decided to do it myself. I told him I wasn't raise to be dirty and I do not like nastiness and he got offended..Why? I don't know. He feels I don't respect him because I ask for help with cleaning and paying bills. He told his friends that he can find someone don't complain as much as I do. Well If he would help out I wouldn't complain as much.

    He will not take me out, do things with me, nor show any kind of love or that he wants to be with me. And his excuse is how can I when you complain to much. He don't offer any money, buy me nor my kids things unless I ask for it. His excuse is if you don't ask me for it how do I know you need it? I feel a husband should spend money on kids and wife, even if we don't ask for it. I use to buy him all kinds of things, just because he didn't have alot of clothes. When he steps out he represents me. How can my kids and I be all dressed nice and he steps looking like damn it I bit cha? Then that falls back on me. He's not really involved in my other two kids life. He don't even take them out to places. When he's off and I'm work that is suppose to be their bonding time. Instead they are in two different rooms, he spends time with the baby we had together but not my other two.While in Ghana he talks about how happy he's gonna make me and my kids..hahahaaa I 'm yet to see it. When he married me he married my two kids also.

    Now I went to open a checking account, I put the first amount in. The agreement was to put money in there every week. I be damn, he wouldn't even do that.And I said something to him about it at lease twice and he got mad at me, so I stopped talking about it.

    His mama use to call me while he was in Ghana and after he got here also. Now she don't call anymore, so I don't know and really don't care he's told her. I've found emails to other women stating how he miss them and wish he could see them.(I have the proof) I'm not saying he can't have female friends, but there's a limit on things you should and shouldn't say to them. He tells the females whom am I to tell him whom to talk too and I'm just insecure somehow, which isn't true. It's called having respect for your wife. He calls them on the phone,and they text each other all the time. By being married you can't do those types of things.He ask me to stop talking to my ex and I did. But he continued talking to his ex's, and even gave one of them a cellphone because hers stopped working. How I know? Because the girl called playing on my phone and I told him. He has her as a friend on facebook. Now why is it he can still have contact with all the women that he has dealt with and I can't? Because he a man, it still don't make it right.

    I really don't think he loves me. He is doing his own thing. He knows what he is trying to do and God does too. He has a work permit and a temp ss card,temp driving license. And still waiting on his greencard. He file in April of his year and he's yet to here back from them.His status still shows getting reviewed by USCIS.People that is on this site and has filed after him has already gotten their greendcard..Now what does that tell you? Things ain't right and God knows it..God has his kids back.What happens if I refuse to go to the interview because of the things I'm going through with him? Will they make him leave or will they allow him to stay? I have proof of all the emails and etc.Sad to say but it proves he's not as serious as I thought. After all I've been through to get him back to the states I never would have of this ending this way.He tried going to the military, I guess to get help with his status and etc. But he can't join without a greencard..So at this point I'm lost and confuse. Bruised but not broken!!!

  3. There are some posts in the Africa Regional Discussion regarding how long the interview scheduling is taking due to high diversity lottery processing load. This might effect the I601 processing times, not sure. It looks like it has been a long time in the process for you , might want to get a

    inquiry by your attorney or congress critter.

    It's only been 3mths since we filed...However 3 mths seems like a long time to us. :crying:

  4. Where you say the consulate info says "no", is this the info on VJ? I wonder when that info was put on there and by who.

    I was in Ghana during the time my fiancee was to pick up packet 3 and both of us were allowed in. I even went with her to the window and spoke with the people there. They do have tight security; however, we showed security the letter confirming she was to come, and everything was fine. Now, I am not sure if they will let the petitioner in for the interview, but I plan to be there and based on my experience I don't see why they'd have any problem.

    Interestingly enough, I spoke to a Ghana VJ member recently and was informed that a petitioner went for the K1 interview and the Ghana fiance/e was denied the visa based on the petitioner showing up. Apparently the interviewer thought the relationship was fake simply because the US citizen showed up. Crazy, ain't it?

    It would be nice to hear from someone in Ghana that has attended or tried to attend. With all the evidence I have, I can't see them thinking it's a fraud.

