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Posts posted by ukprincessemx

  1. Just letting you all know that we all haven't got our AOS yet. I got my Employment card but then we got interview notice :( we have got interview for each of the kids too. Lmao imagine them trying to interview our 5 year old daughter n 9 year old son. Freaking hilarious, imagine anyone doing all this process, paying all this cash for all of us to be together n now we have another interview. We have to laugh right? Freaking clowns at a circus lmao!!

    Anyway we are going to have to pull the kids out school, ken out of work....we are going to make a Fay of it n hopefully get some time together in Philly, taking the kids to see the bell ect.

  2. Just letting you all know that we all haven't got our AOS yet. I got my Employment card but then we got interview notice :( we have got interview for each of the kids too. Lmao imagine them trying to interview our 5 year old daughter n 9 year old son. Freaking hilarious, imagine anyone doing all this process, paying all this cash for all of us to be together n now we have another interview. We have to laugh right? Freaking clowns at a circus lmao!!

    Anyway we are going to have to pull the kids out school, ken out of work....we are going to make a Fay of it n hopefully get some time together in Philly, taking the kids to see the bell ect.

  3. Well, here it is Feb. again! And look how far we have gone since this time last year!!!

    I have been sooooo busy staring into the abyss of nothing. I am waiting & waiting for spring to come. I am tired of being unemployed & sitting at home. I am though taking a couple of night classes to give me something to do, but it's hard to do them when they keep getting cancelled from the bad weather! UGH!

    I should be getting my AP & EAP in a couple of weeks. That will be nice because then I can start collecting unemployment from Canada. So, I think I will ride that for a bit...LOL!

    Just 2 more months & we have the Kid Rock Cruise! Can't wait. New Orleans to Cozumel! It will be a huge sloshfest!

    Poacher, that is great you 2 are getting a trip to the USVI! I love it down there! Which island are you going to?

    Lohninck & UK, great to hear all is going well!

    Bri...just send in a photocopy of the vaccination worksheet as long as you are all up to date with your shots. No medical needed again.

    Vanessa, hang in there! 1 more month!!!!

    Hope all is well with everyone & stay warm. This winter is having a hard time letting go!

    Great to hear from you :)

    I hope you guys have a blast at the kid rock cruise...go have some fun guys....you bloody well deserve it.

    Speaking of work and unemployment....we received a confirmation text today, saying that my Employment Authorization has been approved !!! Just waiting on the card to arrive now :) Woooo hoooo

    Im hoping to start working on the apartment complex...as well as running my internet business... this way Im still here for Ken and the kids...but can still earn extra cash.

    Did any one else get theirs yet??

    Dont forget to go check my new business venture....


    Let me know what you think :) Hugs to you all, hope everyone is keeping warm sooooo much snow :) the kids love it

  4. Hey Everyone, Just to let you all know that we are in fact, still alive and was not taken away by aliens or indeed kidnapped by hobbits....or even donkeys lol.....no starving midgets have cooked and eaten us either.

    Glad to hear everyone's getting on with the next step....we had all our bi metrics done...and like Poacher we also got a RFE...but we did what they requested and are now waiting to hear back from them....difference is I guess now, we are all together so the RFE isnt a heart break or as feared as it was this time last year right?

    OMG its actually a year since we all started this process, now I look back it seems to have flown by but during the feb-sept seemed to take forever. I actually managed to get the business online and up and running...thanks to Ken :) Wouldn't have done it without him...its www.fantasyjewelrygoddess.com you are all most welcome to go check it out and let me know what you think.

