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Posts posted by czmjacq

  1. Hi DTBrooklyn,

    Oops, that was a typo! Yes, I meant 1-864. Both my mom and I filled out our own copies of that form, and she just checked the box stating that she was our sponsor.

    As for paying the I-130, I think a money order works. When we paid in Monterrey, we paid in cash (pesos) at a register in the Consulate.

    Good luck to you both and feel free to ask any questions as they come up!:)

    P.S. We got double copies of the "Welcome" letter in the mail! Hmm...and no Social Security card, yet. Czmjcq, what are you planning to do about the SSN for taxes? If we don't have his SSN by then, I was thinking of just including a note on it?

    Pnewton- I was doing my taxes on Turbo Tax and it just keeps coming up with his SS in red as missing info. I supposed I could print it like that and mail it in with a note, as opposed to doing electronic filing. I have been meaning to ask a real tax preparer but just haven't had time - Worse case would be just waiting until he comes up in March for a week's vacation and have him apply for a card then and just wait the 2 weeks for it to get here and then file.

  2. Hey Marisol--

    I agree with LaGringa's post. I was looking for a job too when I filled out the I-864, so I was technically unemployed. I filled out an I-864, checked off that I was unemployed and then had my mom fill out an I-854 as my only joint sponsor. Also, I typed up a letter explaining my unemployment just so they could see that it was only a temporary thing (not being long-term unemployed!). I basically said that I had just moved up from Mexico, was looking for a job, what my field was, when I was hoping to get a job by and what I was anticipating the pay to be. I don't know if that helped, but I thought it at least gave them some more background on me! When my husband went down for the interview, I had him take evidence of my new job (check stubs, letters from my employer), but he wasn't asked for any of it.

    Also, guess what?! I just got my husband's permanent resident card in the mail!! Ahh! And it IS green! :) It's funny because they ended up using the picture that we had turned in at the Monterrey Consulate at the beginning of the process, not the nice glossy ones that we fretted over!

    Last week we also received two letters from the gov't--one basically saying that they have received notice that his visa was approved and that we'd hear from them within 30 days. That one was postmarked two days after he had crossed the border in CDJ. We also received a "Welcome" letter. It wasn't anything too in depth, but it basically said "welcome" and that it was very important to hold onto all of those letters, which have important numbers on them for him.

    Does anyone know if we should be receiving his Social Security card soon? Or will he have to apply for that once he gets to the States (in a month and a half)?


    Congrats on receiving the GREEN card and letters - we received all those within a month from the approval date - EXCEPT the Social Security card. I know I checked it off on the app to automatically process one, but maybe since he wasn't approved until the second appt. they overlooked it. Unfortunately we didn't know that when he came to Texas right after the approval - now he will have to apply in March when he comes up for a visit. The bad thing is that the SS office couldn't give me any info without him present - and I'm filing my taxes and since I'm married I have to put his SS in - which is non-existent. So I have to wait. Also since he was officially a permanent resident in the US - eventhough he hasn't moved here permanently or is working here - he still has to file taxes. That won't be a problem since I filed when I was living in MX and as long as you don't earn more than 80,000 you are tax exempt!

    So I would say to definitely apply for a SS card as soon as he gets there if it doesn't come in the mail in the meantime.

  3. Hi

    We received first the social security card and then the green card. We are also in Mexico, so I havent seen the social security card, but I dont think it has a photo on it. The Green Card I have seen it because my friend scanned to me. But I will ask her today about the SS card.

    Thanks - I guess I'll check with SS on the card because I'm back now and it's definitely a Residence Card - and NOT a SS card. But I guess that's the most important document so I'm glad we got it.

  4. Hello Pnewton!

    I paid with DEBIT card in the medical clinic and the consulate. As long as it has the visa or marstercard logo is OK. B-)


    I'm in Cozumel but my mom said my husband's residency card arrived yesterday - a card with his picture on it. But no Social Security card yet. Didn't you get the SS card first? It's only be just over 3 weeks since his approval so I thought it was strange he got the residency card so quickly. Or maybe the new SS cards have pictures and my mom is just confused on what arrived??

    Just checking to see if you have any insight...


  5. Happy and Safe Holidays !!

    Thank you for all your help ! Without your help I couldn't do all papers by myself and do a successfull process for my son.