    I wasn't with my fiancé when he picked up his packet, however I was with him when he went for the interview on Monday.They did not allow me in..But I was told,I should have informed the person at the door the interview was for the both of us..Therefore I got to walk across the street and sit on the hard rocks for 2 1/2 hrs..Wow what fun I had!!!

  5. What are people's experiences with the petitioner going to the interview at Accra? On the Consulate information it says no- has anyone succeeded in going in? Or do you wait outside?

    Do they bring your passport in with them to show you are there if you cant go in?? If you have all different kinds of evidence that can be provided would it make that much of a difference? (I have skype bills, my cell phone bill (300pages), facebook messages (50pages), emails, snail mail, photos from my first trip (5 months), and my second trip with my parents). I know its really just opinion on the last one....

    We went to the Consulate office on Monday.The guy at the door ask who is the interview for? And I said it's for my finance. I didn't get to go in, I had to go across the street and sit under the tree for like 2 and a half hours waiting until he was finished..However I was told if I had told the guy at the door that the interview was for the both of us, they would have let me in..

    I gave my passport to my finance to take with him to prove I was there.The consulate told him if he needs me he will call for me..And as far as skipping out on phone bills,cards, emails and etc that is very important. My guy didn't take that kind of stuff with him the first time, and they sent him back.Please don't play with these people, because they don't play fare..Give them everything them ask for and more if you have it..But the time my finance went for his third interview,the guy said man you have too much paperwork..It's better to have too much than not to have enough..

  6. From what your posting - it appears that the CO thinks that your first and upcoming marriage maybe related to immigration fraud.

    Do you have a lawyer working with you? I would suggest you go that route. Third interviews with specific requests to show you lived with your x-husband while married? yikes.

    I do nt av a lawyer. Do u think a lawyer would want 2 help with my case since it's so far in2 the case?
  7. From what your posting - it appears that the CO thinks that your first and upcoming marriage maybe related to immigration fraud.

    Do you have a lawyer working with you? I would suggest you go that route. Third interviews with specific requests to show you lived with your x-husband while married? yikes.

    I do nt av a lawyer. Do u think a lawyer would want 2 help with my case since it's so far in2 the case?
  8. Did you have a morgage?

    Divorce records- who got what after?

    Letters from neighbors, relatives, and friends showing that you lived together?

    Do you have any mail and does he have any mail that would show at least you both at the same address even though both your names arnt on them? W-2s, tax returns?

    Did you try to contact DMV? They might be able to provide something showing you both registered that as your address- you would think they have files from 10 years ago.

    City hall? Voter registration cards?

    Did you file taxes jointly- i believe you can get tax transcipts from 10 years ago....

    It sounds like your ex is willing to help out since he did take time to look and found that check. So he might be willing to sign papers for places to pull files and release information. I am not an expert by anymeans but these were somethings that might show that you had a relationship, were married, lived together....

    If i remember right your ex was also from Ghana? Im not sure if that means you went through the K-1/K-3/CR-1 process then maybe they are looking to see that your last marriage wasn't fruad and you did have a relationship when he came here if that is the case. (I don't know anything about your last marriage- just trying to put my head in the CO's! and why they are asking for that type of proof). It doesn't make sense- it isn't right- it should not happen but unfortuatly the COs can basically do what they want....

    I am now considering after Israel has his ten year to apply for work at DOS because I want to change what is happening to all of us!!!! I know its a while away but why not try!

    Hope these ideas might bring you some luck finding proof!

    yes my ex is from Ghana. When we met he was already here in the states. Therefore we didnt av 2 file a k-1. What is dmv? And we didn't file taxes together bcos of personal reasons. I cnt even remember the people that lived around us back then. However Ima go to the bank n c if they cn give me a copy of our bank statements. I was told by an atty that if I email the phone n electric company requestin this information, and when they reply to print it. And he can take the emails to his interveiw. And the CO will see that I've tried to get the information. And thks so much 4 da help. will reply, 2 let me knw wht dmv is?
  9. Firs off I want to apologize for my post. I'm @ work, so I'm usin my phone 2 post this message. My fiance will have his third interview in July. While doin his first interview he was asked to come back in March. The CO never ask him 2 bring more information or thing. Whn he went for his second interview my fiance was ask to come back in July and bring proof that my ex husband and I were living 2gether while married. Now, that wouldn't be a problem, but it's been over 10 years ago since I've been married to him. I've tried to find proof, bt was unable to find anything. So I googled my ex, and got his email. When I emailed my ex, I ask him to call me. I explain everything him and he was able 2 find a check with both our names and our address. Now the question is, will that check be enough proof? Second question, on the DS156k it ask for proof of the engagement. Wht cn b used for proof?

