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Sylvia y Radhames

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Status Updates posted by Sylvia y Radhames

  1. Adjustment of Status --- help

    1. Chavonia


      Hey honey! So sorry I have not stayed in touch. I have been sooo busy with work. We just sent our AOS in today! How is it going for you? I hope all is well =)

    2. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      Did you get your green card yet?

  2. AOS

    1. Negrito Landrau

      Negrito Landrau

      That's a new Journey! orry I can't help. I haven't get there yet but I hope soon I will.

  3. Hi...welcome aboard. Your in for a fun journey. You came to the right site for help and guidance on what you need. Right now all you need is patience. Check our our time lines so you get an idea of how things work with the process and when something doesnt seem right ask us all questions. I dont know what I would have done without the friends I made here. Buena suerte.

  4. Visa approved - August 13, 2010...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aztec&Taino


      Congratulation! Felicidades! How can I find the interview questions that you talked about in your first comment?

    3. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      My hunny arrived on August 28th and I got really sick from Gall Bladder Stone LOL. Didnt even make it to the airport to pick him up after everything we have been through to get to that point which was disappointing for me. All better now. Will post interview comments soon.

    4. muñequita y osito

      muñequita y osito

      Hope you're feeling better, I bet you are now that your honey is with you!

  5. Can't believe what happened...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      oficina, ya sea por telefono o por carta usted bede de indicar su numero de caso exactamente igual a como aprace en esta carta. Si esta mal o incompleto, favor de informalo a esta seccion consular."

      Translation - we are not issuing any more of the visa's your soliciting at the moment...well contact you to proceed.

    3. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      Had we left it there that would be the end of it for us...but I called the embassy and $7 later they are reisuing the packet, AGAIN...on August 5, now 8 days from our appointment. This happen to anyone else?

    4. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      My fiance was devistated when he saw that, but I knew it had to be a mistake. Our lives are basically at the mercy of the embassy...stay on point people they do mess up!!!! and if things done feel right investigate!

  6. August showed just a partial list...call DOS

  7. Wait...your visa was approved today!!! Congrats - We are very happy for you guys!

  8. Cita August 13th...Picking up Packet at Embassy August 2nd!

    1. jasonchulo


      soon to have the packet and soon for the cita!!! congrats!!!

  9. http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide

    This is the link on this site. Go to 2. Cover letter...and put in what is on this list. Let me know if you have questions. Hopefully your past this and did it right, because anything missing will delay the process. Good luck.

  10. Hey there...did you get all your forms done? I used the sample cover letter on this site as a way to know what I needed to send. I filed and was approved without any other documents being needed. The list you provided included forms you dont need at the initial k-1 applicaiton process. Get the cover letter...i'll try to attached the link in a few minutes.

  11. Still waiting...wishing I was in Santo Domingo!

    1. Chavonia


      Hey Hey! Did you call them again? Just landed in Santo Domingo this morning. Getting ready for the interview.

    2. Mag&Kelvin


      Congrats on your cita!!!

      Good Luck ;)

  12. http://santodomingo.usembassy.gov/scheduled_appointments.html

    This link takes you to the list of scheduled appointments in DR. Go to the bottom of the page. My NOA2 came through May 7 and the NVC sent my letter May 13th. Still waiting for my appointment. Best wishes and congrats. I was very very happy when I got mine too!

  13. Wow que lindo. God Bless. Wish you the best! My hunny is in DR too! They need to hurry up already!

  14. Wow I know you feel good!!!!!!

  15. Esperando...waiting!

    1. Chavonia


      I feel great thanks! Hang in there, chica. You will feel this too, lol!

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