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Status Updates posted by Ali-n-Edo

  1. Working with a lawyer. We need some answers and the right steps to take.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ali-n-Edo


      Edo that she has his 5 year old child and that shes sorry she never told him she was pregnant. When asked to provide pictures, she was unable to do so. So it makes me pretty nervous that they talked to her because shes definitley crazy.

    3. Ali-n-Edo


      Edo that she has his 5 year old child and that shes sorry she never told him she was pregnant. When asked to provide pictures, she was unable to do so. So it makes me pretty nervous that they talked to her because shes definitley crazy.

    4. Aztec&Taino


      This previous petition is obviously going to be the biggest impediment to overcome in order for you to be successful...

  2. Good luck mañana. I will keep you guys in my prayers!

  3. Nothing good to say. Wow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aztec&Taino


      I am very sorry to know that it went badly. I truly am. If you are still in the country you could consider getting married and filing the I-130 to petition for him as your spouse. I can only imagine your current sadness, but if you have any advice for us I would appreciate your guidance. You can send me a message if you wish it to be a private conversation. Hugs.

    3. wesly


      I'm sorry to hear that.

    4. STEBEA1


      I'm so sorry that you both had to go through that.

  4. We have to go back tomorrow at 830am. We were there 10 hrs and got the run around.

  5. Made it safe to DR! So happy, happy, happy. Im so in love!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ali-n-Edo


      Thats funny that somebody approached him at the embassy. he was probably very surprised.

    3. Aztec&Taino


      He was super surprised because he did not expect it at all. I will not get to talk to him until he goes back to his hometown because he had to leave his cell phone as they are not allowed at the consultorios. I hope everything is going well with our beloved fiances!

    4. Diana and Chris

      Diana and Chris

      How did it go today?????

  6. Packing, making sure I have everything and freaking out! lol. Im so excited to see him,but so nervous also.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aztec&Taino


      I hope everything goes well! If you are able, let us know how the interview went for you guys. I will be looking forward to reading your good news! :-)

    3. DarlingNikki


      Safe flight and good luck!

    4. Pilar


      May God be with you on your interview.

  7. Booked my flight. I will leave Feb 28th!! Surprisingly cheap flight for a short notice! Its been 8 LONG months since Ive seen my love. So excited to see him and for our interview!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ali-n-Edo


      My fiance called the Embassy today. They said the results prob wont be there by the time we interview but they will try to prioritize it. When we get our approval, they still have to wait to process the visa until after the results come in. Im thinking positively!!!! Yes, he is also picking his packet up on the 28th, then heading straight to Consultorios de Visa.

    3. Ali-n-Edo


      Yes, and I only paid $542 for my flight.

    4. Aztec&Taino


      My fiance will also be there on the 28th :-D

      The cost of your flight wasn't so bad (for buying it on such short notice). Exciting!

  8. Interview date......March 2nd at 6am. Wow, wow, wow. Time to start looking for flights

    1. Jose and Nicole

      Jose and Nicole

      Congrats, get the flight as soon as you can.

  9. Got a letter from NVC dated Feb 4th saying package has been sent to DR!

  10. When do we start calling Dept. of State about the interview dates?

  11. Our package is on its way to Santo Domingo! We were thinking we would have our interview in Haiti. Change of plans.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aztec&Taino


      Yes, the DTTUSA website does have lots of interview horror stories and also stories of fiance(e)s who turned out bad once in US soil... You can begin to call the visa specialist at any time now (during office hours) at 202-663-1225 to see if the packet was delivered and to see if the interview has been scheduled.

    3. Ali-n-Edo


      My package was supposedly sent to DR on Feb 3rd. I have checked DHL website and have not seen anything sent to DR since before Jan 31st. Does your fiance live in Santo Domingo?

    4. Aztec&Taino


      My fiance lives about an hour away from Santo Domingo. You can call that same number (visa specialist) and they can tell you if the packet has been received. They will also let you know if an interview has been scheduled. Best wishes!

  12. the march list appointment is nott out yet @ http://santodomingo.usembassy.gov/scheduled_appointments.html how do you know you gotta have interview in march? i got my SDO number i want to know when i will have mine

  13. Thanks for the hugs. They mean a lot!

  14. He lives in Santo Domingo Este. I really like it in DR. I cant wait to go again. Travelling to Haiti for the interview should be interesting as well. Congrats on your NOA2 also.

  15. He is Haitian, but moved to DR after the earthquake. He went to college in DR and then his mom got really sick. He went back to Haiti to care for her. She passed away in Dec 2010. The earthquake hit 4 weeks later. He then headed back to DR.

  16. Received NOA 1 email confirmation last night.

    1. David & Beth

      David & Beth

      Congrats about ur NOA2 :)

    2. Ali-n-Edo


      Thank you so, so much!

    3. Mochamich
  17. 7 days since our package was received. I am really praying that Tuesday we have some wonderful news.

    1. mari2010


      Hey guys. To find out when your interview is call the State Department at (202) 663-1225. Go through the menus until you get to the "speak to a visa specialist" option. Then expect to be on hold up to 10 min or so. When they finally answer tell them you are calling to check on the status of a case. They will ask you for the case number. Make sure you ask "can you PLEASE check to see if the interview has been scheduled yet?" I called a bunch of times and one woman told me the d...

  18. hey my friend, its been 3 weeks that we filed the first paper to uSCiS then they havent email us to let us know if they got or not. but the post office told us they got, how can we look for the noa1

  19. how it took you from start the process to the finished time, my girlfriend just mailling our case this morning for sure the uscis will recieve it tomorrow im so nervous and i need much prayer times now in my life

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