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Posts posted by VeniyaAO

  1. The reason I put up with her lack of love and hoped it would improve is because she just seemed to be having a hard time dealing with the new small town. I thought with time she would adapt.

    Also she is the prettiest, hottest fiancee I have ever dated in my life. She is A++++++ hot, I just could not give that beautiful woman up. Wow, I doubt I would ever meet someone so pretty in my life again.

    Everyone that saw her was absolutely shocked by her beauty. As you all know, women that look like that can get any guy they want and use them.

    broken heart

  2. HELP!

    Many of you have been giving me advice to report my fiancee leaving me after 3 weeks together. But as you know she came back home a couple weeks ago.

    Today she left again. :( I came home from work and she was gone. The difference this time, she took every thing she owns and everything I gave her.

    Wow, I am shocked, my heart is BROKE. I dreamed of this working out but now I see she left for good. All of her stuff is gone. There is no note explaining where she went.

    I am very worried for her, she left and does not have much money. Someone came to my house and took her this morning? Who? I do not know.

    I do not know where she is. I am very worried for her but she apparently cares nothing about me. She never even let me a note. :(

    OK, so I called USCIS and they told me that they do not keep any personal records. I explained to the guy and he said no he could not take my information. Their service is for only approving the visa.

    I explained to him she has a month left on her visa, so he said she is not yet illegal. There agency did not seem a bit interested in taking the information. How I get this documented?

    I called the cousin where she went before and the cousin said my fiancee informed her last night that she was sad here and the adjustment to this town was just too hard for her. She said she was planning to return to Colombia.

    He said if I think I have been a victim of visa fraud to contact the following two agencies. I do not think I am a victim of visa fraud. It seems she is returning to Colombia.

    Immigration Customs Enforcement Agency




    US Customs & Border Protection Agency



    However, none of her family has the money to purchase a plane ticket to Colombia. Therefore, I do not think she went to Colombia. I suspect she is staying with someone local or in the USA.

    What should I do? Call the two agencies USCIS referred me to? Wait until after the visa is up? Give it a week to see if she contacts me?

    I feel bad to report her if she really is on her way back to her Country. I really do not think is planning to commit visa fraud. She just was unable here. I did everything I could think of to make her happy here. Many gifts, clothes, introduce her to people, working out together, we kept very busy. According to her cousin and another friend of hers I spoke to, it seems her plan is to return to Colombia.


  3. Newbe, you sure are correct. My fiancee is from a Big City and I live in a rural area. Also she is from 80 degree daily temp city whereas we have snow and 15 degrees here. Not a nice welcome for her.

    She complains alot about not being able to walk to a store and see lots of people everywhere like in her city.

    She does not seem to have any interest in getting the green card as others keep saying here.

    She tells me often that if I do not want to marry bring her to the airport and she will go back to her country.

    She has meet my family many times and tells me she loves to spend time with them.

    She has always been in independent girl and I think she is having a hard time adjusting to living with me. She keeps telling me to give her time and she will adjust . Right now she treats me more like a good friend then a fiance.

    This woman has changed A LOT. I dated her for more then 2 years and she was an angel in her own country.

    She is very friendly for example makes me dinner and lunch and cleans the clothes. But she does not seem to show love. I ask her about it and she just says she needs time to feel comfortable here.

    someone mentioned she is entitled to 50% of my things, income? if we get married? What about a prenup agreement? Does that not prevent her from getting 50% of everything?

  4. She is back living with me. We talked alot, things are good now. She went to her cousins house. I flew across the country and met her cousin and she came back with me 1 week after she left. I would advise against filing a report against someone so quickly. She is a young finance and it seemed the big change from her family to a while to get adjusted to. She has a good heart.

  5. For those doubters, ask specifically what you doubt. Everything explained is exactly as it happened. I did not mean her phone account is closed it isn't because it is my name. She probably just took the sim card out or stopped using it. The emails are rejected from her hotmail account. I do not know now why? I mean we were chatting via phone chat app until about 4 pm then she was not longer there and there have not been any calls from her number since then.

  6. Should I notify the local city police that she is missing?

    It seems she left the house in a hurry.

    Her favorite pictures with her best friend is here, 70% of her clothes, her hair brush, a stuffed animal she loves to death that her grandma gave her and her lotions, hair dryer.

    It is strange, she stopped using her phone yesterday afternoon. No more phone calls or data usage. I suppose who ever came to my house and got her gave her a another phone.

  7. For those that choose to look at my previous 2 petitions as a bad thing. Those are not the same and have no barring on this girl. The previous two I had only known for a about week.

    This girl I have dated off and on for 2 years and we talk constantly. We had built a very strong relationship I had spent lots of time with her and her family.

    My girl seemed very happy here, she was making me dinners, massages and we were very busy doing everything together sporting events, shopping, meeting with family, etc. It felt like we were perfect for each other, there was not any problems at all.

    It is very very strange to me that she just left when she seemed so happy here, I thought we were deeply in love. Just 2 nights algo she was talking to her grandma about our wedding plans.

    So not only was she lying to me but she was lying to her own grandma and family. She was planning to leave (evident from her phone activity) while we purchased the plan tickets together a few days ago to our marriage location. Now I have to cancel those nonrefundable flights.

  8. Would she be able to marry another man and stay here within the 90 days? Or is the fiancee visa only allow her to marry me? I am worried maybe those numbers she was calling was another guy she online or something.

    by the way, she still has not contacted me. How could someone be so cold hearted. I did everything for her for 2 years, treated her like a princess and she is here 3 weeks and she is gone. Wow, I am can believe how well she pretended to love me.

