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T & J MC

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Posts posted by T & J MC

  1. I don't know what to do. I brought my husband over on a k-1 visa and we got married and...well I won't go into details but things got crappy fast. I want to separate and he doesn't. I finally put down my foot and said I couldn't put up with this anymore and I wanted him out. The problem is...we haven't even gotten his temporary greencard yet. He's told me he can NOT go back to his home country because of the shame of such a short marriage and that if he can't stay in the US because we divorce he has no other choice but to kill himself. I honestly think he is serious about this and I agreed to put off a divorce until he got his permanent resident card after the 2 year one is up. But now I'm starting to get worried. We haven't even had our conditional green card interview yet and I'm really starting to get scared we might get caught and I'll get in trouble for committing Visa fraud. To top it off, he's moving half way across the country in a few days and I know that's going to be nearly impossible to explain without raising some eyebrows. I read that's like a felony and could land me 10 years in jail... but I'm at a loss as to what to do. He refuses to got back to his home country saying it's not even an option and I seriously believe he's going to kill himself if I refuse to continue the visa process. I don't want to do this but I don't see any other choice. Worse case scenario, we do get caught...would I really face 10 years in jail? I know this is wrong, I don't want to do it. But I don't want him killing himself and having that on my head for my entire life.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you received that surprising news, but do you trust Toney????? I find it kind of ironic that after he was denied his visa, now out of the blue there is a 4 year old child out there that he knew nothing about. hmmmm. Now, of course I don't know Toney nor yourself, but for me that would be a red flag. You questioned yourself saying should you withdraw, but only you can answer that question, because at the end of the day no matter what advice you're given, you are the one who has to live with what choice you make, not anyone else.

  3. Hello all... trying to see if anyone has suggestions on what to do about needing to reschedule the K-1 visa interview. It is absolutely impossible to attend the interview. Thus, I've emailed the embassy but have not received a reply. I dont want to have the application cancelled for not attending the interview. But I also assume if I go to the embassy without the documents and fee I'll be turned away as well. I'm not sure what to do. Help.

    If you go there without the correct information, or fee, they will give you another interview date. Do you live in Kingston?

  4. Are you serious, that is the same exact email I got from them. So I am just curious, if they jusr send the same email to everyone who is denied.

    Dear Madam

    We are unable to process your application for an Fiancé visa. Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prohibits a consular officer from issuing a visa to an alien if the consular officer has reason to believe that the alien is ineligible.

    Based on a review of your case at the Embassy, new evidence provided, not previously available to USCIS, requires USCIS review. Therefore, we have returned your petition to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for review and possible revocation.

    A letter was sent to the applicant at the address you provided containing this information.

    Kingston iV

  5. Hello VJer's

    I told you I would keep you updated so I will today I recieved an email from the embassy that said:

    Dear Madam

    We are unable to process your application for an Fiancé visa. Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prohibits a consular officer from issuing a visa to an alien if the consular officer has reason to believe that the alien is ineligible.

    Based on a review of your case at the Embassy, new evidence provided, not previously available to USCIS, requires USCIS review. Therefore, we are returning your petition to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for review and possible revocation.

    A letter was sent to the applicant at the address you provided containing this information.

    Kingston iV

    Much expected since most of the people I talked that were in AP had not received their passports back and my fiancé did. So now we will wait the 120+ days that it takes to get a response from USCIS. This is such a hard process and I'm starting to have doubts about doing it again it's such a heart ache and has cause turmoil on my relationship. But I know that God is still by my side. Thank you everyone for your continuous prayers and support.

    A scripture that has helped me so much through this process.

    John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

  6. I think the post's subject line is misleading. To have filed bankrupcy "years ago" suggests that the bankrupcy was at least a decade in the past, probably longer. So, 3 years is not really "years ago." However, that is really a minor point. It may have been the reason they gave the OP's fiance for denying him, but she also said that they suspected visa fraud since she is older than him. The consul really can choose to give only one reason for a denial even though there may have been various red flags in the case. A difference in age (by the way, did the OP ever mention the actual ages?) particularly when the female petitioner is older, AND petitioning someone from the Caribbean (where there is a lot of suspicion because of fraud cases where the younger, better looking male beneficiary swindled the older, less attractive American woman) is enough reason to see why her case was denied.

    To the OP, since you seem to visit often, what you may consider doing is marry your fiance next time you go over to see him and file the I-130. Take many pictures, phone records, chat logs, etc. Basically, marry your fiance and also prepare a better case for next interview.

    Best wishes to all!

