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Rafa & Sara

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Posts posted by Rafa & Sara

  1. I don't know where you're from, Rafe, but L's visa came on the 7th after being printed on the 5th (our interview was on the 4th of May, this year) -- L was from Bahia. They told us it'd be a week or two, too.

    Hello K, I'm from Niterói (just across the Rio de Janeiro bridge, haha) so usually we say we live in "Rio"... (off topic: and TNT charge us almost the same price to São Paulo :wacko: ), well by all the posts of people I have read here, and the ones that my fiancée has been reading in other topics, looks like the Visa should come soon then!!

    I wonder if they say 1 or 2 weeks (or 10 days) just to don't have their mailbox loaded with mails from people that just got approved and are trying to track their visa and bug their employees who works answering the emails, my guess -.-

    Thank you K and L!

    As soon I receive I'll let everyone knows! :)


  2. Parabéns pela aprovação! Já fez o review?

    Com certeza não é recente mas o meu visto chegou dois dias depois pelo Fedex.


    Bem, vou esperar e ver quanto tempo leva no meu caso, só estávamos preocupados se esta "demora" poderia significar algo ruim, mas com certeza isso só não passa de paranóia! risos! Provavelmente o Consulado aqui no Rio pode estar sobrecarregado atualmente.

    A partir de amanhã começo a checar o site da TNT! hehe

    Mais uma vez, obrigado!

    Ps.: Sim, o review já foi feito, eu escrevi e a minha noiva publicou, levando em consideração que ela é um membro mais ativo na comunidade VJ!


  3. Olá a todos,

    Hoje tive minha entrevista no consulado, e fui aprovado!!!!!! :dance:

    Ao final da entrevista (a fiz toda em inglês), o consular officer falou "Carlos, your visa should be done in 10 days, please head back to the other employee and talk to her for further instructions", ao voltar e falar com a "menina" que nos acompanha desde o começo da manhã na fila em que é formada às 07:15hs, ela escreveu algo num papel verde com o código 155, me explicou que dentro do grande envelope plástico haveriam dois folders, porém um seria o meu passaporte, e o outro o folder que eu não devo abrir, que será somente ao chegar nos US (provavelmente usado no POE acredito).

    A minha pergunta, e pergunta da minha noiva é a seguinte: é normal a espera de 10 dias para o visto ficar pronto? Ou ao menos, o consular officer falar isso? A minha noiva ficou um pouco com receio desta longa espera para o visto + a TNT que será de 3 dias após o visto pronto.

    Anyway, no meu papel da TNT já constava o meu case number e o tal código 155.

    Gostaria de saber do pessoal que teve entrevistas recentemente, se estou dentro do padrão de espera?

    Abraços felizes,


  4. Obrigado pelas respostas Carolina+James, Ladylethal,

    Já decidi hehe, irei com uma calça social e camisa social, amanhã irei passar numa loja para comprar uma calça nova e ficar tudo no esquema!

    Bem, hora de voltar a checar e ler e treinar e fazer quizes com a minha noiva par a entrevista! 4 dias para entrevista, a tensão está aumentando!

    Mais uma vez, obrigado pelas respostas!!!!


  5. Boa noite,

    Na próxima semana, dia 24 de Agosto, tenho minha entrevista no Consulado dos Estados Unidos (no caso eu sou o beneficiário do K1 Visa), em relação a parte burocrática, tudo já está resolvido, formulários, exame médico, evidências, fotos (haja papel, hehe).

    A minha pergunta é a seguinte: minha noiva leu em algum momento, em que a roupa adequada para o dia da entrevista seria um estilo "Business Casual", levando em consideração que esta terminologia leva à uma certa variedade de composições ao se vestir, gostaria de saber de vocês que já tiveram suas entrevistas, como os homens geralmente se vestem?

    No atual momento, estou pensando em vestir algo no estilo, calça e paletó com camisa, porém sem gravata (algo que me informaram numa loja de roupas sociais, risos).

