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Posts posted by essencex

  1. I am an U.S citizen for many years. I fall in love with an international student who i want to marry to. Ofcourse, i want to help her with her tuition too since she has to pay a lot for it. I rather she saves her money for us then spending so much on such a case. What sort of thing do i need to know. Is there any laws that i need to pay full attention too because i heard my friends say that there is a new law that when a citizen marry to an international student, they will export the international student back to his/her own country, and i have to travel overthere to do all the paper work. I have to file all the paper work and bring her back into the United State. Is this correct or i can just do all the paper work here in the U.S without such stupid case. All i have to is doing the paper work in the U.S and she will get her paper over a period of time, 6 months or so.?

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