    I love reading on what you've all been doing, life is a lot busier than we thought...lol...well maybe not. Our youngest started Ballet...so adorable. Our son signed up for Baseball (little league) so I hope that he settles down and enjoys it. They are both fully settled into school and I'm sorry to say that our daughter has now totally lost her English accent and is full on American lol....that didn't take long :(

    Anyway, I hope that you and your wonderful spouses are all well and keeping warm (so much snow, the kids love it)

    Stay safe.....hugs to you all

    Em and Ken

  5. The restaurant we did our dinner was were we had our first date, i go every month to have dinner on our day, it was special for Us that's why we did the dinner there and they ruined it... they didn't serve on time, we were planning to finish a nine and at 1030pm was when the served the main course, they left the bar alone, no service in the tables. Nothing i want to experience again... and a funny part, his brother didn't know what to give Us for present and knowing our story about the restaurant gave Us a gift card from them...jajajajajaj...Never coming back there...

    But i am really happy i took it the good way, so we don't feel bad, they didn't charge Us for the drinks... so we didn't expend as much as we though, that's money we can save until i get my work permit...

    So pleased for you, I like your pretty dress too. May you live happily ever after together, forever more :)

    Big hugs and many Congratulations!!

  6. Ok guys and girls...we have just finished filling in the AOS forms for us all....that part is fine....I just wanted to ask about getting a Social number please as I have noticed afew people talk about them. Our I-94 runs out on the 24th Nov, should we go get a SSN now or just wait till the AOS is through?? Whats the difference if either way I cant work until the EAD is here.....anyone???

    Thanks guys.xx

    Never mind...panic over as Ken just called the USCIS and they said its not a problem, it is not a requirement right now to get one. So we arent going to bother with the hassle until we need too. Thanks anyway.

    Oh Poach :)

    We are doing just fine thank you, married life certainly isnt boring...esp with four kids lol.

    Our youngest give me a baby making lesson the other day tho....omg she is like 5...#######??? lol

    Our son had made a mobile at school...so the youngest ssys to me...do you need a baby now mommy (she has stopped calling me mummy and taken to the US mommy lol, also has picked up a US accent which Im finding difficult to understand, her UK accent was hard enough to understand lol)...so do we need a baby now??? hummm I said well we have you guys .....she says, well I know how you and Daddy can get a baby. Im like really??? Thinking something cute was comming, like...the angels....or buying one for a store....nope, how was wrong was I??

    She starts sticking her tongue in and out and scrunching her face up while moving her head side to side.....I was horrified!!!

    Apparently someone at school showed her that lol....funny but scary too.... we had to have a lickle chat about how she shouldnt do that lol.

    Anyways, kids right? you got to love them :)

  7. Ok guys and girls...we have just finished filling in the AOS forms for us all....that part is fine....I just wanted to ask about getting a Social number please as I have noticed afew people talk about them. Our I-94 runs out on the 24th Nov, should we go get a SSN now or just wait till the AOS is through?? Whats the difference if either way I cant work until the EAD is here.....anyone???

    Thanks guys.xx

  8. Angel, happy to see another visa approval. Sorry you had the added stress, but all is well now. I hope everything goes smooth from here on out.

    Solmarc, Veka received her SSN card in the mail within a week.

    UK, I hope all is well with y'all.(I had to use southern slang)

    Lohninck, did you send in your AOS yet?

    Veka has forgiven the vacuum cleaner after last weeks incident. I had to demonstrate that all was good with it. Darn it, she tricked me into vacuuming. She has her new car. She wants to take her driving test to get her license next week. Just a warning to some. Insurance for an inexperienced driver is outrageous. If you have a license from your country make sure that you take that to your insurance company. I will pay extra for the next three years. Our next step is doing her resume and waiting on EAD so that she can go to work. On a side note, her homesickness phase has set in. She gets a little depressed at times. I expected this, but it still sucks. Hopefully it will not last long. Last Sunday I had to take her to the art museum. My sons were joking that I was gay. I was out of my element there, too much culture and not enough beer and guns for me.

    Hey Poach...awww was you guys missing me?

    Sorry we just seem soooo busy....normally dealing with the four children but it is great fun and I have to admit that at the start I got a lickle sick, not so much home sick but I definatly miss my family and friends. So Im feeling for Veka, send her a hug for me.

