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Posts posted by t3reese

  1. According to the Casa consulate website just write them a letter or send an email with the case number, name, full address and phone number and they will reschedule the interview. I say just call them now and reschedule ahead of time it never hurts to ask.

    Good luck,

    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately the website and practice don't seem to be on the same page! We did email them and they've responded saying they will not reschedule the interview.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I apologize as I misspoke in the subject line of this forum! It should be titled "What if the beneficiary cannot make the interview?"

    My husband and I both live in Morocco and I have no intention of going to the interview with him. The problem is that if I'm having the baby, he won't be going either- I don't intend for him to miss the birth of his first child!

    So- has anyone out there had to cancel their interview on the day of/day before? If so, what were the consequences? Does it put the entire application at risk or does the interview just get rescheduled for a much later date?

    This thread may be so confused that I'll just start a new one...

  3. Hi,

    My husband's interview is scheduled for December 31st of this year. Our first child is due on the 23rd of December. With the high number of first born babies who arrive a week after their due date, I'm very nervous that I will be having the baby on the day of his interview.

    I've contacted the consulate, told them the situation and requested to reschedule. They've responded saying that they cannot reschedule the interview.

    So the question: If I do end up having the baby on the day of his interview and we cancel at that time, what happens? Has anyone had to miss their interview? Does this jeopardize the entire application or does your interview just potentially get rescheduled for a much later date?

    thanks for the help!

  4. Hello all,

    A few more questions on the biographic form. Do you think they realize how paranoid we all are about every single field??

    Two questions:

    1) The file number- when do we get this? Is this something I need to get prior to sending in the I-130 packet? Or do I send the forms in with "none" in this space?

    2) Applicant at the bottom of the page. I know that I am the petitioner and my husband is the beneficiary, but who is the applicant? Since we each fill out a copy of this form, am I the applicant on mine and he on his or is one of us the applicant for both?

    Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

  5. Just starting the form filling out process and already not understanding all of the terminology!

    On the g-325a form, you have to indication what the form is submitted in connection to. This is at the bottom next to the signature. Options are: Naturalization, Status as Permanent Resident and Other.

    Which would I select if I'm filing in with a CR-1 visa application?

    Other: CR-1 visa? Other: Immigrant visa?

    Just not sure how specific I'm supposed to be or if I'm totally off the mark. Thanks!

  6. Hi everyone. I'm probably a year from actually beginning the vias process, but as I look through the documentation my worry comes from the interview at the consulate. My fiance doesn't speak english and while he's going to learn, I doubt he'll be advanced enough to handle it by then.

    Is it possible to have a translator at the interview? If so, are you required to bring one, or do they have them at the consulate? Any other pieces of advice for this scenario?


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