    I think we have all helped one another in some way through the process. We are still waiting for the SS card to oome and then the green card - The SS card may be there by the time we get back in January - we are spending 2 weeks here at home with my husband in Cozumel trying to defrost from the cold TEXAS weather!!

    Happy Holidays and good luck with "the process" to all!!

  6. Hey everyone--

    My husband is wondering if it'll be ok for him to use a debit card (or cash) for payments at the medical clinic and the consulate? Because he switched jobs relatively recently, he can't get a credit card yet from his company. I have mine, but I don't know if it'd be problematic for him to use it.


    I agree that he should be fine with a debit card -- I just hestiated having my husband use it in case it was lost or stolen someone would have access to our $$ - so he used CC but he brought cash in case the CC company declined since it's a US CC being using in MX (for security purposes)

    Also - I felt very nervous about going to Ciudad Juarez and once we got there, we didn't go anywhere outside the hotel other than the consulate, but there were people going to the mall and walking, biking and driving around just like it was any other city. So althought I'm sure there is crime there, THAT AREA wasn't anything like what I expected after reading about all the violence in CJ. I also asked Victor Garcia (the driver) who goes back and forth 3-4 times a day and said he goes deeper into the city for a church service once a week and he said he has never seen any of the violence while it was happening -- so that made me feel a little better. You can order food from various places and they will deliver to the hotel - so you really don't ever have to leave except to go to the consulate and with so many people and guards, it felt safe there.

  7. Ulises - As far as dual citizenship - you just need to be present at the interview to let the consular agent know in person that you did not renounce your American citizenship when you became a Mexican citizen (or at least that was what we were told -AFTER my husband went to his FIRST interview).

    You also need to send a copy of your MX naturalization and electric or telephone bills from 3 months back to prove you are living in MX -

    I had orinally sent my paperwork in and they called me back and said I needed to send a copy of my FM3 or FM2 and I explained I was naturalized, so they said to send a copy of the naturalization.

    Sorry I can't help on the payment info -- I lived in Cozumel and there was NO PLACE that would/could or even knew what was a US certified check or money order so I ended up getting one issued from my bank in the US and having someone bring it down to me.

    I mailed everything with an overnight MX carrier and requested a signature upon delivery and we sent things at 2 different times and never had any trouble with it arriving there in Mexico City.

  8. Thanks, everyone, for the advice! As for the vaccination card, my husband still can't find his original one and he went to the Seguro and they told hiim that as they don't have those on file anywhere, there's nothing they can do...What?! Seriously annoying. The info on the vaccines and medical clinic on the Consulate page says to bring it if you can, but if not, don't worry. Which, of course, doesn't really reassure us enough! My husband is going to try and call the two clinics directly and see if it's ok to not have the records. Do you know of anyone who has gone who didn't bring vaccination records?

    pnewton and Marisol - I called one of the clinics and was told they want everyone to have 3 vaccines - Tdap, MMR and Varicella

    They don't require you to have a vaccine record from Seguro Social, but if you do and it shows that you have these vaccines, they won't be given there at the clinic. If your husbands have a CARNET from Seguro - there is a page that has Tdap and MMR vaccines - my husband had those stamped, but STILL the Dr. at the medical clinic persuaded him to think that he MIGHT have trouble with his VISA -- so he went ahead and took all 3 vaccines. My husband has 2 receipts from the medical clinic -- $2380.95 pesos for the exam and $1963 pesos for the 3 vaccines.

  9. Czmjacq.. Im happy that you already finished all the process. Congrats !

    Pnewton... When I was in La Quinta, we had no problems to booked another day..in fact they waited until 1pm to see if we received the package ...before we booked again. So dont worry.

    In the instructions of packet 3..say: "No intente obtener certificados de policía si ha residido en algunos de los siguientes países, ya que no están disponibles dichos certificados"...and there is a list of countries (including MEXICO)...So you wont need the Carta de Antecedentes no Penales.

    Good Luck !


    I just wanted to let you know that we received my son's social security card yesterday in Houston. (we are still in Mexico but a friend told me it arrived!)... :D

    Congrats!! So it took about a month to get the SS card from your appt. date?

