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Posts posted by Navyguy04

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am someone new to this forum but a friend told me that this is the place I need to be. Just a background I am active duty military and I met my wife over in England while I was stationed there. We were engaged about a year ago and were recently married in February(stay with me because the insanity begins). Over the course of the year that I was still overseas and engaged I proceeded to bury my head in the sand about the whole immigration process. Once she got over here to the States (via her Tourist VISA) we decided to get the ball rolling on the Fiancee 129F. We submitted the documentation to USCIS along with the money and checked it periodically. Well we got married in February which we though had changed things? We then called the USCIS and they told us that if we were getting married we weren't going to need the I-129F VISA. Well needless to say they canceled the application along with not refunding our money(of course).

    Things have gotten complicated as of late because she is pregnant and we've been sending her back to England every 3 months for about a month so as not to screw up the overstay thing. We are just now taking the immigration process because it has reached the "oh #######" mode as of late. I've glanced around the forum and you all seem extremely helpful and I'd really appreciate some guidance on this matter. My question for you fine folks is this:

    1) What forms specifically am I going to file with USCIS now that we are in fact married?

    2) Is the I-129F VISA thing that happened to us going to make a difference?

    3) Is there any way that I'd be able to keep her here for longer that 90 days on her tourist VISA while the citizenship paperwork is still pending?

    4) I'm worried that if my child is born in England he won't be a U.S. citizen.... is this true?

    Any help on this would greatly be appreciated, and I look forward to seeing what the replies are, thanks!

    Very Respectfully,


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