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Posts posted by Gyspy

  1. Ok guys, went down to get an SSN today.... OMG /fail.

    Seems that now i am married I cant use my Fiance visa to obtain an SSN.

    I found out not long ago that i could of applied 2 weeks after i landed.

    Because it wasn't long before i was getting married thought i would wait until after

    i was married that way i didn't have to go back and change my name.

    Now i find out that i cant apply because i am no longer a fiance so the fiance visa is

    no longer valid. I now have to wait for my EAD or AOS (which ever comes first) to apply.

    So for the next 3 months I am a nobody. :(

    They really don't want anyone knowing how to get one here. No information anywhere except the

    hard fought info VisaJourneyers have found and shared with us.

    So the moral to this story is get your SSN between 2 weeks after you arrive (that way you

    are definitely in the system) and before you get married or wait until you get your EAD or AOS.

    Hope this helps future Journeyers.

  2. OMG Emp, the high fructose corn syrup is such a killer. I have searched all the breads in Walmart, Dillons and the Bread shop and they all have it. I finally found a variety at Dillons called California Sough Dough and although it cost a bit more and has less in it, it DOES NOT have sugar/syrup/fructose of any type in it. (Yay can enjoy my vegemite with out feeling like I used the honey knife)


    Before I left i rang them and asked what i should do, they suggested i contacted them and speak to a finance coach when i finished work. Problem was I was still "employed" but on holiday leave when i came here and having no landline phone decided to email instead.I emailed REST several time about what to do and they have been sending me generic mail back.

    Will have to just send them one saying I WANT to drop insurance and Death n Disability.


    In Kansas it seems quite easy to get a transfer. I just have to take proof of residency, passport and visa, marriage certificate for proof of name change. Only one I might have problems with is proof of residency but i'm off to get my SSN today so hopefully that takes care of that.

    Congrats to all who have recently been married (me included lol) and good luck to those who are still waiting to be with loved ones.

  3. OMG looks like the 27th Nov is going to be a busy Aussie/Ammerican Wedding day.

    That is the day we have set.

    Seing we have both beeen married before, we thought it would be fun to do a theme wedding.

    With the help of my sister-in-law we have started organising a renaissence themed wedding.

    A friend of theirs has recently become an ordained minister, so he is preforming the wedding.

    Possibly dressed as Friar Tuck lol.

    We were going to make a wedding dress, but spotted a site that has ren. type dresses.

    Holy Clothing http://www.holyclothing.com/store/index.php

    So we have both picked dresses from there. We are going to dress Chris up too.

    Vicki (sister-in-law/bridesmaid) does a lot of local theatre work so is using things from there

    for him.

    We are having the wedding at the Chaplin Nature Reserve. Hopefully outside but if its too cold we

    have the use of the reception room

    And for our wedding feast.... we are all going to..... All you can eat Chinese buffet, lol.

    WE decided that we really dont want a formal wedding, we want to have fun and enjoy ourselves

    without going into debt. We are asking that guest just pay for their meals, no present.

    Anyway, thats the plan. Will let you all know later how it goes, good luck and grats on all the

    other wedding happening, i will have a drink for you both too.

    Ok onto SSN's.

    To open a bank account i only needed my passport/visa, so that is done.

    Also opened a walmart visa debt card.Its a prepaid card that you can reload, we chose the

    Walmart MoneyCard Student Edition, which gives you two cards.

    We put it in chris's name with me being the secondary card holder so we didnt need ssn

    for me. So that maybe an option for those that would like to have a temporary card instead of


    Waiting on a reply to my email about driving. Read that i can drive for 6 months on Aussie license, but

    that is whilst i am a non citizen. it also states that if you become a resident of Kansas you must obtain

    a Kansas license within 90 days. So will have to wait and see. Driving tho seems simple enough, keep right,

    keep right, keep right is my new mantra :). The laws are also seem identical to aussie ones, with the exception

    of sides (turn right on red, not left) I intend to get one asap anyway, or at least after i get married.

    They asked for ssn for marriage license, but in the end i didn't need it.

  4. Well 3 glorious days with my hunney.

    Thought i would check up on you all.

    How is everyone going?

