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Posts posted by happy_ann

  1. Hey guys, I had my interview on OCtober 7th, me and my son actually(k1/K2).

    We just received our visas today! We are just so happy.

    Finally my son will be reunited with his dad and our family will be together again!

    I see a couple of you guys are still waiting for your visas. Here's what I did:

    I emailed the immigration visa unit on OCtober 14th, asking if our visas have been printed yet.

    I got a reply the next day saying the visas were issued on the 13th of OCtober and to call 2go for any delivery queries.

    So i called 2go on the 15th, which was a saturday but yea they are open on saturdays. Unfortunately though, they do not have our visas yet.

    So while corresponding with a couple of members here, i got a great tip about calling 2go after 4pm. Apparently, USEM forwards the daily lists of passports in the afternoon.

    So yesterday, i called 2go around 5pm and yay! they have our visas!!

    The agent said it will be delivered on the 19th, but wow it's here now!!

    I hope this will help you guys.


    I read about how the case number is the tracking number on the 2go website, but mine kept coming as invalid.

    Guess what, the 2go agent gave me a real tracking number for our visas. Starts with A019xxxxx.

  2. Hi! OMG We should have prepared for this. He has the boarding pass and the stamps are easy. We really dont have email talks because I changed emails. As for telephone conversations he uses a call card from his cellphone so i doubt that will be on his bill. But we have proof of financial support and ofcourse our 5 year old son. I guess my question is if we dont have enough requirements, should he come here in the philippines and marry me first and then file a spouse petition? what do you think?

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