    Currently I am trying to create a catalog for my jewelry to start trying to get some money comming in (Please remember now Christmas is comming that Id be happy to help you make someones christmas by creating something special, just mail me and we can chat, I promise to keep the costs down for my VJ buddies) while waiting to get the AOS handed in. We are far from doing that due to the cost of having to pay for three of us of course....grand total.....drum roll please.....$2,110 apx

    Im also filling in some police checks so I can get started at the childrens school and get my feet in the door. Hopefully this will allow me to get to grips with the US style of teaching in the classroom so that I can apply for work in schools, seeing as thats what I did back in the UK....and I miss being in the classroom.

    Also thinking of Ken signing up as an Avon rep lmao...seriously but then Id do all the work but he would get paid...and of course pay taxes...thinking this way I have something to do during the day...but its above board to of course with the tax...all Id be doing is the orders and deliveries for him. So there a plan for you all if you fancy using it...let me know how it goes of course and I will do the same.

    Took Benjoe (our 9 yr old son) to afew different Karate places last night to try and find one we like so he can get started there, he is very excited about that....of course Matilda (our 5yr old daughter) then decided after watching a lesson that she wants to do it lol. Our Eldest boy (10 yr old) Gavin made it through Basketball try outs last week and made it into the A team...so another very happy boy....so now we have 2 playing soccer, 1 plays in the school band,1 playing basketball.....one starting Karate...and Matilda...well she is still between starting cheer leading classes, tap dancing...she wants to start soccer in Spring and now Karate too lol.

    Oh and we got a new puppy awwwwww

    anyway I hope everyone is doing well...great news on the interview approval!! Leslie I hope Scott got there ok....good luck guys Im so excited for you both!!! big hugs.

    Id love to here what everyone else has been upto...I love reading the stories about Veka...I read them to Ken and we laugh lol...I drove for the first time last week...I dont have a drivers permit either....I didnt crash though wooo hoooo....I have a perfect instructor as well...Ken lol.

    hugs to you all :)

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  9. That's great news! Woot!

    Well it's been confirmed, I am going to Montreal solo. Unfortunately Joe is unable to take leave during that time. If I get my visa in hand by the 29th, he will be able to swing up and get me and bring me down in a weekend before work starts on Monday. Thanks to the US Army, things have been far too stressful during this last month for us. Hopefully by months end we can relax and enjoy some time together.

    lol welcome to army life right? gotta love it! lol.

    seriously though....all the best for the interview :)

  10. Thanx UK. That is the perfect shape, but not size :( I would like them to be smaller. I appreciate you looking all over for me.

    Wish I could be excited about getting ready to leave, but since my visa hasn't been issued, I am really stressed. If they don't hurry up, I'm going to be jobless & homeless.

    omg that sucks!! Im so sorry to hear they havent delivered it yet...after all this. Theres been afew people have that happened to them :(

    Anyway sorry about the stones, Ive looked on the internet everywhere and I dont think they do them any smaller, which would explain why you havent been able to find what you want. I guess they dont do them small as you have to be able thread them.....normally in the sandals you need to be able to run two threads through them. sorry again :(

  11. Hey Leslie. Hows things going with the house and preparing to leave :) Exciting right?

    Well Ive been searching to find the smaller size and shape rhinestone you was talking about. This is the smallest Ive found. Is this any good at all?

    Congrats on the NOA 2 Paul and Vanessa....unbelievable that it has taken so long :( Pleased you have it now though and I wish you a speed next step in the process....good luck for the interview :)

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  12. So, after 7 long months. USCIS misplacing our case under a pile, then daring to ask for an RFE for something they already had, getting our conresswoman involved, them playing with our case daily for the past week and a half or so, we are finally........

    APPROVED!!!! :)

    Now to the next long steps of packet 3 when she gets it, and all the fun land of Montreal and that waiting game!