    Decided to see about getting a bank account and maybe my drivers license, but it

    seems you just HAVE to have a SSN.

    So searched the net about getting one and it seems under certain circumstances you

    can obtain one. But it was recommended to wait 10 days so you are definitely in the

    system. If anyone has any other information regarding this it would be appreciated.

    Well that seems to be it. if anyone else has any think to say, go for it.

    Grats and goodluck to all.

  5. Ok, Flew to Sydney Monday night, got taxi to sons place, had exciting reunion (haven't seen him for a year, and never met his partner)

    Next morning up early, appointment was for 9am Sydney time. My son had to be home at 8.15 for someone to fix his blinds so we left early.

    Walked down to central station, caught the train into Martin Place. Walked down to the MLC building, sussed out where i had to go, said goodbye

    to my son and then sat down for coffee.At 8.30 i made my way to the 10th floor to security/reception. After surrendering everything but my paperwork,

    sat down for around 2 mins before being called up to enter the lift. Once reaching the 57th floor, went to a very high security reception (reminded me

    of a jail reception) where they checked my passport.

    I was then admitted into the "processing room" (bit like the old style car rego place but behind glass panels). I promptly sat down and was advised by the

    young lady next to me that i should take a ticket. Doh!, didn't even see it when i walked in. Even returned the favor when a gentleman walked in and sat

    down without taking one.

    Finally called up to a booth,where i was asked for passport, payment receipt and express satchel, then was asked to be seated again.

    Called up a second time, asked me to finish a question i didn't finish.It was the question where you answer yes or no to certain people living in america.

    I just checked the yes for fiance, obviously i was suppose to say no to the rest :) The lady asked me when i would be travelling and i said hopefully in a couple

    of weeks. She finalized everything and told me that everything looks ok and that another officer would look at it just in case she had missed something.

    Please take a seat and wait for name to be called.

    My name was then finally called, and i approached another window, where she asked me some questions, meanwhile typing away on her screen.

    The questions were:

    How did you meet.

    Have you been to America.

    What does he do.

    Who is Gary (his dad)

    You have two children.

    He has a child, does she live with him.

    think that was about it.

    She rifled thru the papers a few times. Stopping on one particular one, rubbing her thumb over the official verification stamp.

    I said to her, If there is a problem with that i have all the originals. She said no that's OK and moved on PHEW

    She typed some more then handed me a piece of paper and said here is some information for you before entering the US and your tracking number.

    I thought what, looked at the piece of paper which stated in bold letters you have been approved . OMG. she could have told me verbally, but i was

    on such a high, thought who cares i got it ;)

    So i flew home Wednesday night , and after work on Thursday went up to the Flight Center and booked my tickets

    I leave at 6.10 on the 6th October. YAY

    Also saved myself some money by researching the cheapest flights then letting the lady at Flight Center know, and they beat the price.

    So i got it for half price and all organised, without any hidden costs. YAY

    Now to just organize my things to go over.

    As i only have a few boxes i am looking at using Seven Seas Worldwide www.sevenseasworldwide.com

    It is only going to cost me around 800-1000 depending on the amount of boxes.

    Will let you know when i get there whether it was worth it.

    OK good luck to all, see you on the flip side (or at least the other side of the world :) )

    BTW received my Visa two days later.

  6. Hey Jalvernaz, can check my forum there are some good tips there: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/245114-americaaustralia-march-posting/

    Also make sure she has copies of your original divorce papers if you have been divorced, these have been asked for from some posters on my forum.

    I am taking my Skype logs, and letters written by family and friends of our ongoing relationship. Also copies of everything sent in original application.

    But it seems they haven't really bothered with seeing anything from the posters on my forum. Any tips or feedback posted on the forum would be appreciated.

    My interview is for this Tuesday, so good luck to you and her. The wait is nearly over :)

  7. Thank you Kathy

    And yay for you, in your babe's arms very soon.

    Well good news: Cohen Edward was born at 9.52 pm on the 11-09-2010 at a weight of 8lb 2ozs

    after a 1 hour 22 min labour. 1 hour labour, 22 minutes of pushing when i got there :)

    (i went home for some dinner and sleep, got a phone call and when i got there was told she

    waited for me to get there to push)

    Mother, Father and Son all doing very well.

