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Aly and Randy

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Status Replies posted by Aly and Randy

  1. APPROVED!!! :D 9AM appointment, and he called me at about 9:15. That was FAST!! WOOHOO!! And I'm supposed to sleep now???

  2. Interview was this morning and all approved! I am so relived to get that first stage over....good luck to everyone else.

  3. please let there be good news in the morning - so many members of our families are counting on this......

    1. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!

      I know everything well be alright, it's just a step!!!!

  4. I'm behind with you all! So glad to see that most of you have made great progress! We are just waiting for the interview date. I wish they would hurry. :)

    1. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      Good luck getting your interview date very soon!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. So exciting to see our names on the upcoming interviews area. Big smiles :D

    1. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      Good luck on your upcoming interview!

  6. Steve called the Consulate today. They received all the paperwork and logged it in on the 18th. No interview date yet, but at least they have everything! One step closer :)

    1. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      it took us about 20 days to get the interview date after sending the papework, just thought I would pass that on to you. Good luck!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Still not getting anywhere with my RFE. 3 weeks behind now. Multiple calls to USCIS, not at all helpful. Ended up being told 2 different things, and neither one was even read. These people reject emails without ever reading them. The RFE is for fiance's divorce decree. Just one paper, nice and clear. RFE said document was not sufficient, and also send a clear and legible copy. Well...the document is the ONLY legal doc from England, and the copy was perfect. What now?

    1. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      Yeah all we have left to do is the interview.

      I wish I could tell you what there looking for, but I have no idea. Hang in there I'm sure you'll get this sorted out, are prays and thougts are with you.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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