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Posts posted by inlovewithmybrit

  1. Well, it is approved pending the letter from his doc to the medical place.. seems they never sent it! Doc is on vacation until next wednesday so he has an appointment for then.. our wedding is Nov 20.. Just praying everything gets sorted so he can get here! He said all the questions were fine and only asked for my tax return.. !

  2. Hello all!!

    My honey is in line right now at the London embassy.. with an 8:30 appointment time... No cell phones allowed.. so its going to be awhile before I hear how it went!! For all of you who pray... please pray for him right now.. that it will all go smoothly and we can be together asap!! Thanks.. and good luck on YOUR journey!!


  3. Also, yesterday my honey got the paper with the interview date (packet 4)!! So, if I hadn't called, it still would have shown up.. but instead we got to be excited a few days earlier!! Good luck calling,once I got to talk to the woman, it was really quick. Make sure you have your case number ! I also recommend pressing those buttons, I listened to the garbleygook and it was just a million options and phone numbers for things that didn't pertain.. Best of luck!!

  4. Congratulations on starting the process! We are at the end of the process, having just received an interview date.. and I can tell you.. it is a test of your patience! As far as planning a wedding, WE can't even do it even knowing the interview date, because you never know if things could still be delayed.I agree with the others, just gather up enough information of the process as you can and save- save -save money!! Visa Journey is the best source for all the information you need in this process.. so you have already made the BEST choice by joining! Use others timelines as a guideline as to when your next step in the process will be, but try not to get discouraged if it seems like everyone else is moving faster than you. This process is a hurry up and then wait process.. you feel like you are rushed when you pass your papers in.. then wait-wait-wait!! We have used Skype daily to keep us in constant contact and both of us have been able to encourage the other when we get down. Also, we used facebook and signed up for messages sent to our mobile phones. This is a way to "text" for free! It goes through the private messaging of facebook and both skype and facebook are free! Send lots of cards to encourage your fiance, and before you know it you will also be looking at an interview date!! Again.. congratulations!!

  5. GREAT NEWS!! I called the United States DOS and waited on the phone about 15 minutes before hearing the wonderful news that our appointment for Interview is on October 18th!!! SOOO excited!!

  6. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I called the DOS number and found out his appointment is scheduled for october 18th!!! What a relief!!!! Of course he is sleeping right now so I will have to wait a few more hours until he gets up for work to surprise him with the news!! I appreciate your help.. it took about 15 minutes on the phone waiting.. but it was SOOO worth it! Good luck everyone else!!

  7. Hi All,

    We never received packet 3, but sent in all the required info after a long call with the Embassy inquiring as to what to do. That was on August 2. We still haven't received packet 4 with an interview date. Calling the embassy seems like a waste of time since they were useless last time (said you are going to just have to look it up online) Is there any other way to find out if they have lost our packet? Or a way to find out if they have scheduled an interview date? Our i129f expires on October 17. Sooo frustrated!! Please help!!

  8. Hi, we too are PATIENTLY waiting.. well not really patient.. but yeah.. waiting.. We also sent our packet 3 in on August 2nd and every day goes by and no post.. I am going to try and call that washington number on Monday (if we haven't gotten the post before then!) Our packet 3 was never sent to us, so it makes me worried that this one is lost too.. Good luck to you all! (fingers crossed that it is soon!!)

  9. Hello All!

    We filed April 20, 2010 through Vermont. We never received a packet 3, and called and they told us where to find what we needed to send in. We sent this all in on August 2, and still haven't heard about and interview date. My fiance called a couple of weeks ago and they said it was still in the processing time frame. I just want him here NOW!! We are praying the packet 4 will come soon.. It is hard coming on here and seeing others getting their interview dates.. but at least we know it should be soon!

  10. Hi All!!

    We are April filers to Vermont also! My fiance never received his packet 3, but he called and sent in the paperwork needed.. now we are desperately waiting for our interview date!! I can't stand to be away from him!! We skype every day.. for hours.. even listening to each other sleep... I can't wait to have him here in my arms.. forever!! Fingers crossed that the paper will arrive today.. or this week!!! Best of luck to you all.. the wait will be worth it!

  11. Hello!

    My fiance and I need some advice.. we received our NOA2 on June 17, 2010. He then came here for 3 weeks and we figured by the time he got back to the UK he would have received packet 3 or a notice that the Embassy got the packet. But, he returned home yesterday and there wasn't anything. Today I called NVC (after hearing busy signals all day finally got through..) The woman said that our package was sent to the Embassy on June 23. We are not sure what to do next. I just read that they may have given it a new case number? Do I call back and ask for this.. or do I just have my fiance call the embassy to see what is going on? Or is there something else we should be doing? You all are always incredible at answering questions.. so I thank you in advance!!


  12. I am the US citizen, my fiance is from England. We went through Vermont service center. We were shocked to get this today, we weren't expecting it for at least another month! Pleasantly surprised!! He comes here in a week for a visit! Time to start preparing for the next round I guess!! Any helpful info would be much appreciated!

  13. Ok.. so I got a text from USCIS that our status has been updated.. I looked and the "post decision activity" is the dark circle.. and under it it says "Post-Decision Activity

    On June 17, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    We didn't have the interview yet.. so I am confused... Please help!

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