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Status Updates posted by VeraVimes

  1. WELCOMMMMME! You made it to the US! Now I am expecting a stretch of silence rom you while you and Bee get.... reacquainted... xxxxxx

  2. Oh God, when I finally got round to putting together my AOS papers I could hear my brain creaking. Once you stop being efficient it all goes out the window! I just sent everything in and hoped for the best. No RFEs yet! But don't worry about it too much right now, I think you've earned a little break from paperwork...

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! I'm sorry, but I'm soooo excited for you! You really deserve it, good luck with getting everything together and flying to SF, if you're EVER anywhere near Chicago let me know. You deserve to have someone buy you a big ol' drink! xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hee, fijn dat je even met je liefje kan zijn! Ik hoop dat je mijn bericht laatst hebt gehad met wat informatie. Ik probeer nu mijn AOS spullen bij elkaar te rapen, maar dat gaat pas echt als ik daar zit. Nog 16 dagen!

  5. Hey, veel plezier met je schatje! Als je ooit vragen hebt over de volgende stap mag je me altijd mailen, soms helpt het om even gerust gesteld te worden... Maar wij hebben zeker de relaxtste ambassade. Succes met je visa journey!

  6. Hey, I'm keeping an eye on you if that's okay. We're in the same boat, but you're about a month ahead. Good luck with dealing with the embassy!

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