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Posts posted by MPQ-Kimo

  1. My Indian fiance, who is living in London, and I in the US, are using an immigration attorney to file our K1. Even though his actual interview is months away (we just sent in our forms to the attorney yesterday), he is totally freaking out about what he needs to bring to the interview with him. He wants to bring along with him MY original Passport, all the original paperwork that we just copied for the application and many other things. Because all this paperwork has been submitted, is there a reason WHY he would needd to have all of the originals plus my Passport for his interview when the interviewee will have all these papers and copies in front of him/her at the time of the interview anyway. I am of the opinion that things will go just fine and no worries. Fiance on the other hand stresses out needlessly about every little detail and is a bit upset with me that I don't want to give him my original passport when he was the one person who taught me never to give your passport to anyone and protect it with your life. I do understand that for him, the interview process is an important, vital aspect of K1 approval but I think his tensions are getting the best of him and he is overthinking everything. Any advice much appreciated!!

  2. My guy, Guru, is in India. I'd like to send him some little American gifts as surprises in the mail but not sure what to send. Any suggestions before he joins this website community? I'm not sure about the cultural aspects and what type of things to send. Any and all advice much appreciated!! Thanks!! :)

  3. Unless you want your brain cells to spontaneously combust, I would suggest you NOT watch Singh is King.

    I like OUTSOURCED. Cute story about American guy and Indian girl. It's on the Netflix playlist, if you're interested.

    Thanks for that advice about Singh is King. I've watched clips of it on Youtube that Guru suggested. Perhaps i'll wait and watch that movie with Guru instead so he can help me understand and help me to not combust :)


  4. Carolyn, we have SO much in common it's unreal! Thank you for validating that I'm not the only one going through some wonkiness on the US side of life. My husband and I didn't know each other for years either before we got married and some would consider it a short courtship.

    John & Camie....you're too sweet to come to my rescue like that! Thx.

    Keep the stories coming about the age differences....all countries....I think the "mature" wives club has begun. :luv::girlwerewolf2xn:

    Count me in, then, as a member of the "mature" wives club :) I am 40, getting married to my 24-year-old man in India. We also have not known each other long and plan to marry before the year is over. I will go to India for our marriage and go about things that way. Culturally, Guru is worried about what his Mom and family will have to say about our age difference but between he and I, there is no age difference at all. We are just in love and that's all that matters.

  5. How tough are they on you when there is an age difference? We have one of about 13 years, but I, the female, is the younger one. I have read when the woman is older it throws up some flags, but for our situation do they often make a big deal?

    Not sure if it matters (it probably shouldn't but sometimes it's taken into consideration anyway) I would be coming from Canada, which isn't exactly a high visa fraud country.

    I've wondered this question myself; not to mention my fiance in India questioning it also. He is in India and in his 20s and I am American and age 40. I can still bear children and plan to with him.

  6. So far I've had a wonderful day! I was able to talk to Guru for 2 hours via webcam this morning. It was so nice to see him and talk about our future together. We made some plans about my visiting him in the UK when he gets back there for his studies (he's currently in India awaiting student Visa approval again). Waking up to web chats with my Guru is the most wonderful way to start the day :) Plus, every day he teaches me a new phrase in punjabi which i totally appreciate. Today was changa ji sat sri akaal...so, changa ji sat sri akaal everyone!

  7. So this has been mentioned a few times now, and I've decided to start it!

    I think a good way to start is to list our goals and how we want to achieve them. Then we can encourage each other :)

    Short term goal: Lose 15-20 lbs by May 1st 2010 (our "wedding" date)

    Long term goal: Lost 40-50 lbs by April 1st 2011 and to be healthy and toned.

    I plan to achieve my goals by going to the gym and doing weight training 3 x week and doing the treadmill for 45 mins other 3 days week. Sunday will be my relax day. I also plan to indulge on one meal/week so I don't binge.

    i'll join in as well

    Short term goal: Lose 30 pounds by May 1, 2010

    Long term goal: Total weight loss back to my "normal" before I had my last baby so after the STG of 30 pounds is off, I will have 40 more go to.

    I will achieve my goals by keeping a food journal and limiting my food portions. For exercise, I will walk, long walks daily, using a pedometer. While at home, I will use my elliptical machine 30 minutes 3x/week.

  8. You would be looking at the CR-1 visa, not the K-3.

    Both have +/-'s - I think the CR-1 would be the better route to take (easier GC)

    It doesn't matter where you get married, as long as it's valid and legal in India.

    Thanks much! I didn't realize the K3 was obsolete now. I will look into the CR-1 instead. So you're saying that Guru's lawyer was right in that CR-1 is probably better and easier than the K-1. After you're married, they have to allow you to be with your spouse, right?

  9. Is it easier to get married and apply for the K3 or to begin with the K1? My fiance, Guru, has spoken to an Indian lawyer and says that we should get married first in India and then apply for the K3. What do you think?

    BTW, my fiance is a citizen of India but has a student Visa and studies in the UK. Does this make a difference? We've been talking about marrying in the UK while he is there but in reality, is it best to marry in India as he is a citizen there?

    Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!

  10. I just saw my first hindi/indian/bollywood movie (not sure of the correct terminology) the other day and I LOVED it. It was 'Vivah', which I've come to understand is a well-known film. I came across it on youtube, all in one clip and with english subtitles.

    What struck me most was how romantic it was. :wub: Wow, I guess it reminded me of a romance novel. I am quite enthralled by the old-fashioned romance that developed between the characters. :blush: There was no overt sexual activity thrown in my face, but rather a really cute, sweet, romantic relationship that slowly developed onscreen.

    Can anyone direct me on how to see more romantic Bollywood movies that have english subtitles, online? Preferably in one clip. Youtube literally had no others and I've tried Google, but didn't get anything.


    Oh, that sounds so nice! I hope i can find it to watch it. Actually, I would love to watch any Indian movies that are suggested by other members. I know its probably not of the romantic nature but my man in India suggested i watch Singh is King which i have yet to do.






    Hi Tasha! Great to find your post. I am from Northern Wisconsin, not too far from you. I am planning to marry my best friend from India as soon as legally possible. Just began this journey. I hope it doesn't take as long as it seems to be. We have a few hurdles to conquer before all is said and done.

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