  9. My heart is broke.


    My fiancee arrived the Nov. 15th. I have been the happiest guy in the world with my fiancee until I got home from work today and found out she was gone. No message, no communication, her luggage is gone.

    She seemed very happy here. We did lots of shopping, eating out, got a christmas tree in the forest, hockey games, cooking together..... I thought we were very happy as far as I knew. We had a great evening together last night, she seemed more romantic then ever and I went to work this morning like normal. She was talking to me via phone messages all day as usual.

    Her phone is shut off now from the moment I arrived home from work. I tried to send her an email and it was rejected.

    I do not know where she is. She does not know any people around my city. I found out through my phone bill she has been talking to people in 3 other states a lot for days so I assume she is in one of those states becuase she did not know anyone here.

    I can not believe this has happened to me. I treated her like a princess always. I do not understand why women use men. I have known her for 2 years and we talked every day. How can women be so heartless to just leave and not say anything? I put 100's of hours into helping her get her visa and paid for everything. And she leaves me without any conversation at all?

    I am confused as to what to do? Report her missing? Call the numbers she was calling? I don't think they will tell me anything she must have beening organizing with them to leave.

  10. Hi,

    We finally have the appointment, October 27, 2011 in Bogota, Colombia :thumbs::dance:

    couple questions....

    1st, I am the petitioner,

    I am trying to determine my travel plans. I have about a 21 hora trip to and from Bogota with all the connections.

    Therefore I am trying to determine if I should make 1 trip or two trips. I have limited days off from work.

    1) Should I attend the appointment with my girlfriend? Is this recommended?

    2) How many days after the appointment does it take for the visa to arrive? Once it arrives to her city, then she can travel to USA immediately?

    Within the appointment package instructions, it says it takes about 10 days to be delivered.

    Therefore I do not have enough vacation if it indeed takes that long to arrive to stay there from the appointment date until it arrives. Unless others have experienced that it arrives much quicker then 10 days?

    I am just trying to decide now if I should also go to the appointment with her? Do they allow you to be inside the room with her during the interview? I plan to go for sure to bring her to the USA for the first time.

    Is it recommended to accompany your fiance to the appointment? I definately want to do what ever is necessary to make sure she gets the visa during the interview and not have to schedule another interview.

  11. Our approval notice for the I129F says valid from 6/29/2011 to 10/28/2011.

    The USA embassy in Bogota, Colombia posted the October appointments and our case number is not listed on the list.

    We sent the DS-2100 and DS-230 forms to the Embassy early august. We got an automatic email returned from the embassy so we know the forms arrived there on that date. Then we did not get a September appointment. So on September 12 we inquired again and they said they had no record of receiving our forms. So on September 14th the forms were sent again. They responded and said please send an email with the forms attached. WHAT? they were attached because my fiance copied me on the email and I received the attached forms. So on the 15th of September she sent the forms again via email and Finally she got a confirmation they received the forms.

    We informed them we had sent the forms in early August and we had everything ready for the appointment including the medical exam. We asked please to give an October Appointment in the Sept. 15th email to them.

    The Bogota Embassy around the 20th of Sept. posted the October appointment case numbers and we are not on the list.

    Now I am very concerned. What happens now? The visa says it is only approved until 10/28/2011 and have no October appointment.

    Will we get a November appointment?

    What kind of system is this? First they apparently throw our first email in the trash. Then they get our forms on Sept. 15th and stiil they do not give us an October appointment.

    Now the visa approval period will be expired?

    Please advise.


  12. Hi,

    My fiance emailed her forms DS-2100 and DS-230 to the Bogota embassy in Colombia on August 10, 2011. We were hoping for a Sept. appointment but we do not see our case number on the September appointment list.

    Tomorrow will be 34 days since we sent the forms and we still have not been given an appointment. It says on the Bogota website that the next months appointments are assigned by the 15th of the month. That is in 2 days.

    Therefore we are very concerned. Since we emailed the forms a week before she actually received the packet 3 from Bogota we think we should maybe resend the forms tomorrow?

    Any advice? :help:

    How long have others waited to get an appointment date?

    I will feel bad if we do not get an October appointment. She has had all her papers and medical exams completed by August 10th

  13. We got the letter saying our I-129F was approved June 29, 2011

    To date the NVC has not received the approval package from the USCIS.

    NVC investigated the status for me with USCIS and on July 25, 2011 the USCIS informed NVC it would be on its way.

    My question is. I will be in Bogota, Colombia the week of August 7 - 13th. I estimate the Bogota embassy will have the approved visa package around this time. I would like to meet my fiancee in Bogota so she can complete the medical exams (she is not from Bogota so we would both be flying to meet there). All medical exams must be completed in Bogota. We are expecting a Sept or Oct interview date.

    Is it ok to complete the medical exams now?

  14. Our I-129F was approved on June 29, 2011.

    On Monday, July 18, 2011 the NVC responded to my inquiry asking if they had received the approved package. They said they have not received it.

    This seems strange to me. How could they have not of received it? They then instructed me to inform the research department of NVC to investigate why they have not received it.

    Today is the 19 of July........Has anyone else gone 20 days with no notification yet of NVC receiving their approved I-129F package?

    Are the packages sent to NVC with a tracking number?

    Is there a way to contact NCIS to find out if it was sent or if there is tracking information?

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