    Sei que a pergunta parece meio fora do conteúdo, ou fútil, porém estamos tentando fazer tudo o mais perfeito possível em relação ao nosso processo do Visa K1.

    Desde já, grato pela atenção


  6. Will the NVC accept the printed online version of the Federal Police certificate? If so, does the online version need to be notarized at the cartorio? The version printed online is different than the version obtained from going in person at the Federal Police.

    Thanks for any help!!!


    About a week ago I had to make my request of my Criminal Records at the local Federal Police Station here where I live, I have read a few people saying that they had to notarize the non-online (regular) one, some others had no problem at all without notarization, so I ended up mailing the Rio de Janeiro Consulate and discovering the answer, on their email what they told me was:

    "Bom dia,

    Nao é necessario reconhecer firma ou validar o certificado emitido pela Polícia. Basta trazer o atestado no dia da entrevista. Aceitamos tambem os certificados emitidos pela internet.


    Consular Communications Office

    United States Consulate General

    Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

    So, what I did was just request another certificate online, and validate it online also, print both pages, and just to be sure, I'll be carrying this email with me in case of any problems.

    Ps.: I'm applying for K1 Visa.

  7. 1- Back in 2006 I got mine from Rio (the one on the other side of where we get passaports done). It came notarized already. Maybe that's what he meant when he said you wouldn't need to get it notarized.

    The one from the IFP was handed back to me with a little paper with the directions to the Cartório where I needed to get it notarized at. I had no problems getting it notarized.

    2- I never went the internet route, so not sure if and how it can get validated.

    3- Yes. Notarized = Reconhecer Firma.

    1, Ok that seems better! I'll get mine at the Superintendência of Federal Police in Rio de Janeiro looks like, at Praça Mauá. So I hope it comes already notarized like yours! And yes, an officer from IFP when knew I was doing that for an U.S. Visa told me by phone in advance that I should notarize their document (much better than the Federal Agent).

    3, Thanks a bunch! Me and my fiance been trying to discover what Notarized means properly for days, haha. Due some other topics, and images people show at posts, I was starting to believe it was indeed Reconhecer Firma, now that you said I'm sure. Thanks!!

    Again, thank you!!!

    Rafael and Sara

  8. Today I went to a local branch of the Brazilian Federal Police (DPF - Niterói - RJ), and after filling out the form to request my criminal records from the Federal Police, I advised the Federal Agent (totally unpolite person, without manners) that in the day I would get my criminal records done and signed by the Delegado of Federal Police, I would need to "Reconhecer Firma" of his/her signature, like I've been doing with the other state criminal records from previous places I lived. The Federal Agent told me that they would not do it, or seems not even tell me which cartório I should go to make the "Reconhecimento de Firma" of the Delegado's signature, saying their documents are valid in all National Territory and there's not need for it.

    Question 1: Anyone else that got his/her federal criminal records in Rio de Janeiro had any problems doing this?

    Question 2: What is needed to validate the internet one? The one where we print directly from the website?

    Question 3: Does notarized mean in cartório words "Reconhecer Firma?" Because so far, on the SSP from Santa Catarina I've done that, and in Rio de Janeiro at Felix Pacheco (SSP-RJ) the lady told me after I receive the criminal records printed I should "Reconhecer Firma" of the Delegado that would sign the document.


  9. Hello everyone,

    I'm posting under the forum of CR-1, even though I'm applying for K1. I'm a bit confused regarding the criminal records from the SSP (State) and Federal one. I lived all my life in Santa Catarina, and for the last years I moved to Rio de Janeiro. I already got my criminal records from SSP-SC (Santa Catarina) and I'm going to get the criminal records from SSP-RJ (Rio de Janeiro) and Federal Police this week.

    If everything is correct, my criminal records from SSP-SC already have the "reconhecimento de firma - da assinatura da Delegada" the one that made the signature on the document.

    My question is: What does notarized mean? Any Brazilian can tell me what that would be, when we go to ask for at the cartório? What be Notarized = Reconhecer Firma?


    Rafael and Sara

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