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Posts posted by Gigi124

  1. Thank you for your advice justbob. I am also a neat freak on the organizational aspect of my home. Everything is organized from my kitchen cabinets, pantry, closet etc. THe color coding and also clothing capsules work well but I feel i have to let the kids have a handle on their rooms. There is the usual unorganized closet, cell phones on the floor, or shoes, and dusty tv, in their rooms. Other than that it varies from messy to semi clean as best as they can get it organized.

    Aside from that, when we went for the interview, the card he received after that was his two year green card? I have no knowledge in the process and would like a list of what the process entails. His mother worked for an immigration attorney and he and his mother talked about his status and I was not involved. She holds all his documentation including his passport. Aside from that the attorney is a close family friend. I have consulted with other friends that know me or both of us and they are confirming my fears. I once questioned why three other siblings received their green cards and seemed to divorce right after everything was done. He said it looked funny but not to worry. I just want to be aware of what the process is and then I can decide what my heart tells me and which way I should go. I'm not a bad person nor do I wish harm on no one but when his mother tells me, "if you do good, God blesses you." I understand this but my friends are saying they are brain washing me by being really nice and offering things from computers to home furnishing. I feel this was a failed marraige from the get go and since he knows the ins and outs of the provisions to get divorced he is now stating i'm putting him under duress when I question him or claims the kids are stressing him out. Remember, the kids have NO interaction with him only when they pass each other in the house. I want to see what excuse he uses now that I've stopped interacting with him. This is not a way to live that is why I want out. Any information is greatly appreciated.

  2. This sounds like me! I'm at a loss and don't know the first thing about this process. We interviewed early last year and recently he went with my family to Mexico for a family vacation. Let me back up so you can understand my story. I have been previously been married with children. My children are now teenagers and going through puberty. My husband is not an affectionate person but I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I met him. I loved him and he said he loved me and I knew he did not have papers but felt he was a good man. He doesn't drink, smoke, go out, very responsible, etc. Anyhow, after a short 3-5 months we married, moved in and he experienced some incidents with my kids involving teenage issues.(talking back, messy rooms, etc.) they are not bad kids just teenagers. He has now said, that nothing between us will be okay until the kids can maintain a clean room. He said he is distanced from me because of the drama. I try to talk to him to work it out but it seems I'm the only one overextending myself and he doesn't budge. He said he is willing to get a divorce but wants to know what I want to fight? I thought to myself and now I realize it may be the papers and says I'm being spiteful. I married for love not for papers, that's my answer. I've come to realize three of his siblings have obtained their papers through marraige with a us citizen and at least one was because of love. The other two did not and recently his sibling is flying over his girlfriend after only being divorced not even a year? Weird.... He said he initially entered the relationship in love but fell out of it. Also he says i'm driving him crazy and when we went to counseling early on in the marraige he dropped out at the 3rd session because he said the therapist was telling him he has OCD and other issues , which he does. Why is it that i'm the one that is crazy, i'm bad and that god will punish me if I am spiteful about the paper? Not only that but he wanted to travel on trips alone, when he is late to come home or something he doesn't bother to call me to let me know so I won't wait up. He acts with his family like everything is beautiful and wonderful but get this, he doesn't acknowledge me or hug, kiss anything with me. I feel like i have a roomate more than a spouse and I feel guilty for wanting to take back the papers. I have my own car insurance, my own bank account. we had it at one time but he decided he didn't want to have a joint account with 6 months of marraige. There is nothing under our name except the lease. I should have known something was strange when they kept saying, take pictures!! bring out the camera!!! when we visited his family. Then those same pictures ended up in the interview and meanwhile my children are not a concern of theirs no visits from his family to our home. My kids sleep upstairs and are locked up in their rooms while he is locked up in his and doesn't try to have any contact with them. He's offered me to keep everything with the understanding that we will divorce amicably. I feel we need to leave with what we came with and that is nothing gained from each side. With all this said and there is more, how can I not believe he married me for papers? A year and a half of marraige. :( If I should divorce and not fight papers then what is next in his process? I'm torn and don't know what to do.

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