    First of all I would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who gave me some suggestions and good advise, since that is what I was asking, but as for you Aztec&Taino, I requested advise not sarcasm, so if that was the only thing you had to offer you could have your comments to yourself!!!!! As far as you saying I was misleading saying years, suggesting at least a decade, where did that come from? an “s” at the end of a word is plural not singular, so whether I said two years or 1,000 years it doesn’t matter, so if you assumed it was a decade, that was your problem not mine, but it’s obvious you knew I was talking about 3 years, so as you said that was a minor point, but frankly what you was pointless. And I never said they suspected visa fraud, once again you’re assuming, maybe if you would have read what I wrote correctly instead of trying to criticize what you thought was misleading you would have known that. You also said something about suspicion where the younger better looking male beneficiary swindled the older, less attractive American woman, WHAT!!!!!!! So now you are judging me, when you have no idea what I look like, but FYI, I am a very attractive American woman, but looking at your picture you don’t look like much. And as far as you saying I should marry him when I go back, if they denied it because they were concerned about my finances, I am still financially responsible for him whether he is my fiance’ or my husband, so filing for an I-130 doesn’t guarantee ANYTHING, and with you assuming once again which is basically what you did when you read what I wrote I never said what else was in his package I just said what they gave back to him so don’t tell me what I need to prepare for, because I prepared well, I just did not expect that I would be penalized for what I had done in my past. So my advise to you is “DON’T GIVE YOUR ADVISE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and another thing bankruptcy is spelled this way and not the way you spelled it!!!!! And as far as your best wishes, I don’t really think I need to say what you can do with them.

  7. I would suggest that you try to hook up with the Yardie crew over on Facebook, there you will get more support and answers, and less negative comments. Especially from those who doesn't know the climate in Jamaica.

    Ok, I don't really go on Facebook, but do I just go to Yardie crew and request them as a friend?

    I think the bankrupcy thing was just a reason they used and they are viewing it as potential visa fraud, not on your part but on your fiance's part. Good luck with your journey.

    ok. thank you

  8. hi tj, listen girlfriend, if you follow up this bankruptcy denial you are going to go on a wildgoose chase, the co gave him the wrong reason for denial but he did gi ve him the right one too. SHE IS TOO OLD FOR YOU.. that is his reason for denial because of what he thinks, this is rude, biased and discrimination and that co knows it is discrimination thats why he gave him that ridiculous sorry excuse for a denial. a lot of vj members have filed bankruptcy and was still approved not to mention the ones that are up to their ear in debt. i remeber one guy said he was just coming out if a divorce and did'nt even own a car, all he had was his earnings, and still got approvved. don't worry your head, get your congress person involve don't take it lightly. your not the first person they did this too.

    Thank you so much that makes me feel so much better, I actually started hyperventialting when he told me he was not approved, and had to be walked out of the office, but more and more as I get feed back it is not looking good.

    Thank you

  9. Definitely get your Congressman / Senator involved - Get your fiance to write down all the details, who exactly said you were too old for him, everything and anything - If an immigration officer truly said that to him, I would be doing everything in my power to have that person fired - There are LAWS against that type of discrimination and to make an out and out statement would clearly be in violation of policy.

    I am sorry for your loss - Take a deep breath and try to focus on moving forward and fighting this idiocy.

    Thank you so much and I am trying not to stress, but it is very hard because I really miss him, and want him here and the process already took an additional 5 months beause they kept sending the information to the incorrect address. It took almost a month for them to send his information to him, and he lives in Negril, and it was only coming from Kingston Jamaica which is only 4 hours away. I really appreciate all of your feed back.

    Thanks a bunch

  10. This might seem like a random story. However, I visited Jamaica about 4 years ago. and at that time I attended church on the Sunday. This was a 3 hour long service dedicated to women with children out of wedlock and the fathers who don't do enough to support their children. They seem to be pretty prejudice against those who are pregnant before marriage. Even though, from what I gather, many people do not have enough money to have a legal wedding. Sounds like discrimination to me.

    They don't even know I was pregnant because he didn't tell them

  11. Okay, now things are making sense, they are sending it back for possible visa fraud.

    What do you want yo do now?

    He and I have been together since 4/25/09, I have visited him 15 times since then, because of all this stress I lost our first child 5 weeks ago, and its my choice if I date men younger than myself, I always have, but it was nefver an issue before, because they were always in the states, and I did have to get approval for that, so it is not visa fraud. I was even with him for his first interview, but they make you stand across the street. I wanted advise beause I felt bad they he was denied because of my past, but now I don't feel so bad, and I will try to contact the local congressman.

  12. Keep emailing them - Put third request, etc.... in your reference line - the squeaky wheel is the one that gets the oil.

    Also read through some of the other JA threads in the past week - there are a few others dealing with similar.

    I am curious about your timeline - it says you had an interview 6/14, then a second interview? What was the second interview for?

    I was in Jamaica for his first interview on the 14th of June, but I he didn't get his medical records back in time, so we had to reschedule his interview date.

  13. Something doesn't sound right, T&J - I have never heard of a past bankruptcy causing a denial of the petition - Especially one that was three years ago, and you make over the limits since - Plus, if the financial reasons were the reason for the denial, they typically would give your fiance a blue slip to return and ask for a co-sponsor.

    Have you emailed the embassy at all to see what they said? Did they give your fiance anything at his interview?

    I have emailed them twice with no response, and they only gave him his passport back and our pictures

  14. There are people all the time on VJ that talk about their bankcruptcy all the time and their visas are approved. Maybe it was the circumstances surrounding it, or maybe you have again accumulated debt?

    No, but I just pulled my credit, and my some of my sister's information is listed on my credit so I wonder if they they think it is me, so I am going to have to get that clarifed before I reapply.

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