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Posts posted by belluco86

  1. Sometimes things happen because we don't plan thing properly. I think you are in a lot of trouble because you did not submit the application early on and because you planned you wedding way ahead of time. USCIS will not be sympathetic very often and in cases like this they can care less about your irresponsible planning. Now that you received an RFE makes your case even more difficult. I hope you find a solution because I really do not think there will be an obvious one. 1. leave the country and get married - stay in your country... 2. wait for your papers to come out and then marry him and live happily ever after.

  2. They will ask you these questions for sure in the interview or as a minimum you have to be prepared to answer them. You need to have prove that she is not a widowed and that her son's father did not marry her. Get something certified from El Registro Civil before you go so you can show it was an honest mistake. They will go ahead with the application act calm and take as much documentation with you as you can do not take anything lightly. Here are the three things that can happen. 1 you get approved the visa, 2. your appliacation is put under review (this could take a couple of months) 3. You are denied and have to file again.

  3. I would avoid going back to Ecuador and trying to get the K1 Visa. The consulate will make you a hell for the past even if you were a minor. Since you are still on time if that is the case. Marry him ASAP and Adjust your status ASAP. They may ask for a waiver if they feel but you have good chances of getting it since they brought you as a little baby. I suggest you move ahead now and don't try to back to Ecuador until you have your green card on hand.

  4. I included a blank page 5. My plan is to resubmit their enclosed pages as well as the tax return and complete I-864 with a letter stating that I was not required to fill it out because my income was higher than the poverty guidelines and also I plan to instead of sending it blank, I will insert 0.00 with the A number in the upper right page. Please let me know if this seems to be the right approach.

    Thank you,

  5. Yesterday April 12th I received a letter requesting page 5 of form I-864 to be submitted because is blank or missing. This is part 7 of the I-864 (Use of Assets to supplement income (Optional)

    And it states:

    If your income, or the total income for you and your household, from line 24c exceeds the Federal Poverty Guidelines for your household size, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED to complete this part. Skip to part 8

    That's what I did I skipped to part 8 and now I got the RFE. What should I do if I do not want to include any of this information since I am not required. My income is 4 times the poverty guidelines.

    Has anyone gone through this before. What did you do, and what can I do to speed the process again of my application.

    Thank you,

  6. Hi, my wife came from Ecuador under k1 visa, now we are trying to adjust status base on marriage. The doctor in Ecuador did not provide us with the vaccination supplement and now we need to know what we need to do in order to successfully adjust status with out getting any rfe. What should I do. I know some people have experienced this and can give me some guidance I live in nj the civil surgeons are asking for 180 and 200 dollars is that reasonable or too much. They are also asking for documentation from uscis but we have none since we are trying to be proactive before getting rfe's please help... thank you

  7. Hello guys, my fiancee went to get her police record last week and apparently there were two lines. One for foreign traveling and one for national. National was packed and the foreign was empty so my wife went to the foreign since they put her passport number and everything. All they handed her was a document that said that she has no antecedents and had her passport number. NOthing like addresses or age information since she was 16. Is anyone familiar with the type of police record she is suppose to get? She paid 5 dollars THank you,

  8. Hello. we didn't go through the K-1 process so I won't be much help in that regard.

    I would suggest that your fiance get multiple copies of whatever document she has now or might need in for her future in the US (college transcripts, medical records, etc). It's so much easier to do that sort of running around (though always a hassle no matter what part of Ecuador you find yourself in) while she's still in the country.

    Now on to your questions. Whatever documents that she's presenting to the Consulate I would presume do NOT need to be translated. (Our docs had to be because they had to be cleared by NVC first with the CR-1, but I believe with the K-1 you aren't sending any docs to NVC.) And I'm not sure what you mean by "certified places in Quito" to translate documents.