  10. Hi Czmjacq

    So glad you guys are finally in the clear! We travelled on the MEX passport with the temp visa in it (only good for a year) and his official "greencard" just arrived 2 weeks ago (I haven't seen it yet, my mom got it- it came almost 2 months after our approval). On the way back to Mexico after our first trip the guy at the airport was kind of jerky trying to "advise" us that we were going to need his alien number to re-enter the US (which I'm not sure is true, as the visa in the passport is good for a year, and we could have feasibly made many trips in those nearly 2 months before the actual greencard came...) but other than that, no problems. The visa in the passport is enough for getting in and out.... Congrats!


    The actual dates on the VISA say Dec 2010 till March 2011 - so that's just 3 months -- in small print at the bottom it says something about I-155 being valid for 1 year -- Glad to hear it takes about 2 months so I know when to look for it.

    My husband had to fill another white form out (the one that MX fill out to leave MX and then return the other part when they return to MX) since they didn't have him fill out anything when he crossed the border from MX to US in CDJ - so that wasn't a biggie.

  11. Czmjacq--I'm glad that it all went ok!! It sounds like that bridge was pretty full, but it must be such a relief now to have it behind you.

    I have a question for those who have finished the process. Now that our interview date is set, is there anything that we should be gathering other than more evidence of our relationship? My husband can't find his vaccination card, but is going to try to get another one from the Seguro. He needs this, right?

    Also, he got a Carta de No Antecedentes Penales (or whatever it's called!) back in October before we sent Packet 3, and then of course, we realized that he should have waited until now so it would be more recent...Did you guys have your husbands get one of these a few weeks before the interview? Is it necessary?

    Thanks, everyone!!

    P.S. One more question--We booked La Quinta through the day after our interview, thinking *maybe* we'll be able to get to El Paso that afternoon/evening, but in case we don't, does anyone think we'd have trouble booking one more night at La Quinta?

    Thanks! Me too!

    Vaccination Card - My husband actually went to SS and they stamped and dated the vaccines except for Varicella which they don't have (at least not at the SS in Cozumel) - The Dr. said that SHOULD be OK but it would be terrible if they denied his VISA because of the vaccines so it would probably be better if they went ahead and gave him all the vaccines --so he PAID to have them done since they way they were talking made him think it could cause a problem - I doubt it would but he would rather be safe than sorry---

    My husband's carta de antedecedentes was from June or July for his Aug appt which we cancelled (b/c security consulate closed a few days) and rescheduled for Sept - and they never asked for it at my husband's appt. and then in Nov when I was with him, they didn't ask either. Plus there is something on some paper that says not to bother getting them in MX?? We did just in case, but if you have it, bring it, if not, I don't know that I would worry about it -- it seems like everyones interview is a little bit different.

    You should be able to get to El Paso that night -- even if it's late, you can get a La Quinta in El Paso if there aren't any more flights going out - there are 3 very close to the airport. Also -- when you are in CD Juarez La Quinta, ask for a late check out - they said they would allow up to check out at 1pm - so we did and we were in the lobby area for only abougt 15 minutes by the time we got the DHL message that our pkg was ready to pick up - they have free wifi there in the lobby too (as well as the rooms).

  12. Thanks for the advice, Ariana! We'll wait those 3 weeks then, to see if the SS card comes. And I'll tell my husband he better be ready for all of the questions!

    And Czmjacq, I'm glad to hear that it's all gone safely and feels normal. Are you still waiting on the packet, then? Good luck!!

    We checked the internet to track the DHL - there was something at 11am which is when I think it was given to DHL from the consulate - then at 130pm it said it was ready for pick up - we went and my husband got it in about 5 minutes. We ended up taking a taxi since Victor was already booked doing things - but the taxi took us to DHL and then to the building at the border -- we didn't walk but wow-- it looked like about a 2 mile walk "across the border" to the immigration building. BUT if I had it to do over again, I would have probably just taken the taxi to the border and walked (Zaragoza bridge) because it took us like an hour in the car since it was so backed up. Once at the immigration office there, you turn in your packet -- they take about 10-15 of them and them stop and "process" them -- fingerprints, then a lady took all the packets and it looked like she tore them open, pulled out a card and photos and stapled the baggie of photos to the card and then stamped the passport and the card. Once she had them all done, then she called the names and gave them all out. In the meantime there was a long line growing - with no one helping them- so I guess they do the whole process in grps. There were like 6 windows but only 1 that was marked for our kind of paperwork. I guess in all it took about an hour so it wasn't that bad. Then we waited for the taxi driver to cross the border -- like 10 minutes-- since we exited the building on the US side. And he took us to the airport --we arrived about 5pm and there was a 630pm flight so all in all it took about 4-5 hours from the time we picked up the DHL packet to get to the aiport.

