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Status Updates posted by ivantulier

  1. Getting closer to the Interview date...9/7/2011

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. cris and tina

      cris and tina

      goodluck with the interview...

    3. sashiku01


      Good luck! my husbands is on the same day too! :)

    4. toto09
  2. Interview passed!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. m@ree07


      Hello! I was wondering how long was it till you got your visa? My husband is in Cebu and was approved on the 9th,we will have his visa delivered to Cebu, and wanted him to be here by the 18th...

    3. ivantulier


      I cant say because my wife lives in Manila. I would post that question on the Philippine board. You may get response on it. But I hear only that the farther away from manila the longer it takes to deliver the visa.

    4. m@ree07


      Thank you. 2go told my husband that once the US embassy gives the visa to them they deliver it the following day & should be at the destination that same day. Looking at your experience, I guess the US embassy is pretty on top of processing the visa and turning it over to the 2Go courier..that's what I was worried about. Thanks!

  3. Wife passed her medical now to wait for the interview date from NVC.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ivantulier


      yes passport is important requirements to bring at the medical

    3. cutiekidz


      i found this info site, can u clarify with this? tnx

      My interview hasn't been scheduled yet, but I want to get started on my medical exam. Where should I go to get an exam?

      You will receive instructions concerning interview preparation in the appointment letter that you will receive from the NVC. You should not have your exam until your interview has been scheduled. For further information about how to arrange for your medical examination click Medical Examination. I...

    4. new1


      congrats to yur wife for passing her medical..wasnt easy at saint lukes!

  4. Wife Ticket is bought and will be with me on the 21st :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iche


      hmmm i have problem now? i hope ull dive an idea! cause my case is completed last aug 22, 2011, they said they gonna get me an appointment this 2nd week of sept for october interview but when i called them again last friday they told me that im gonna wait again for 2nd week of oct for november schedule, was that final i mean.. what do you think of it?thanks

    3. iche


      but my category is F2A! do u think it has same processing!

    4. ivantulier


      I am not sure how F2A category works as who does the appointment.

  5. Finally we have our interview date 9/7/2011

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ivantulier


      oh really what time is ur interview on sept. 7?

    3. toto09


      I'm doing 8:30am. How about you?

    4. ivantulier


      were the same...lol

  6. Feel frustrated with the NVC about the interview schedule...c'mmon NVC!!! :((

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tripod


      wow sorry to hear that u should have ur interview soon

    3. joyjohn


      yes i know too..we finished up in june 21, i called em for a week they finial set the date but it was for aug...aug omg , hehe well nothing you can do aleast we have the date, but this whole month of july just drags by..

    4. iche


      mine was finished last aug 22 but when i called NVC they said they will apply me an appointment this 2nd week of sept. but when i called again last friday they said it was full again for oct...when was that huhuhu

  7. medical examinations at St. Luke our next step.....

    1. ivantulier


      any experience on your medical exam please thanks...

    2. lostlove05


      hope all goes well for you.

    3. ivantulier
  8. Finally getting close to a interview date. Finally got the SIF that everyone looks foward to. Case is in Final Review!!!!

    1. cutiekidz


      hey, did u get any update on ur case at the NVC? coz ur just ahead a little as when we filed it....so i wonder once u get the info case complete then were probably next...

    2. ivantulier


      Yes my wife case was closed on 7/12 so now waiting for apointment for interview next month. Hopeful early next month.

    3. cutiekidz


      wow thats good to hear , hoping to have mine nxt week, keep update me still with when u will have ur interview date as well...tnx

  9. My wife SS came in one week after going to the office and her green card arrived in three weeks of her arriving in the U.S.

    1. vic-vic


      oh i see im confuse because mine is not coming im here in two weeks i have to wait for a week after so i can get my ssn and greencard

    2. ivantulier


      You need to go to your local S.S. office with your passport and fill out the form from the S.S. web site for first time s.s. issue.

  10. do i have to get my CENMAR to any branch of NSO??

    1. hope.andsun


      Hi Ivantulier! Just call or order online, pay at desginated bank, and you'll get it in a couple days. Here's the link: https://www.ecensus.com.ph/Secure/frmIndex.asp

    2. Messybrownhair


      I also got mine online.. much more convenient :)

  11. One more day till my wife is finally with me. Super happy :)

    1. iche


      happy for both of you me, i wa swishing we could be togather this xmas :-(

    2. vic-vic


      happy for you

  12. My wife arrived safe in LA on the 21st and spent a good time visiting the sites of LA. Now heading home together.

    1. ivantulier


      We back in Florida :))

  13. TO all CR1!!!.... i just want to know how you deal with your plane ticket..did u get discounts as first time immigrant? need help! thanks lol...

    1. jessicaloveardee


      mangotours.com have the cheapest deal i bought my husband ticket from there.

  14. doing ok thanks for asking.

  15. When you had recivied your interview date did u call or did they send it by email.

  16. Use the template once u have your case number and email it right away.

  17. When did your case close and what date did you recivie your notice of your interview.


  18. How much did u pay for your husband ticket from Mango tours. thanks

  19. I know that NVC sets up the appointment. What I was asking did you call and they gave your interview date or did you recivie it by email. Thanks

  20. once u have your I-130 u have to call NVC to get your case number and once u have it you call again speak to someone to give yours and your spouse email

  21. yep just waiting for the next step like everyone else. Are u living in the Philippines now?

  22. yes she lives in Manilla also. But at least your with your wife so that good for now.

  23. let me know if u get approval since your in the same time line

  24. Also my wife is beening impatient. Its stressfull also for me.

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