    At least we are moving on finally though!

    Thats fantastic news guys :)

    I hope the next part goes through quickly for you both ...wooooo hooooooo. well done for staying slightly sane through the whole bull s**t process.

  13. Lohninck, thanks for the booze. Basically, I had Veka "bird dog it" to find your house. Once we got to exit 7 on the turnpike I had her stick her head out the window and sniff for the vodka. I think it is genetic for her to find it. Anyway, once we finished it all and were leaving, donkey and midget showed up. They were mad that we finished it all. They left in a huff and said "nobody loved them anymore."

    On a serious note, I mailed the AOS package yesterday. I was reading that greencards are about 5 months out according to most timelines. EAD is about 2 months out. Veka has already mentioned about going to work. She wants to pay for her car. That was nice of her. She said that after two months here she is starting to get a little bored. I did get her Russian satellite TV, but she wants a car, her liscense, and the ability to get out and about once she has them. She does understand that it will be a few more weeks. I know in my trips to Kharkov to see her, I would be getting bored about week three, so I understand her frustration. My sister does take her one day a week out and about and my ex-wife tries to take her one day a week. She is not totally bored, but I can sense her building anxiety to become self sufficient. This weekend we are going to start working on her resumee'. In two months we hope for her to be in the job hunt. We had her educational paperwork translated and apostoled in Ukraine. Once she can get a job, I'm sure that she will move up quickly. The girl is literally a genius. She graduated first from her university out of 4,000 students. I did not mess with the advanced parole, as she has stated that she does not want to return home to visit until next summer.

    The AOS paperwork is easy to do, or so I thought. I did double and triple check everything, I know what an RFE is now and how they can screw with you. Y'all have a great week.

    Poach??? when we fill in the AOS paperwork did you fill it in with Veka's new last name....or her maiden name?? Just someone just mentioned it to me and Im unsure myself....as my passport has a different name on it of course, to whats it is now. Or do you just have to show the marriage cert at some point. We have briefly looked over the paperwork and was like....ugh here we go again. We have myself and the 2 kids to AOS for....money money money eh? we get wallet raped at every turn dont we lol.

  14. Check out this site. They have some nice stuff, but their rhinestones are round, I would like the tear drop/almond shape, where they are round. I am so not a pearl person. And...maybe a matching necklace???


    any idea on what size tear drops you wants? do you want them to be flat, or rounded? clear or AB?

    I know yet more questions lol

  15. Check out this site. They have some nice stuff, but their rhinestones are round, I would like the tear drop/almond shape, where they are round. I am so not a pearl person. And...maybe a matching necklace???


    Ok just so I know...when is the wedding date please? I will get looking and see if I can find some tear drops shaped crystals, Im sure we can do the necklace to match not a problem, let me get looking and see what I can find and what you like. Those ones on that site are a lot more plain then the other ones you sent a picture of, which do you prefare?

    huggles xx

  16. Ok...kinda like this but where the pearls are I would like the diamonds.

    Ohhh I like that it is pretty, sorry I was thinking that you wanted like a cluster making up simular to your cluster on your dress....ok so you like the one on the picture...which is done in small silver beads ok? but you dont want the pearls, you would like something that looks like diamonds?? is that correct??

    So Im still a lickle unsure about where there tear drops are coming in, are you meaning that you want tear drop shaped stones/crystals? or are you refering to the shap of the shapes in between the pearls on that picture?? I just need to be 100% sure Im understanding what you would really like. Im sorry for so many questions, just some things need to be perfect and this is one of those things.

  17. UK...now this better work!!!

    Thanx for the info!!!

    Hey Leslie, can you tell me what the beads are made of please? so that I can see if we can find them from somewhere to match the dress, they look different sizes too and I cant make out what shape is in the center? is that a round bead or another tear drop shape? are they clear see through color...or an AB...so they have like a rainbow effect as the hits them?

