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Posts posted by asad

  1. Hello everyone, it has been many years since I have actually had to use Visa Journey for a bonafide question about the immigration process.

    Currently, my wife is about two weeks away from her interview to become a citizen. Considering all goes well, she intends to immediately submit an immigrant visa application for both her parents. Since her income (or my income for that matter) would not meet the financial requirements alone, we will be requiring a joint-sponsor.

    So these are my questions:

    -Should my wife (the petItioner) fill out form I-864?

    -Should I (the spouse of the petitioner) fill out for I-864a since we have filed all of our tax returns as "married filed jointly"? Additionally note that my wife has no income for the past three years, as she is a full time student.

    -Should our joint-sponsor as well has his spouse fill out two forms I-864a as both of their incomes were filed as "married filed jointly"?

    Assuming the answer to all of those questions is yes, this would be my understanding of what is required:

    -Form I-864 from the petitioner for her mother

    -Form I-864 from the petitioner for her father

    -Form I-864a from the petitioner's spouse for her mother

    -Form I-864a from the petitioner's spouse for her father

    -Form I-864a from the joint-sponsor for the petitioner's mother

    -Form I-864a from the joint-sponsor for the petitioner's father

    -Form I-864a from the joint-sponsor's spouse for the petitioner's mother

    -Form I-864a from the joint-sponsor's spouse for the petitioner's father

    I don't know why, but it just seems like over kill. Though I am just very weary about this process because when I originally filed for an immigrant visa for my wife back in 2011, I filed a form I-864 for for her as the sponsor and my father filed form I-864a for her as the joint-sponsor. After her interview, her case would put into AP because they required form I-864a from the joint-sponsor's spouse, as the joint-sponsor filed his taxes as "married-filing jointly".

    Any input and advice would be greatly appreciated!

  2. I received this e-mail from the consulate today:

    "Dear Sir,

    Our records show that your wife's passport has been received by our office , the visa is in the issuing process now we will contact you as soon as the visa is printed

    Best wishes,

    Immigrant Visa Unit

    Consulate General of the United States in Jerusalem"

    I am restraining myself from happiness now because I have been let down so many times in the past, but I can't help but feel this is extraordinary good.

  3. After being in AP for 8 months, the consulate called my wife and asked her to send in her passport two weeks ago today. She sent it into them 12 days ago, and according to the DOS hotline, the passport received it 7 days ago.

    I called the DOS hotline today, and they only thing it is telling me is that it shows they have received her passport but the case is still under "administrative processing." Though, last week there were two holidays when the consulate was closed (Monday - Columbus day and Thursday - a local holiday in Jerusalem).

    Am I freaking out here, is there anything I can do. It just really sucks because I got my hopes up after 8 months of waiting and trying to figure out what is going on now with her passport is taking forever.

  4. Hello all.

    The consulate in Jerusalem requested my wife's passport a week ago, she sent it on Friday and according to the DOS, they received (opened it/applied it to her case file) today. The DOS person also said it doesn't show that the visa has been approved or applied as of yet.

    Does anyone know if this is normal or not? We have been in AP for 8 months, and hoping that it finishes quickly.

  5. Hello all,

    My wife's interview was on Feb. 23 at the US Consulate in Jerusalem. Her interview went very smoothly, and they asked her a total of 4 questions and did not look at one piece of the backpack full of evidence that she had taken with her in case needed. After the interview, CO told her that everything was fine and that they just needed a form I-864a from the co-sponsor's spouse. And that as soon they received the form, that visa would not take more than one week to be ready. After that, they instructed her to leave her passport at the consulate.

    Today, the consulate called me and told me that they have processed the I-864a form and that everything was good and that regard and that they did not need any more information from us. The man then told me that the case still needs to go under additional processing, and to be patient. After finishing the phone call with the consulate, I decided to contact the DOS and ask them what official notes they have on the case in their computer. They told me that the form was accepted and there was no additional information needed and that they case is undergoing administrative processing.