    I'll have to check in to what happens next -- his VISA shows it was issued March 2010 and expires March 2011 (not sure where they got those dates from??) But I'm guessing that in the meantime something else (his green card?) will arrive so he won't actually be presenting his MX passport with his US VISA in it for travelling to the US??? If you or anyone has any insight, let me know.


  13. Hey Czmjacq--Congrats on getting the visa (finally!) approved! I know that it was stressful for you to get to this point, and once you pick up it and cross, that'll be it! And now that you're in CDJ, how does it seem to you? Also, how was the ride over from the El Paso airport? I hope everything continues to go well and that your receive the package tomorrow!

    Also, now that you mention it, I do remember checking something on one of the forms to get the SS card sent automatically.

    I'll have to say I was expecting vacant streets with people not leaving there homes because of all the violence and danger, but like Marisol said, this area is not bad. Victor picked me up at the airport and drove me to the hotel with no problems - they don't even stop people going in to MX for ID or anything. There was normal foot, bike and car traffic the whole way so I guess life goes on for the people here.

    We are at La Quinta and it's secure - there is a metal gate in the front and a tall cement wall around the property with barbed-wire on top. I haven't heard any sirens but I think I heard something that sounded like 2 gunshots sometime during the night -- nothing closeby --.

    We ordered food from Burger King and Denny's - so we haven't ventured off anywhere except for the Consulate and back. So far so good!

    Also, something that is apparently new (my husband didn't have to do this in Sept when he was here the first time) you have to go to the Waiting Area which is the building PAST the actual consulate to have your appt letter stamped BEFORE you get in line at the consulate -- it's just a short walk down the sidewalk. I guess I felt safe there since there were so many people and security -- once inside the consulate compound, we had to sit in a metal building that was completely open at the front -- I was cold -- the metal building had huge fans and what looked like heating devices on the top, but they were not on. It wasn't freezing, but it was cold even though I had a jacket on. Once your number comes up, you go inside where it's warm but we were sitting outside for 2 hours before we went in. Once we go in, our number came up pretty quick and the rest only took like 15 minutes total since my husband had already done everything else - medical papers turned in, paid consulate fees, intereviewed him -- they only talked to me and we were done. So just be sure and check the weather forecast for El Paso or Ciudad Juarez before you go - I bought a heavy jacket for my husband and brought it with me -- good thing since we didn't own that type of outerwear since it never gets colder than 65-70 in Cozumel!!

  14. Pnewton:

    About the 6 months...czmjacq is right.. the six months are for get their VISA stamp.. Im attaching the second paragraph of letter that is in the sealed envelope that you need to turn in to the USCIS at US port of entry.

    (I was trying to attach the whole letter but it seems to be too big. So I cut off the second paragraph.)

    Thanks for the info. Well the trip was worth it - once I spoke to the consulate agent and explained I did NOT renounce my US citizenship when I became a naturalized Mexican and clarified a couple other things she was not clear on, they approved him. Also, I had sent some pics with my app and more with my husband but he said they never asked for them -- better to have them just in case!

    At DHL they said pick up from 1-4 days -- does that sound like what everyone is told but normally the VISA is ready for pick up the next day around 2pm?? I know from what I have read almost everyone has their VISA ready at DHL the next day, but I'm not sure what DHL told them about it being ready.

    By the way DHL had signs all over the place saying they NO LONGER ACCEPTED DOLLARS-- so be sure and bring pesos or VISA/MC

    pnewton- I think I remember somewhere on the I130 or 230 or some form where it said to check the box if you wanted them (the consulate) to request and have the SS card sent automatically-- so you got yours in the mail automatically or did you fill something out requesting one at the SS office?

  15. Hey Marisol...I actually didn't include any evidence of our relationship, such as photos or emails--I'm planning on bringing everything to the interview. Speaking of which, we've created a photo album from the past 5 years, and I'll bring some emails and flight itineraries from many visits. Anything else that people recommend bringing?

