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Status Updates posted by dableaper

  1. wow. seeing your visa journey gives me hope for me and my honey. i'd like to hear your story. message me sometime. and God bless your marriage.

  2. we've been given a date to pick up results now. July 13. Cant wait!!

  3. hello evline. for some reason my phone internet wont let me access messaging but will allow me to post on your wall. i'd love to hear more from you and your experience. Tony is currently still in mexico awaiting AFS results for TB so he can enter the country. I cant wait to hear from you. its hard explaining to people who arent experiencing the same things exactly so it helps having online...

  4. he is flying there today, medical stuff tomorrow, then consulate wednesday, then hopefully visa then louisiana bound!!!!

  5. Hello! I believe our timelines are about the same! Good luck with everything! :)

  6. i've just received our open appointment letter in the mail, hoping for an appointment next week!!! can't believe we are finally this close!! :)))

  7. i miss him so much it hurts. If that visa appointment letter doesn't come soon, i'm going to have to vacate to mexico with the kids just so i can be with him. Hurry up Juarez so my man can come home!!

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