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Posts posted by Suna

  1. Congrats on the final end of the visa :) made me happy.

    im just curious im not sure if youd be able to answer it though, i right now am writing the 2nd part of the I-129F the "How you met eachother" part. but i dont want to write it wrong, what are soem things i should/could include you think? thank you for taking your time to read this i cant wait for my hubby to come :D

  2. Hey, i just read your topic and i was curious was it hard for you im trying to bring my fiancee over Burak is his name. were both Turkish and liek its jsut complicated i feel these papers. do you know how his passport should be ? like does he have to havea certain passport already? or should he just make the date longer? and for how long you think?

    or better yet for the passport situation for your fiance howd itwork out ?

    thank you so much for taking your time to read this i really apprecaite this :D


    Im so happy its wroking out great for you i started smilign when i read you got your wedding dress :)

    mutlu yillar diyorum size:D inshalla hersey yolunda olur:)

  3. Fantastic!!

    Yes I will send him the letter of intent to marry and G325a for him to sign and get the pictures for the passport and that kind of stuff.

    Oh this might be a good question, his passport almost 2 years ago was a f1 visa, he was a foreign exchange student here to the U.S. It sttated on his passport he cannont come within a year to U.S but its passed a year now so, I am not sure of his exp. date he will need to make the date longer so he can use his passport. What about his passport, does he need certain kind? or maybe he should change it? (Im thinking he just needs to make the date to a longer time so it could pass)

    Is there anything else that I need to get ready ? Or am I good to go?

    hmmm I forgot to ask what do I send the I129f with ? usps? fedex?

    thank you again

  4. Thank you so mnuch again,

    this is great help.

    (assemble of the i-129f) Son i pretty much put it in a binder with the paper covers so no holoes were in it actually but i will ithink begin the 2 holes on top. seems easier etc..

    on my part as U.s Citizen--> -In order: My cover letter ( I did copy the sample from the checklist though is that fine?)

    -I -129f

    -G-325A from U.s citizen

    -The 2nd part of the I-129f number 18

    -The intent to marry from u.s citizen( I copied the sample form checklist)

    ( I need one from my fiancee in turkey. Can I send him the same copy but just change the names to his?

    so all he has to do is sign it? and should i send it to via fedex than him send it back?)

    -I have my pictures with captions next to them(few pages), includes train tickets,my plane ticket,

    emails(not all though) recipets, those kind of things.

    -I have my G-325a filled

    -My passport picture with my name on the back in a plastic baggie with small note on top u,s citizen

    stapled to a blank paper put behind the G-325a

    -G-325a filled by me for my fiance,(which I need to send to get signed)

    -I will be getting my fiances passport pictures which I will staple to a blank paper do the same as

    I did to my passprt pictures.

    -I have from front to back copies of all pages of my U.S passport

    No more papers from my fiance? After i send it in do I wait for the next step?

    Oh by the way im making the exact replica of my I-129F so I can send that to my fiance, is that a good idea to send it to him ahead of time?

    Thank you again this one is the one that will answer my complications :)

    i filled so far the and the G-325A.I have our pictures with captions next to the pictures ( I have about a few pages) and evidence of train tickets, plane tickets, emails (not all though) etc etc. . i have done the fiance letter of intent (from me)

  5. Thank you very much Alan,

    i geuss i just got over board on the reading but i keep seeing how some people need to get a police file of the residence lived since age 16? for he fiance is this really required?

    i just feel like im missing something even though i have the check list down.

    one more question (sorry ) thank you so much again though. the way to send the package should i do it in a binder form? or what is your advice on that portion ? i made a binder with dividers and put the paper work in paper covers..

    thank you again so much you dont knwo how much i appreciate it


  6. Hey guys my names Suna, i became naturalized here in the u.s, and finally i want ot bring my fiance back here from Turkey to live with and go to school toghter and work toghter grow everything , i did lots of research on this k-1 visa and i foun this website, i need help and alot of it from anyone who has experiance and or is goign through it.

    so far i have a binder type going here, i have my I-129f filled my g-325a filled i have the evidence and such my questions are going to be on going but

    for now, inthe binder i do need ot have my fiances g325a aswell right? and letter of intent cover letter he sends me these am i correct? what else goes inthis package? and beofre i forget, my last years tax return defiantly wasnt enough for the pverty line, but if i have the money literally put aside do i still need a co sponser if so how does that wrok as well ? im sorry but i need alot of help onthis i dont want to do it wrong i jsut want to see my fiance and finally eb with him hand in hand acomplishing our goals. if you can please help id apreciate it so much. :help:

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