    Would you just want one of those clusters laid on the bridge of your foot then? plain everywhere else? what color, silvers, clear, white?? small beads or pearls...(glass pearls are cheaper then real pearls so your choice of course).....urm I will wait for the reply before asking anything else lol.... its a pretty cluster though and ive saved the image to work with...afew more would be great...and if steaching a few ideas would be easier to show me what your visioning then that would be a help too.

  18. I'll post em as fast as I make em! We have a busy day today, going to the DMV to get my car checked as well as getting his state ID so he doesn't have to use his passport as ID.. it'd be a lot riskier to lose that than just a $7 card. Also going to the bank and out to lunch and to the pet store.. looking for a job, too, since my summer job is over as of Saturday. Kinda need it for the Affidavit of Support, but my step-dad's going to co-sponsor us again, thankfully.

    How are your little ones getting on with being in the States now? Does your daughter still cry while going on the bus? :( I hope they love it, next summer you should take them to NJ for the beaches, boardwalks, Six Flags, etc.. it can be fun here, I promise!

    Never stop making your jewelery, it's so lovely! Tell me when you put them up on ebay, I'll be one of your first customers for sure.

    wow sounds like your a busy bunny lol. Ken is just on his way back from Philly airport as he just took my family back. Their plane flys in about half hour back to England :(

    Now we start "normal" life lol. So Im sat watching Camp rock (again) with the three youngest kids as I sent the eldest for the drive with Ken lol...keep him company, so these three are sat singing away lol....awwwww. No Tilda doesnt cry on the bus anymore, thank you for asking :) Its adorable now as they both climb on and sit at the window blowing kisses at us and waving.....makes me happy every morning....Its working out great now and they are in a new routine, home works done as soon as the four of them get in...then we either go to soccer practise or the parks...or the stores I guess.

    Life is good :)

    Is Peter working yet? Have you started the AOS? Hows it all going.

    Ok as soon as I put up some things on ebay I will link you all. But if anyone wants something special then I have a paypal account and we can go through that. Ive just made another fairy/angel necklace, this time in gold. I will have to get photos taken and get them listed on ebay asap though :) Thanks for the support guys. Hope you all have a good night huggggles

    oh and NJ sounds fun...apart from the sand...Ken hates sand since his deployments lol.

  19. Those are all so beautiful, UK! Do you have a shop that you sell them at? If not, you should at least open an Etsy account, those would fly out of your door immediately.. sooooo pretty, I really, really love the snowflake one. It's never too early for winter/Christmas. A local Target near me is already stocking Christmas decorations, so why not, eh?

    Thank you for the cupcake compliment, solmarc! <3 It means a lot when people enjoy my food, even if they can't taste it, hehe. You'll have a very easy time through Newark airport, just tell your fiance that he should come late to pick you up, because Peter was the last person to let into arrivals after everyone else on his flight and another flight because of double checking paperwork, so I was waiting in arrivals for at least an hour while it usually would have been 10 minutes, but it never hurts to be safe. Where are you going to be living in NJ, again?

    Poacher, we'll leave the porch light on for you with a little basket full of beer and a few shotglasses full of vodka as a welcome present.

    No I dont have a shop, that would be awesome though. We are just getting ready to put afew pieces up on ebay and see how they go. I mainly have sold to friends/family while back in the UK. I used to take them into the school I was at and leave them in the staff room. Then my mums work friends started asking for things...like horses ect so I was making them pieces up too. I just need to re start it all here now. I will let you know how I get on of course....and thank you for the kind comments. Its nice to know you have faith in me lol.....I often dont, Ken is the one that pushes me to sell them lol. He gets really excited :) Which is awesome.

    Good luck with the cupcakes....you simply must post photos too ok? Id really love to see some of your creations too. Our eldest and I like to watch the tv show that is on here, all about cupcakes....lol...its great fun :)

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