  10. I am graduating with my undergrad degrees this year along with israel- but I start graduate school June 1st, not taking a break- I don't think i will want to go back if I take the break, so I will be fulltime until August 2011! And I wouldnt have even a year let alone 3 to show a good income. My father has already agreed and filled out the co-sponsor stuff along with (me) copying w-2s, getting tax transcripts, 1099s, he is in the clear incomewise. We will also be living in the "in-law" (aka basement) apartment at my parent house for a bit until we can get on our feet. My parents are very supportive which is wonderful because it would be years before i could apply indepently.

    I have a ton of proof. I also hope the fact that we meet while in school in ghana and were together for 4 solid months will help, multiple visits to his family while i was there, then waited 8 months to apply, second visit to ghana with my parents to meet him and his family (this summer), all of the communication (skype, facebook, text message summary, snail mail) will be okay. But you just never know! To the point i still use my parents name on my cell phone so i had my mom write a letter saying that yes that is my phone number and that i use her account! You just never know!

    Do you think i should get letters from the other exchange students (USCs) who spent days with us, in class, going to church, dinners, playing futball? or letters from other University of Ghana students?

    Thanks guys!

    gettin letters from ur friends n anyone else dat knew of da relationship will help u out alot. B sure u ask them 2 sign their name with a notary near, b4 givin u da letter. INS luks 4 simple things like dat.
  11. Thanks. I guess im lucky either one of us in my case have previous marriage or children. Not that its a bad thing- but to the Ghana embassy its seems like its murder! My only thing is I am still a student and need a co-sponser and hopefully they wont tear us apart for that...... We just have to be strong and keep going. And join the fight that we are trying to start!

    My suggestion for u,is to look for a co sponser asap...Becos if you need one and you know need one they will turn your case down...Your bestfriend or someone close to you that has a good size income can help you...You can go to uscis website and check out the income chart..Please don't wait for them to tell you what you need before you do it....It will only take you a longer time whn you could have avoided it... We went online to read alot about te K-1. so we knew what we were up against. we were ready for everything. However we didn't know that they would request proof that me and my ex-husband lived together over ten years ago...but we have everything else, that they ask for in the package and more.So whn you av time check it out..

  12. You are 100% POSITIVE on this. We need to do s'thing about this situation. We still do not have our interview date yet though our NVC left 3rd April. I wonder when our date will be. 3 to 4 months is manageable but 6 months is unbearable people.

    But the question is what is the best way out? Are we only limited to Congressmen? how far can they go? how best can we present our case for them to take action? People, lets put our heads together and lets work this out.

    By the way, how does the Ghana consulate notify people to go for their packet 3 & 4.. is it thru email or thru the post office?

    What are your thoughts people...?

    When it's time to get your packet, they will send a letter in the mail to your fiance.It will say Please to the consular section of the embassy of the united states of america, located in cantonments, accra any wednesday except holidays at 730am to pick up an appt package.

  13. Wow! The Ghana embassy is really out of control with things. I hope that your July interview will bring you fiance home! Its just crazy- you bring the information but they dont look at it- who cares about your ex-husband. Legally if you are divorced and you didn't request a k-1 twice (in two years i think) then there is no reason for them to hund that information especially if its 10 years old!

    July is not that far away, i know in total you have been waiting a long time but things have to turn around!

    God bless and take care!

    I was thinking the same thing. But that's how they are I guess...At this point in time we have to keep each other in our prayers and stay on our hands and knees with faith of a mustard seed. And God will bring our love ones home....

    I wish you the best luck also, and you take care

  14. I have been looking around looking for a real contact- am not having much luck to finding someone we can contact. I don't know if anyone has found anyone that we can write to. I looked at committees in the house and senate but not finding something that is clearly and immigration thing- the homeland security committees is about all i can see- unless someone knows of something else. And I dont see if we start to write to our reps that we do both house and senate- What harm will it do?