    Looks like he would sleep through a bomb, as his brother was there making loooots of noise, and

    not a peep out of him the whole time. :)

  8. OK guys good news, i have my interview for this Tuesday.

    Booked my flight and am spending couple of days with my son whilst I'm up there.

    As of now my daughter still hasn't had her baby (due the 5th) but we are off to the hospital this afternoon.

    She will be assessed as to whether to induce her, or wait until tomorrow and pop her waters.

    Hoping to be able to book my flight for the 6th October. Been so long, can't wait to see Chris again.

    Just want to hold him :)

    Thanks for the link empyre will check it out after i post this.

    Anyway grats and good luck to all.

  9. OMG so much has happened since i posted last.

    Thank you all for keep it open and going.

    All information no matter how small may help future VJ's so keep it coming.

    Grats to all with interviews and an even bigger grats to those approved,hopefully my turn soon.

    Speaking of my turn. Chris's Affadavit of Support arrived today so i whizzed down to the post office and

    sent package 3 off express, so hopefully there tomorrow.

    My daughter still hasn't had her baby. They said if she doesn't have it by the 5th (her due date) they

    will induce her.

    Chris and I are in a bit of a flap at the moment. We re-read the packet 3 info and it says we have to have the visa

    approved within the 4 month validity. When this time starts we aren't sure but we are assuming from the time

    of application approval, which gives us only a few more weeks. So make sure any future VJ's that you keep this in mind.

    We were advised here on VJ from the start to make sure that Chris sent me the whole application. Which he has done.

    So i have everything just in case they ask for anything.

    Anyhow must sign off now. Good luck to all who are waiting.

  10. OMG I'm so jealous.

    Medical went fine thank you Kathy.

    Grats to you and Heidi on your approvals.

    Just waiting on Chris's Dads Affidavit of support, as he is going co-sponsor.

    And of course waiting for grandson number 2 to arrive.

    Kathy, did you find what the cheapest way was to send your things to the US.

    I had a few quotes and found Grace Removalist the cheapest and they guaranteed your things are legit

    so they wont get held up in customers, otherwise it can cost around $500 and be held. Or so i have been told.

    Just in case i have asked Chris to send me his original divorce papers, just in case, maybe you were interviewed by the same

    people and they aren't as luck as us in love :)

    I will be staying with my son when i go to Sydney, but the Travel lodge is a good tip for any other travelers.

    Still hoping for a mid September flight, around 22nd I hope.

    Well grats grats grats. Make sure you try and add things even tho the process is finished. Like EAD and AOS procedures.

    All the best in your new life.

  11. Just checked the fee site and this is what it says:

    K visa applicants pay an application fee (also known as the Machine Readable Visa Fee) like any other nonimmigrant visa applicant.

    The current application fee for the K visa is USD $350.00. (The AUD equivalent is $420.00).

    This fee can only be paid at an Australia Post outlet. Bring the original receipt for this payment to your interview.

    Only the original receipt may be submitted to the Consulate.

    U.S. Department of State policy requires that all Embassies and Consulates worldwide retain the original Machine-Readable Visa (MRV)

    application fee receipt as part of the visa application record. If you require a record of your transaction, please make a copy of your

    application fee receipt prior to your visa interview.

    I am so glad you pointed this out Kathy as it says nowhere on any of the application instructions about the payment.

    All i can assume is that they may mention it when sending you interview date.

    Could you please let us know when you get your packet 4 if it is stated in there.

  12. Hey Kathy had my x-rays done at Morphett Vale, had to go back the next day to pick them up, it had a security seal on it

    but i told them i had to open it to check everything was signed properly and was all in there, after a bit of discussion they allowed

    me to open it and then resealed it for me. Where your x-rays sealed?? (i assume the report was the folded piece of paper in there)

    As for the visa fee and application fee, i am unaware of any fees that have to be paid before i go for the interview.

    I assume that any moneys needing to be paid are to be paid at the consul. Damn will have to check that out.

    Thanks for the heads up.Only a week to got to medical, hope Chris gets the Affidavits to me soon. Want to be able to send it

    as soon as i have had the medical.

