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Posts posted by Auscat

  1. After entering the US in 2012 on a K1 visa,I'm currently in the process of filling in my i-485 and am having trouble remembering start/finish dates of my last job in my home country as its been some time. I kept copies of my K1visa application which is possibly the only place those dates are written down.

    We have moved three times since we got here and I'm at a total loss as to where those copies are (have asked several friends and family members if they recall also, but to no avail), so the crux of the question is if I guesstimate the dates and they don't match my original K1 application will this present a problem? I simply entered the year I started and the year I probably finished with a 01/01 in front.

      I'm aware this sounds quite ditzy, but there were three deaths in our family within a 3 year period and frankly that whole time is a complete blur as it was just so hugely stressful. I'm worried about a possible rfe, or being called out in my interview for dishonesty. Is this something to worry about and/or has anyone else experienced the same?

  2. Hi all :)

    Recently my fiance and I have been compiling the packet three information that I need from him to take to my interview at the US consulate in Sydney, Aus, only thing is it looks like he has misplaced the NOA2 approval hard copy he was sent back in December.

    He has turned the whole house upside down and even paid a house cleaner to come reorganize the house in the hopes of finding it. He feels awful and we are really worried about not including it in our packet three when i send it off.

    Anyone experienced this and have any ideas? He hasn't called about getting a copy sent out, nor do we know if USCIS even do that, we were still holding out hope that it would turn up. We will be calling to see, but I figured I'd post here to see if anyone had had a similar thing happen.

    Thankyou all

  3. Hi all,

    I've been trying for awhile to work out how to get a copy of all my texts between my fiance and myself for awhile now and came across an easy to use service (not free but under $US10)


    I hope this won't be perceived as advertising/promoting/hawking as it simply made three minutes work out of something that was technically really challenging for me, and has given me a considerable boost to my ever growing box of "proof of an ongoing relationship".

    As I have an iPhone, but use a PC it seemed kind of tricky as I was really unsure about the SQL programs I'd have to run to decrypt the iPhone back up files. Basically i was able to upload my back up file and then for a small fee it was converted to the file type of my choice. .I was able to nominate which contact I wanted ingoing/outgoing text from and it presents as an easy to read, dated, time stamped transcript similar to the actual iPhone layout. Essentially its an almost identical copy of what one would see scrolling through my phone.

    Turns out there's 726 pages in the PDF file, which was approximately three years of text messages.

    The thought of laying down a phone book size set of transcripts at the consulate appeals to my warped sense of humor, but I'm sure my commonsense will prevail :P

    It's also understandable some of you may have issues regarding privacy, and there is a blurb at the bottom about that very subject by the programmer who created the utility. They take Paypal which for me was also reassuring.

  4. Hi all,

    My fiancé and I are still in the NOA1 to NOA2 phase of our application and so I find I'm checking timeline/processing stats daily.

    As I follow a few different timelines similar to my own I'm curious about whether everyone including myself is totally clear about what constitutes an official NOA1 date?

    Initially when I created my time line I gave my NOA1 date as the date we received the text and email from the Dallas lockbox informing us they had received and lodged our application. I realized a few weeks later possibly that was incorrect and instead added the date that the Vermont centre said our application was received and lodged in the letter sent to my fiancé, the date being the same as the one on the status update/info account we created on the USCIS website.

    I'd love to be able to edit my timeline so it says the 8th July as opposed the the 27th but I'm fairly sure it wouldn't then be accurate, not only giving myself false hope on wait times for our NOA2 but also messing up the timeline stats that we all check on.

    I guess what I'm wondering is how accurate the stats are considering that more than a few timelines I've viewed state the NOA1 date only a few days from the initial posting date of the application itself and that means roughly a three week discrepancy in many timelines.

    And as has been said many times all cases are different and the stats provided (and I'm so grateful they are there) are only a general guide.

    I guess its fair to say I've turned into a total stat geek and I'm kinda nitpicking lol, but hey, I miss my beloved a ton :)

    This is one of the most wonderful forums I've ever had the pleasure of joining, the friendliness and support is huge here, and sometimes it's just reassuring to know there's a lot of us in the same boat missing our loved ones and finding it a bit tough at times.

    Peace and speedy processing to all :)

  5. Hi VJers :)

    Possibly my final question regarding submitting our K1 petition, and thank-you for all the incredibly rapid responses I've recieved recently. This is an incredibly generous group here, and for this I am extremely grateful.