    Do we know any other embassys that are handing out interview dates this far away? It might be worth a look- is there a place we can find this out?

    I'm with you on this!!! However the people in Ghana has been doing people like this 4 @ lease the past 2 years...This happened to my work uncle, while he was trying to bring his wife in from Ghana 2yrs ago..He told me at one time they pushed his wife case back for 6 mths and sending her back for different things. She went to the embassy at lease 4 times bfore making it to the states. However they pushed mines back for 4mths. I've emailed and called the embassy,and they claim there's nothing they can do. I was told my fiancee just have to wait his turn....But this isn't fare too us..They don't care, because it's not them waiting for their husband or wife...

  15. I have been thinking a lot about this issue. I actually went through the K1 process and had some very awful experiences with the embassy in Ghana. I have stayed in contact with several others who had bad experiences in Ghana. We concluded that the embassy in Ghana is dealing with a lot of scam situations that probably has resulted in there over evaluation of cases. However, some of things that happened just seemed mean spirited at times. The issue with having limited interview dates is just mind boggling. I recently sent an email to the embassy asking if they expected an increase in the available days for CR1 interviews since the k3 visa has ended. So far, I just received an automated response. Bottom line is that I am willing to do my part to raise the awareness of this issue to the right parties. Maybe the result would be an increase in staff at the embassy in Ghana - this I would think should be viewed as a positive move for them. I am just not sure where to begin. As you already stated, we are all from different locations so sending a single letter to a Senator or Congressman will have a small impact. The other challenge is how to reach the larger number of filers in Ghana - they certainly are not on this website. Numbers is what is needed to raise awareness. Then the facts need to be accurate. All we have access to is the information on vj which again only represents a small number of filers. I am not trying to create barriers, I am just at a loss for where and how to begin. If there is a wiser person than me on this site who can come up with a reasonable plan, please keep me in mind.

    I can feel your pain. :crying: I started my process in March of 09. My fiancee went for his first interview in Jan 2010.

    At his first interview he had all the things that was requested in the packet plus more. The person that interviewed my fiancee ask him to come back in March, because they needed to do more administrative work on our case.And they didn't ask him to bring anything else when he comes back. Ok March came, time for his second interview. In the interview the CO ask him, did you know that your soon to be wife have been married before? He said yes! So the guy ask him what was her ex husband's name? He replied. Then the CO ask him why do your fiance'e keep marrying from W Africa? My fiancee replied, I don't know maybe because her dad is from Ghana. So she wants to married to a W African man!!! The CO left the room and came back, then told him to come back in July. He then requested my fiancee to bring proof of me and my ex husband living together over 10 years ago! I've contacted the phone company, the place where we were living, and the electric company. I was unable to get this information, because they don't keep old files past 3 to 4 years. Now my thang is, I didn't know if you are American citizen born, you can't marry who you like. It's more than just me, that has been married more than once. Hell some people get married 3 and 4 times until they get the right person.

    However,at this point I started stressing,praying, and of course crying. I explained my problem to my work uncle,and he suggested that I should contacted my congressman in the city which I'm living. Because they did him almost the same way. They kept pushing his wife case back and just nitpicking her for every little thing. So I did, the congressman secretary and I emailed back and forward. My congressman had his secretary to contact the American Embassy in Ghana, to find out what was going on with my case. The only imformation the Embassy gave my congressman is, my case was still in the processing stage and my fiancee has another appointment set for July. The secretary contacted me back to inform me of what was said. She also stated they can't make them give more information than what they wanna give. Now I don't know what's gonna happen in the next interview, but I'm praying for the best. However if I have too, I will go to my Governor.

    In so many words they are trying to say this is a fraud case.But if my case was fraud why would I get the congressman involved? Now that would be real stupid of me don't you think? We have more than enough proof of our relationship. We text and call more than anything. We had so many phone records,cards,pictures, letters from friends and family that knew of our relationship, til it's a hot mess!!! LOL The saddest part of it is, they never once ask for these items that they requested.Now that's just a hot stanky mess, why request information and don't look at it?????!!!!

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