    So how is everyone else going??

  13. Hey BellaSade, welcome to our little forum. Where is your fiance from in Australia?

    Grats Zoe and Kathy, its exciting times now :)

    Went and got my request for bloods, chest xray and paperwork on Wednesday.

    Think Joan was under pressure (being the last day for a fortnight) she only ordered me bloods for Chicken Pox

    (I have had it just have no proof)

    I'm sure I'm suppose to have tests for syphilis as well (it states on the form the doctor fills out) so am

    going to get my doctor to organize it just in case. If they don't accept his findings then i have time but it is

    just a bit of a hassle.

    Chris has the Affidavit of support filled out, just waiting on some answers from the consul to make sure, hes

    filled it out correctly. This far into the process he doesn't want to make mistakes.

    Well my count down is like this atm. 2 weeks to my physical, 3 weeks to my trip to QLD for my dad's 70th (and farewells),

    7 weeks to my friends wedding (shes marring a Scot who she met on the internet, he moved here.), 9 weeks to my grandsons birth

    and finally 11 weeks to see my hunney :) (interview sometime between all this)

    I think the hardest thing will be getting the "YES" but not being able to go until mid September, thats why im focusing on

    all the little things in between.

    Oh well good luck girls. Don't forget to let us know whats happening. the smallest detail may help someone else in the future. :)

  14. Just a bit of extra info for any Adelaidians

    When you receive the info list from Dr Miller its states to

    bring the medical request letter with you, apparently 95% of

    applicants don't receive one, so don't wait for it.

    Joan will give you a copy of the letter when you pick up the

    request forms for the bloods and x-rays.

    I was waiting for a hard copy of my packet 3, as the form/letter wasn't

    in my email, then thought maybe i wouldnt get a hard copy (why waste their

    paper when email is more efficient) so rang the doctors office to ask about it.

    Joan explained that they no longer send them.

  15. That is good to hear E, hopefully not long now.

    Thanks for the info Kathy, nice to know it's not going to be that scary.

    Unfortunately because I'm still working need to book time off at least a week in

    advance (they prefer 2). So have got Wednesday off to go to Dr Millers to get paperwork

    for bloods and x-rays. Took the whole day off because its the other side of town for me. :)

    His rooms are closing for 2 weeks for renovations the day after (just made it in) so

    Joan said she would book me in for the doctor for the first day they reopen.

    If i was pushed for time she said she would get me in earlier, but as i have

    said before I'm waiting until after my second grandson is born before i leave, so have a

    little time up my sleeve.

    Think my biggest problem is getting the letters of support from Chris.

    LOL he needs to be pushed a lot, he's not that good with doing forms :)

  16. Cool E, on the home stretch now hun.

    Grats Kathy. Goes much quicker now.

    Well tried ringing the consulate on Tuesday on the 02 number

    It gave me an automated response saying ring the 1900 number, but mobile and home phone have had 1900's banned

    It also gave the alternative 1800 number, but i had already read that it cost $12 to ring and you needed your credit card

    I wasn't going to do that so sent an email. Whilst i was in the email mood thought i would check my secondary account (hotmail)

    This is what happened:


    Mum: What, whats the matter (runs into my room)

    Me: Look (pointing at monitor)

    Mum: I can't see (she didn't have her glasses on)

    Me: I got my packet 3

    followed by a lot of "yay"s and clapping and mums dog running around from the excitement.

    So on the 15/06 i got my packet 3

    Unfortunately I had to wait until today to print out DS-230 as i ran out of ink, then bought the wrong cartridge ( i have 2 black, 1 small and 1 large)

    So finally after a very long day (i had training from 4.30 - 6.30 and then went to visit my grandson for his second birthday)

    I finally printed and filled out my form, sealed and stamped it and gave it mum to post it tomorrow.

    And now i bid you all good luck and good night.

  17. Hey Kathy, all should be good.

    Thinking of you and sending my best wishes

    Hey jazz welcome to the forum.

    Feel free to add your experiences and suggestions, or just have a chat

    If you have all the things they have asked for don't worry, things should be alright

    RFEs are common, usually they are sent because of missing signatures, missing ticks, missing documents

    or further proof. Which means that they believe you but just want to be 100% sure.