    And I think you're right Czmjacq, I'll probably wait on getting the return tickets for now. Also, what's the easiest way to get in contact with Victor Garcia? We're thinking that maybe if he could pick us up at the border in El Paso, drop me off at the airport and then take my husband back to CDJ (either hotel or airport), that'd be convenient.

    I can't believe that we'll be getting ready to go in just about a month! Ahh!

    Victor's email is rejoinjesus@cs.com his phone number is 915-726-0957 in El Paso TX. He normally responds pretty quickly to either email or text msg. It would probably be best to email him with your plan and then he will email you back and most likely tell you to call, text or email him again to reconfirm a day or 2 before you actually need him.

  16. Hello !

    Im preparing I-130 for my husband.. but I have a question:

    How much proof of bonafide relationship did you all include with the I-130?

    We have many photos, emails, etc.. and of course the birth certificate of our son, but Im not sure how much evidence will be OK.

    Please tell me your experiences.. thank you !

    I only sent copies of pictures from the last 6 years -- I am going tomorrow to the appointment so I'll let you know if they ask to see them. I'm sure the emails, photos and having a child together will be more than enough!

  17. pnewton - I checked and seems like they are pricing tickets like 2 -oneways now a days -- so there wasn't any price difference when I booked it as 2 OW tickets or a 1 RT. The only difference would be that waiting until the day before or the day of may be more expensive if the "cheaper" seats are already sold out. But we bought RT tickets last time and it cost a lot more to make the changes and if you buy the insurance, I would check to see if "my VISA was ready" is a reason they accept to make changes without penalties... If you do book the round trip I would go ahead and book it for the day AFTER you get pick up the VISA since most times I have read they aren't ready until after 2pm and then going to the bridge to get it made official can take hours...

    I would guess there are taxis there on the El Paso border side, but we are planning on using Victor Garcia to pick us up and take us to DHL, then to the bridge and then to the El Paso airport -- and if the VISA doesn't get approved, I'll still use him to pick me up in CJ and take me to El Paso airport.

  18. Hey, Grangkm, how many days did you guys book for? Tuesday till Saturday? And also, has anyone successfully gotten the visa the day after the interview, crossed the border and flown home the very same day?

    P.S. Thanks for the promotion code!

    If whatever the agent needs to talk to me about is resolved on Tuesday at the interview, then we are hoping that we will be able to pick up the VISA at 2pm the next day (seems like the time most people get them) and then go to the border and allowing 3 hours or so there, then going to El Paso airport -- we would just be going to Dallas and they have flights departing as late as 8pm but it just depends on where you are going as to whether there is a late flight. If we get approved, he will just stay the weekend and then fly back to Cozumel from Dallas, but he will have met the required POE right?

    Don't they just need to get their VISA stamp within 6 months, of approval?? Not actually move and stay in the states then? Our plan was for him to move next August so I have a couple of months in Cozumel after school is out here in the states to get the house in Cozumel ready to rent.

    Congrats to both you and Grangkm on your interview dates!! Glad to see things are moving along.

  19. Honestly Esperanza,

    I just went ahead and printed the DS-230 docs of the internet and sent them in. What's the point of waiting for the packet anyway if it has the same info as the one on the internet? Also, who knows how long you'll be waiting for the packet to arrive at your house. Mine was sent out on October 20th and It still hasn't arrived at my house, and I'm in the same state as the Consulate!!!! So anyway I sent mine in. The only thing is that supposedly they lost it,(even though I got a signature through DHL) and everything, so i just sent it again yesterday. Make sure you make a duplicate copy of the whole packet just in case something like that happens to you. But I say go ahead and send it in. Your I-130 was already approved so why wait!

    We had waited 2 months for the Pkg 3 and decided to email to check and they said they had mailed it about 6 weeks before that - so according to them, it was mailed about 2 weeks after they received our 1st pkg. So we printed everything and mailed it. Nine months later, the packet still hasn't arrived....glad we didnt' wait- haha. My husband's first appt letter arrived the day he RETURNED from his appt. So it seems no matter how close or far you are -- the MX mail isn't very reliable. On the contrary, everything that is mailed from there via their El Paso address to me in Dallas - gets to me in a matter of days.

