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Posts posted by eliseb

  1. My husband, from the UK, just received his CR1 visa last week and is now in the USA with me. We are wondering about the legalities of paying taxes. Does anyone know a good place for information for dealing with taxed from two countries? My husband is going for a job interview this week and we want to be sure we are doing everything right when it comes to taxes. Neither of us are planning on moving back the the UK and we don't own anything there. Do you know if there are taxes we still need to pay in the UK even if we are not living there? And is there anything different we need to do with taxes in the USA?

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

  2. Just wondering about the path after receiving a CR1 visa. I know that 90 days before the two year conditional period you can send in the I-751 to remove the conditionality of the visa. After this I know that the green card is good for an additional 10 years. But at what point can you apply for citizenship, and how do you go about it?

    Thanks ahead of time!

  3. I have a similar question, and I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. (ps i just received our NOA2 today!)

    I am a USC and currently living with my parents in the US. My father will be co-sponsoring my husband with me. My mother, as well as two younger siblings are also living in the house. So if I am understanding correctly, my household size on the I-864 will be 3 (myself, my husband, and my father?) or just 2 (for myself and my husband).

    And then on my father's I-864A should he list his household size as 6 (himself, my mom, two siblings, myself, and my husband?)

    I would appreciate any help! Thanks!

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