    EandRs was because of a tick missing on a box, mine was because of our first divorce papers not being sent,

    even tho i had sent mine to chris, we decided they werent really needed. (we assumed that they would believe that

    we had been divorced to get married the second time, therefore the second divorce papers would be ok. WRONG)

    Anyways good luck. :)

    And to the latest.

    Received my police clearance certificate the other day, it is completely different from the first one i got.

    The first one seems to be just a general clearance, the second one i think is checked with the Federal database.

    It has all state police seals on it and more personal details. Also says that fingerprints have been checked.

    BTW i have no criminal history :)

    Ok on the 22nd May USCIS sent Chris a letter saying that in 7 days it would be sending off the package to the

    Sydney consulate. Which would have made it around the 29th (which was a Saturday so give or take a few days)

    The VisaJourney process chart states that it will take around 5 - 7 business days to receive. (so about the 10th)

    Then approx. 1 week after the Sydney cons receives the package they will send me the paperwork. So its getting closer.


    ok guys catch ya all later and good luck

  18. Received the doctors instructions today.

    The following is a summary of what is says, but make sure you call up for it, as it has more details then i have given.

    You will need your passport, 3 passport size photos and the medical examination instruction letter from the consulate.

    (So no premedical until package received)

    A time has to be arranged to drop these of at the doctors.

    (which is in North Adelaide and the other side of town for me :( )

    You will then receive in return request forms for chest x-ray and blood test.

    Need to book the x-ray with Jones Radiology.

    (from what the letter reads it is to be done at the prospect office. Hope not, that's another trip out north.

    Will let you know when i book.)

    Need to have bloods done with I.M.V.S (letter states North Adelaide again)

    No appointment needed tho.

    The results forwarded to Dr Miller and can take up to a week.

    Then immunization as per the schedule sent to you.

    They recommend a Doc but your own Doc can do them, but must supply a letter.

    (I'm covered for it all so will just take the proof.)

    Then you make an appointment with Dr Miller, they say that appointments are usually available within 2 - 3 weeks.

    When attending the appointment make sure you have passport and all documents.

    That's it.

    As at the time of this letter it is quoted that the x-rays are $102.30, blood test free with medicare card and doctors

    appointment $180. The doctors fee is to be paid in cash only.

    Well i hope that helps, now all i can do is wait for the package from Sydney.

    Good luck everyone and thanks Deb for your input.

    Nice to see you are still visiting us Terri, how exciting 10 days to go.

    Can't wait to start planning mine, going to wait until I'm there seeing its just going to be a civil service.

    I have already asked his sister tho if she would me my maid of honor. She said yes. May even ask his dad if

    he will give me away.

  19. Grats Kathy, easy sailing now i hope.

    Went and got my fingerprints done last Thursday. The police don't actually do anything with them.

    They hand them to you all notarized and stamped,so you can send them off to who ever asked for them.

    But they do send of the police clearance check. It cost $154. You are suppose to fill out the form

    online and take it in with you. I was lucky and the officer did mine for me.

    http://www.academicsltd.com.au/downloads/South%20Aus%20Police%20Check.pdf this is the link for the app.

    When I went to the Sturt police station, the officer took me out the back to lock-up to take my prints.

    Because it was for a visa they had to do ink prints instead of the electronic version.

    they do each individual finger and thumb rolled from left to right, then they do all fingers together from tip

    to where they join palm, then they do palm , then side of hand (little finger side) and lastly thumbs again

    rolled from top to bottom. Stamp it, sign it and put it in an envelope for you to send.

    Also rang the doctor for my medical, the receptionist was soooo nice.

    The doctor has created a pamphlet to let you know what you need to do before seeing him, x-rays, bloods, etc.

    (Apparently they take blood to check for, not HIV that's not important but for .... Syphilis.

    I didn't even know Syphilis existed.)

    Anyway she is posting that tonight so i will get the information tomorrow.

    For South Aussie posters the doctor is:

    Dr David Miller

    183 Tynte St

    North Adelaide


    ok will let you know more as it comes along

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