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Posts posted by veeboo323

  1. Thank you brother. Will file I-751 waiver and N400, and update you as I proceed.

    I have seen from my previous experience that USCIS seems to process the applications if an attorney representation is present. I am looking at about $4k in attorney fees to file above 2. Financial situation is a little tight. Does it make a difference to file by myself or should I definitely go through attorney?

  2. Thank you very much for all your replies. I got a second opinion from a very competent laywer in New York that some family member recommeded. He said, I cannot file another I-751 at this moment. The only thing I can do is to appeal for N400. According to him, if they put be in green card removal proceedings, only then I can file I-751. It sounds very strange. I read numerous forums, and I have seen some cases where writers said that they filed I-751 waiver after their original joint I-751 was approved. This lawyer also said that they may start green card revoking process.

    3600rs - I tried to call you today, but no answer.

  3. Got married to US Citizen in April 02.

    Got temp green crad on Sep 02.

    Filed I-751 jointly in July 04.

    Filed for no fault divorce in Sep 04.

    Got divorced in Nov 04.

    I-751 approved in July 05. So,

    No children. No property settlement or alimony agreement. I have no clue about the whereabouts of my ex wife. Its been over 5 years.

    I was under the impression that everything is fine. I got my 10 year green card. We were married for 2.5 years. It was a legit marriage. Had all proof in I-751 application. We lived together for 3 years (6 months prior to marriage moved in together).

    Now, after 6 years, I filed N400. It got denied. They said, that I was given green card in an error. Because we were divorced before I-751 was approved. They sent me a form to appeal for N400. My question is, if I appeal, most probably it will be denied too. Should I file I-751 waiver now separately? I am confused. My attorney says, file I-751 waiver and appeal for N400 also at the same time to buy some time, while I-751 is in process. Is that the right thing to do? I don't seem to have too many choices. Need some guidance. If I were to file I-751 waiver, what kind of documents should I include to support the marriage?

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