    I did get an email finally that said that my appt was NOT going to be changed so I guess I'll be leaving on the 29th to go TALK to the Consular Agent on Tuesday the 30th.... Since they have not indicated anything that I need to bring and really haven't been forthcoming in what exactly they need from me (issue with my dual citizenship and who knows what else..but at least no problems with my husband's stuff)

  20. Hey girls...Thanks for the advice! Grangkm, it will be interesting to see how similar our timelines are! My husband sent out Packet 3 on Oct. 29th, so we're just itching for a response now, even though it's early!

    And La Gringa, I was thinking the same thing about the flights...4-5 pm would be totally fine during most of the year, but it gets dark early in the winter months. But Viva Aerobus is definitely the cheapest option from Mty! I wish the whole safety thing were something that people processing visas didn't have to worry about, but as they say in Spanish, "ni modo"!

    I think I'll wait till the end of this upcoming week to send the Consulate an email asking about our interview date.

    Oh, and czmjacq, have you heard back from the Consulate regarding your last email to them? I know it's getting closer to your date to go, isn't it?

    Funny I sent them an email last weekend (after I had sent a 2nd email requesting the date change) and I received a response to my weekend email in 3 days, but still no response from the 2nd email request to change the date which was sent like 3 weeks ago.... so I guess they are answering me, without actually sending me an email so I guess we will be going on the 29th for the interview for the 30th of November.

    I am going to be flying from Dallas to El Paso since there are no flights to CD Juarez from Dallas. I plan on contacting Victor Garcia to see if he can pick me up and drive me to the La Quinta in CD Juarez - we used him when my husband had his appt in Sept and it worked out fine. I plan on working half a day and then leaving so I can get in before dark!! My husband's only option from Cancun gets him in around 730pm but he did that last time so he knows what he needs to do to get the airport shuttle to the hotel.

    I remember someone said they had a discount code for the hotel -- guess I'll do a search and see if I can find it and see if it still works.

  21. Hi you all !

    My son's appoinment went very well !!...it was approved... later today I will write my review.

    All days I stayed in Juarez were people killed, but they are not random, they had something to do with drugs. Also...I never see anything bad. The area when the consulate and the medical clinics are is called DORADO ZONE, it is nice and safe. So dont worry about it. Just stay close that area.

    We spent the most of the time in the hotel..or go the LAS MISIONES Mall. And always be in the hotel at night, never go out.

    We stayed in la Quinta Inn, they were very nice and the shuttle service is great.

    Well..I have to work ...I will write later.


    Congratulations Marisol!!

    I'm so glad to hear it all went well for you. I was really worried since the last 2 Saturdays there have been numerous killings -- I even emailed the Consulat last night asking if I REALLY couldn't do my interview any other way (at a different consulate) considering the 18 killings just on Saturday alone!! It does ease my mind to know that there wasn't any violence in that area -- it's still scary though. I really feel sorry for the people who have to live there.

    My husband gave rave reviews about the La Quinta staff, accomodations and their shuttle service - we will be staying there this month.

  22. Hey czmjacq--

    There are no real updates on our part! We sent in Packet 3 last week (finally!) and I'm thinking that I'll wait a few weeks before contacting the Consulate and seeing if they have a date for us. Based on other people's timelines, we're anticipating an interview sometime in January, hopefully no later! You're heading down later this month, right?

    And good luck, Marisol!

    Yes, I have an appt for Nov 30 - I sent them another email about 2 weeks ago asking them to reconsider my date for the week prior and I haven't heard from them which is strange since the other emails I send I received responses in about 6-7 business days.

    I think Marisol had an appt on Nov 1st - so was curious to see how it went.

    I heard on the news 4 Americans were shot and killed last weekend in the Juarez - but what I have been told was that they were involved in the drug cartel??? Hope they weren't random!!

  23. Hi, Ana.

    You start the process in Monterrey but unfortunately, you'll still have to go to Juarez for your appointment. Well, only your husband.

    I forgot to write in my review that I found a discount for La Quinta here: http://www.smf.juarez-mexico.com/index.php?topic=22662.0

    The promo code is SBMAYO.

    It lowered my rate to about $47 a night.

    Thanks!! That will actually be useful since we will be there next month -- my husband said the CJ La Quinta was MUCH nicer than the La Quinta we stayed in while I visited him in El Paso for the weekend..... but I think I heard the same thing from others too-- so at least it will be comfortable.

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