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Status Replies posted by ukprincessemx

  1. Mr. & Mrs. Ian Bramley - happy ever after!!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      woooooo hooooo, may you lead a happy, healthy and long married life together guys....sooooo pleased for you both :)How is Ian settling in?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    1. ukprincessemx


      This is my ebay site, if you want to go check out some of my jewelry pieces. Thanks guys hugs

  2. Unbelievable!! US Embassy had no record of Ian's interview so reason why no visa yet, got it all sorted and now visa should be in his hands in couple days!!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      That sucks, I cant believe they had no record of the interview. So sorry. I hope it does arrive really soon. Huggles xxx

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Can anyone answer this for me? Form DS-156K asks for you to attach Birth Cert., Evidence of support, evidence of engagement, etc. Should those be copies, or originals? We can't find the answer anywhere. It seems like the originals should be carried to the interview?

    1. ukprincessemx


      you are very welcome...dont come and hunt me down though if Im wrong lmao. No really we havent ever sent originals chick. To risky I guess. May get lost then your stuck trying to get copies again. Good luck guys xxx

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can anyone answer this for me? Form DS-156K asks for you to attach Birth Cert., Evidence of support, evidence of engagement, etc. Should those be copies, or originals? We can't find the answer anywhere. It seems like the originals should be carried to the interview?

    1. ukprincessemx


      urmmm anything we have sent during this process has been copies, we have never sent originals through the post. We took all our original documents to the interviews.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Waiting for medical results. They told him that if he hadn't heard from them by Wednesday the 15th, he passed the medical. He won't return the packet 3 before then. Says he wants it all to be exactly by the book, so he will never have a problem. I think it's called "being an Engineer". :P Thanks for all your support, guys. Sorry I've been slow..super busy here!

    1. ukprincessemx


      good luck, I hope everything goes smoothly. Thanks for the interest in the wedding. We simply can not wait!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. OK very irritated, 2 weeks since approved interview and nothing from embassy in UK...aaargghh

    1. ukprincessemx


      still nothing??? OMG that sucks big time. Sorry to hear that guys :(

  7. APPROVED!!! 5 more weeks we will be together forever!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      yayyyy so pleased for you guys, what a relief right? huggles xxx

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. APPROVED!!! 5 more weeks we will be together forever!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      OMG I am sooooooooo happy for you. Tell Ian...good job!!

      May you have a long and happy future together. We arrive in the US yesterday...we are all tired but very happy. I keep expecting to wake up suddenly lol. Hope you are both well :) Congrats to you both xx

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Just to be sure...for a K1 fiance petition, which affidavit of support should I be filling out? I-134? I just don't want any mistakes.

    1. ukprincessemx


      yup it is the 134...we did the other one but they let us fill out the correct one there and then....good luck

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. 9 more sleeps til I get to see my bambini again...and this time for good :)

    1. ukprincessemx


      so pleased for you, I still keeping looking at my baby and cant believe he is here...I have to just keeping staring at him, like a freak lol. Its the greatest :) Enjoy. xxx

  11. 2 more days to see my sweetie...then cruising for 1 week!

    1. ukprincessemx


      Hope you guys are having a great time together.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Just got home from work to find that I received NOA2 in the mail today! It was approved on 8/5, but I didn't receive an email or text message. THANK GOD!! I am soooo excited right now!

    1. ukprincessemx


      so pleased that it arrived...wooo hoooo. Onto the next part of the jorney right? Good luck.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. my baby is sat in the airport and will be in my arms in around 9hours :)

  14. has just been told not to expect visa before Sep 1st!!! Ridiculous process an 8 month wai for a k1 visa so angry and frustrated I just wanna be with my baby :(

    1. ukprincessemx


      OMG that freaking sucks!! Its so God Damn wrong, no way does it take that long to send a passport back. So sorry. We are up on Friday for ours, God Im dreading it so much, started having nightmares about it. I hope you get a surprise and it arrives before. Bless ya both. Huggles xxx

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. This time next week my baby will be here and we can be together forever more (fingers crossed)

    1. ukprincessemx


      thank you...I am sure after your recent touches things are going to speed up. We got touches twice and then got our NOA2...huggles

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. less than two weeks till we are together...woo hooo

    1. ukprincessemx


      I cant bloody wait...we are into single figures now :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Packet 3 was received by the Embassy. No interview date yet.

    1. ukprincessemx


      But thats good!! shouldnt take long to get the interview date though, yayyyy

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Has finally got an interview date 13August at 9am...woooo hoooo

    1. ukprincessemx


      awww thank you. We aready have them for all of us.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. 3 weeks today and we will be together, hopefully forever more (interview 13th August)

  20. Called USCIS yesterday, went through two officials, got an email address for asking a question about my RFE. I wrote, and received a reply that said I needed a number given to me by the people I talked to at USCIS. No one gave me a number. Feeling about ready to scream today!

  21. Interview date - August 27th!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      thats great news...good luck you guys!! I pray that all goes well for you and will give you a brief report of our experience on the 13th, when we get back. wooo hoooo

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. preparing for medical and interview...bit scared!!!

    1. ukprincessemx


      dont be scared for the medical, they where really nice and helpful with our children and I. Quick, easy and pain free. Good luck :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Medical booked and Packet 3 mailed!!

  24. Pk3 was in order..... waiting for an interview date now...ugh

    1. ukprincessemx


      The DOS told Ken when he called to find out if we had an interview date yet....noooo date yet lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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