    My question is, considering that the consulate kept the passport and the case is going under AP, is there anyone who has had the same experience, and should I expect a quicker AP considering that they kept her passport.


  6. Hi, Asad,

    I know how to do that, but it just an excell sheet with no skype on it, you said you put that in legal paper, how do you do that.

    When I said legal paper I meant 8.5" x 14" paper, not the standard 8.5" x 11" paper. I did that so I could fit more calls onto the paper. If you are concerned with printing just the spreadsheet, you can go to the skype screen on your internet browser and just click file "print" and that way it will show the other web site stuff on the print out. Also, if you want, you can print the transactions from Skype that shows each time your wife paid to charge her account.

    Good luck.

  7. Hello, Asad

    Have fun in palstine, and hopfully everything will go as you wish.

    I have skype account where she call me from her computer to my phone in the us.

    I can see history of phone calls, but how I can export it to legal doc paper?


    Yes, but it only goes 6 months back. So I would start doing it from now. But you go to skype.com, open your account. The tab "call phones" should already be selected and then click "view call history" and then at the bottom, it says "export call history file". Click on that and it will give you an excel spreadsheet of all your calls. Do that for each month you can.

  8. That's why I gave you a detailed list. That list was composed by multiple people in VJ in a wonderful thread of - "Secondary Evidences".

    Prepare everything as much as possible. At the end, CO might ask only few pics and tel/chat logs as many experienced.


    Thanks Loto. Just to confirm, it is not necessary to give the evidences to the CO outright. You should wait until they ask for it, correct?

  9. There is a list of secondary evidences at the end of this link - http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/EZGuideSpouse

    Please have it as much as you have. Some may not pertain to you. So, ignore them with an ouch!


    Doh! I forgot to put on the list I have:

    -Insurance card showing both of our names under the policy

    -Joint-Bank Account statement showing both names as the same account holder

    -Copy of all transactions showing her withdrawals from the ATM overseas.

    -Printed document showing all direct deposits


  10. Hey, glad to see everyone's progress here! I am leaving for Palestine on Wednesday, and I am bringing some evidence with me to give to my wife for her interview. I would like to list it here, and if there is something else someone could think of, let me know.

    -Skype Call Records (over 250 pages on legal paper, and Skype would only let me go back 6 months)

    -T-Mobile call records directly to my wife's mobile number

    -Notarized/Sworn affidavits from my parents expressing their knowledge and support for our marriage

    -Notarized/Sworn affidavits from her parents expressing their knowledge and support for our marriage]

    -Notarized/Sworn affidavits from 2 friends of mine and 2 friends of hers expressing their knowledge and support for our marriage

    -Copies of e-mails sent

    -Pictures of our mobile phones displaying the text messages (as there are no phones allowed in the consulate)

    -I will give her my wedding ring which bears the same engraving (our names & date of marriage contract) as her wedding and an earlier ring she gave me in 2008 that has her named engraved.

    -100 informal pictures

    -25 engagement party photos

    -25 wedding party photos

    -One engagement party invitation

    -One marriage party invitation

    -Copies of my passport that show entry into Jordan/Palestine

    -Copies of her passport that show stamps with same date of leaving Palestine as I did (she basically traveled to Jordan with me to say farewell when I returned to the U.S.)

    -Pictures of her gold that was given as the dowry

    -My 3 year tax transcripts

    -My co-sponsor 3 year tax transcripts

    -Copy of my biographical page of my passport

    -Copy of co-sponsor's biographical page of passport

    -Transcripts from the university I attended to show the dates and hours I was enrolled in school and couldn't have possibly been working a full time job to meet the income requirements

    -Letter from Human Resources of my university that stated the amount of hours I was allowed to work a week as a student assistant (18.5) and the wage I was making (7.50), (again to show why my tax return was so low)

    -Copy of my university degree

    -Notarized employment letter of my current job, giving rational to my degree/major, and showing my hourly/wage plus over time as well as my span of employment

    -And my business card for good measure.

    I will organize it all neatly and give it to her. I will also instruct her not to give them any evidence unless they ask for it.

    What do you all think?

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