    So basically I have this wad of printed paper.

    I've done the cover letters and letters of intent etc so the actual technical paperwork side is fine and collated at the front.

    My thing is we've added evidence of our ongoing relationship and its surprising how bulky it is. We had three trips in all prior to now and I've broken it down chronologically into Visit 1: passport stamps, pics (labelled/bagged/bag labelled then attached), email, other bits and pieces, and so on.

    I'm worried about sending it all with just paper clips or staples. Would I be revealing my inner OCD to put it all in nice plastic binder with clear plastic pockets for the paper? manilla folders perhaps? or better to just make sure its correctly collated and stick to paper clips or staples? and deliver the paper chunk as is.

    P.S We haven't added more than was required on the USCIS filing info sheet, and what has been suggested here in the K1 guide, but still it seems weighty and I'm concerned not only about causing an immigration officer to go into a coma but for bits of paper to go missing mysteriously about the office and slowing the process down.

    Any thoughts or ideas most appreciated, cheers :)

  6. Second post today as I realized my first not only named the form incorrectly but perhaps wasn't clear in the query, sorry to spam guys.

    My main question is my US fiance and I are ready to post of our K1 application for the first time, but I understand its important to use downloaded forms that are up to date. As many of you would know there is an expiry date for each form on the top right hand corner.

    We would have mailed it in last week but were reluctant in case by the time it hit an actual desk, the required forms were actually beyond the USCIS's own imposed expiry dates for forms.

    I've been checking the USCIS form page religiously this past week and have downloaded an updated (through to 2012) i-129f form, but no such luck with the biographical info forms G-325A. Anyone experienced this previously and have some idea as to when they update forms? or perhaps the bio form exp date isn't such a big deal?

    Any knowledge or advice appreciated, thank-you :)

  7. I'm currently waiting on the USCIC website to update the biographical info form which expired today.

    The K1 forms were updated within the last week and I'm champing at the bit to get our application in, this is the only thing holding us up.

    Anyone experienced this before and have a ballpark timeframe for them updating?.

    I also assumed that perhaps because its a fairly standard-ish form they don,t worry about it expiring, but to hand in an expired form and then have it rejected and have to redo it would slow the whole process down.

    Any advice appreciated :)

  8. Thanks to all who responded :D

    Yes we have a ton of primary evidence, I kept every kind of receipt and ticket butt that ever fell into my hands :)

    I've always been a bit camera phobic myself, and I guess we just never thought to do it somehow. Funnily we visited the Johnson Space Centre and they

    took a pic of us together for "security reasons" and afterward said we could buy a copy for $26 bucks, wish I'd bought it now :/

    I guess I'll make up for it on this trip.

    Thankyou all :)

  9. My fiance and I have been engaged for nearly two years now and are about to do another pre-K1 trip. Strange as it may seem there is not a single photo of he and I together.

    The only pictorial evidence I have that we have ever been together physically is from this most recent Christmas, where there is one with his Dad.

    Might this present an issue during processing?

  10. I was able to successfully obtain a 6 month B2 visitor visa for the purpose of visiting my USC fiance.

    The key to this success was the timing. I got it BEFORE my US Citizen (USC) fiance submitted the forms & paperwork for the I129F portion of the process (petition for alien fiance). This is basically the first step towards getting a K1 visa.

    I stayed here in the USA with my fiance for the whole time awaiting approval of the I129F. We were able to get all the paperwork and relationship evidence collected together, 'together'!

    I actually return to Sydney Australia this Thursday to attend my K1 visa interview at the Sydney consulate before returning to the USA to get married.

    Just make sure you are totally honest with the consulate when applying for the B2 and state on the application form that you are visiting your USC fiance. If you hide this fact, they will deny you the visitor visa as they will assume you plan to stay permanently on the visitor visa.

    Good Luck!!

    Thankyou Schwez for this informative post. I was just curious about the time period of filing your petition and having an interview back home set up?

    I'm traveling for the second time to the US in July to stay with my fiance for the three months permitted on the Visa Waiver program and as he is filing our K1 application mid May I was worried about how rapidly the interview would be set up and if I would have time to make it home to Australia to sit for the interview. You say you were able to do some of the ground work such as providing evidence together in the US? If you have the time to reply I would love to know a little more about how you guys carried this out. Perhaps I should have created another topic but was hoping you might see this more quickly,

    kind regards

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