    There are two kinds of birth certificates that one can get in Ecuador. One is pulled from centralized computer records and if I remember cost $1 at the Registro Civil. There was hardly any info on this form. I don't have it nearby or I'd let you know what it covers. This version is NOT acceptable for your immigration needs. We had to get a certified copy of my husband's birth certificate from the book of births that was kept at the Registro Civil where his birth was registered. In this pueblito the birth certificate was in long hand (cursive). I could only get a copy of this birth certificate in this specific town because that is where the official record (the book of births for that canton was kept). I remember getting two certified copies and I'm sure that each one cost less than $10. The key here is there are sworn signatures (one of parent and one of a rep in the Registro Civil) and the record number from the book on the form. There are no such signatures on the super-simplified computer record that I also got while gathering papers for this process. I'm not sure about what the birth certificate your fiance has so it's hard to say if what she has is sufficient. If you do end up having to go get a different copy I surely hope you won't have to wait in the HORRENDOUS lines in the Registro Civil in South Quito. We spent many many hours there changing info on his cedula (to include my name as spouse).

    I'm sure some other K-1 folks and perhaps even some who've gone through Guayaquil can better answer your questions that are specific to the K-1.


    Thanks for the Info

  9. I meant 1-way trip. I didn't mean to confuse you. The other poster clarified everything. As long as you intend on coming to marry its cool. You can buy as many tickets as you want. More $ for the airlines, there is no connection between that and immigration. Best of luck with your interview!

    One way trip - one way ticket what is the difference. You mean what you meant before. The K1 visa holder can come with whatever they want 1 way ticket or 2 way ticket no difference

  10. Hello guys, it's me one more time. I am being very careful with the paperwork that I have to fill out and I have some questions and would like as many answers from as many people who have experience.

    1st. My fiancee has her birth certificate (long form) that's the only one she has from birth. Does the consulate keep the birth certificate, or should we get another copy? As you all know getting this item can be a pain in the neck...

    2nd. In the packet 4 it asks for the hand written form of birth certificate. When my fiancee was born they started typing them not handwriting them, so I guess my won't be hand written. Has someone gone through the same. Did they say anything?

    3rd. Does the birth certificate need to be translated?

    4th. Does anyone know certified places in Quito where they translate the documents requested by immigration? (police record)cheaper?

    5th. I heard that the birth certificate needs to be stamped by the department of foreign affairs in Ecuador. Is this true or just by taking the one they give you at registro civil?

    This is my starter questions.

    Thanks guys for everything.

  11. I am sorry... If I was an officer that marriage would look fraud to me. The reason is that the USCIS will not believe that you don't live together because his family does not accept you. They are going to say if you thought you were responsible and mature and brought your fiancee with you to marry her why would you not support her? Is this only for papers. IF the relationship is in the brink of failure then all that is being done is getting you papers. "FRAUD"

  12. Then he will be eligible to apply for naturalization on or after Nov 2011... In my personal opinion I would not submit paper to bring you if he is still LPR just because I think for the LPR there is a limit of visas they approve every year and if I am not mistaking they are just processing 2005 cases right now. If he is a US citizen it would only take a year or so.

    Be wise in your final decision. it could affect where you are three years from here.

  13. It may help to email the consulate shortly after your papers are due to arrive. I used the email address from the consulate review page, and this helped us to get on their "Ready to be interviewed list" rather quickly. I just told them I was inquiring to see if our packet had arrived to Guayaquil. They got back to me in three days or so, and we were put on the list right away. But it still took the "Packet 4" letter 2.5 months to arrive:) I don't know if they've recently changed their "packet 4" process, but we only received a letter telling us to download packet 4 from their website. A waste of postage and paper in my opinion. Good luck with getting your interview set-up!

    Thanks for the info. I did not find my case number in their list yet. I will e-mail them today to find out if they can add me to their ready for interview list.

    Thanks again :)

  14. I am so sorry to hear your story. I must say you are a strong women for enduring through all this pain and suffering. I wish you the best through the process. When you mentioned the being able to afford the paper work and lawyer something picked up in my head. The fact that your husband has to provide an affidavit of support for both you and your kid, and if he is taking any other of your kids into custody then it will be really hard unless he can provide that. The Other thing, what kind of visa did you enter in to the United States? This might be key information to know what kind of things you might have to go through with immigration.

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