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Posts posted by Lorrainhans

  1. Hi!

    I am not clear about this matter exactly in USCIS website.

    My wife finally got CR1 visa recently after long, hard process. She is trying to get a ticket to America now.

    We got married on October 30, 2008 in Asia.

    If she enters U.S.airport on November 1st, will she get permanent resident status or still conditional resident?

    I need accurate help from anyone who has simmilar experience.

    Thanks for all you.


  2. Hello! my friend! Please look into this spectrum.

    My wife's CR1 visa is refused based on demanding more documents of proof. Even to unreasonable extent. They wanna check every peronal, private life. Quite breaching the individual privacy in the name of issuing the visa.

    The point is that so many applicants of same category are complaining now.

    Providing more evidences of documents after documents, they never call the applicants since once visa denied. Very, very slightest chance to pass since once it is refused at first interview. They are deliberate in this direction not to give visa at all, especially in American Consulate in backward countries. They don't want these poor, third-class people to come to America whether they are spouse of U.S. citizen or not.

    My hunch is they just wanna find the concrete proof of fraud in all the spouse visa application in order to return the petition to USCIS. They are very pesky and getting more and more tenacious.

    In this senario, how can we break through the dilemma of their power competition between DHS and DOS Consulate?

    We know final authority for signing of marriage visa is done by DHS officer back there in consulate after 9/11. In reality, this consualars are making more headache to the visa applicants than DHS.

    Suppose there is some corruption behind the scene in the consulate like Nepal; such as getting bribe for expediting the visa process. It is pretty possible in Nepal. Without the favoritism, you can do nothing there. Why not American embassy personnel being influenced by the surroundings of Nepali employees and translators working in there? I heard lots of this stuff from Nepali newspapers and personally even from a translator working in there during my stay in this country of full of corruption.

    I think going to Federal court here to sort out of its mess for your loved ones to bring here is the best solution, Otherwise, we will be dragged into black whirl of these two bureaucratic power struggle further and further.

    I don't think it will work to appeal to DHS directly here or appeal to senior officers in consulate. They have internal struggle until they face the litigation.

    What do you think in this perplexed situation? How is the lawwyer's opinion regarding this matter?

  3. Hi! guys,

    My major concern is regarding the unexpected questions by consular officer in visa interview.

    We have big age gap, I am 62, she is 32.

    This was my reluctant priest marriage 2 years ago when I was doing a series of pilgrim tour in India.

    Apparently, due to this breaching the bachelor vow for whole life, I had lost priesthood, prestige and was disrobed. I had met her by my unknown destiny without slightest expectation 5 years ago in Nepal. And I have been dragged into this like a sort of drama because of true love mingled with mental agony and inner torment.

    How can she really convince the consular officer in Kathmandu in the visa interview set on middle of June?

    She is very naive, sometimes illogical and illiterate in English spellings as a farm grown Himalayan, pure girl and have a limited English-speaking communication skill with native speakers.

    I assume they might doubt about the true marriage because of big age difference.

    Of course, she has all the photos of dating relationship and marriage ceremony. And have some e-mail communication copies between us for years.

    In this a little abnormal situation, what is the best solution for me to prepare before her tough visa interview?

    Do you think it is good idea for me to write down a convincing letter in more details about our true love-marriage, either about the big age gap to American Consular Officer in Kathmandu in Nepal?

    Your help and assistance will be very much appreciated, suppose you had similar experience like my case before.


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