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Posts posted by mamisprague

  1. I am so happy for you, I am pregnant due on Sept 2010 and I wanted to get my mom in the Philippines. She never have any assets in the Philippines, the house is named under my sister and she is a cancer survivor. She doesnt work any more since then, she is active in church being an officer. Can you give me some tips as to what did your mom say as her reason for going here and to show her desire of coming back, any documents that she submitted? I really wanted to know because I really want her here when I deliver. Thanks for your help. I am so happy for you, you have such beautiful family. God bless.

  2. We are exactly on the same boat, I am also due Sept 10,2010 and would like to get my mom here, she's in the Philippines, same age as your mom or probably 55 yrs. I have an Indian friend that was able to get her parents without any problem, she said they don't have any property to show they owned in India too, they just showed proof that they can support here while here, that gives me such hope. But, I hope it will be easier for us too. I plan on getting her at least the end of august and stay here like max of 3 months.. I was reading your goal we are totally at the same boat. Same due date, same desire and my mom either does not have any properly anymore named under her name, the house we owned in the phils are now named after my sister's name. Pls keep me posted if you find more other useful information as I process my mom's papers, I will ask her to start having her passport ready and some other stuff. God bless!

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