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Evans and Flor

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Status Updates posted by Evans and Flor

  1. Unfortunately, we were denied. We are going to start the apeal process just need to know where or any ideas

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bdawn


      I'm so sorry to hear that after all these months! But I'm sure you'll be able to overcome whatever the reason on which the denial is based. The information in the denial letter will act as a guide to action as to the next step. If it's about lack of documentations to prove a bonafide relationship, you can go ahead and marry instead of appealing. All the best and keep the love going!

    3. JenAndBabs


      I'm so sorry to hear this--and frustrated! Praying for you as you go forward.

    4. LoveNigarmostyle


      Write to your Senator. I just did today. We have not been denied but we were placed on AP(Administrative Process) and it has been five months now and NO ANSWER. Ours is K1 fiance visa. But the interviewer had an issue with our age difference. Well, as a US Citizen we have a right to marry whomever we want regardless of the age difference. FIGHT for your rights! God be with you. Best of luck and send me an email if you need an advise. Keep us updated please.

  2. Unfortunately, we were denied. We are going to start the apeal process just need to know where or any ideas

    1. tim & Melody

      tim & Melody

      oh, sorry to hear that... I hope the appeal is not going to take long. Godbless...

    2. P and G

      P and G

      My heart and prayers goes out to you both. I know this has not been an easy process for you. I pray that at the end of all this you and your future hubby will have many long years together and this visa journey will be a distant memory. Rather than appeal, if you knew the specific reasons for denial (I'm sure they probably used the "not a bonafide relationship", would it be faster to get married and do a CR-1? Just a thought.

  3. I pray that all went well with you. Thank you for your prayers

  4. I pray that all went well with you. Thank you for your prayers

  5. We really had hoped that it would had turned out better. Have they had asked him some questions, had him come out and get me, then asked me questions. For some reason they were more concerned about my exhusband and his whereabouts. Why? I dont know. They said they will expedite what ever info they could get and have Evans return on the 13th, tomorrow. While I was there, I had gotten my ex's number and asked him of his address and situation. I passed it on to Evans so he will be prepared w...

    1. * Kristin *

      * Kristin *

      I just read your post about the second interview... goodness... I really hope everything works out this time!!!

  6. Tomorrow is almost here. I will give you all an update after we find out. Thank you all for your support and prayers. God bless you all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Please keep us posted... Praying for you both! May God's will be done!

    3. GhLove


      Also praying for you and hoping for the speedy approval!

    4. ibee4qb


      How was the interview?

  7. I leave tomorrow and I cant believe how fast time went by. I praythis is it and he will come home with me. Thanks for stopping by. I pray that all is well with you.

  8. I leave tomorrow and I cant believe how fast time went by. I praythis is it and he will come home with me. Thanks for stopping by. I pray that all is well with you.

  9. In 4 days Im off to my next journey. Ghana here I come and may the lord blessed this trip and accept the rest of our evidence for the visa. We are ready for Evans to come home with me. Amen

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MensahLuv


      Wishing you the best! have a nice trip.

    3. LoveNigarmostyle


      Good luck, FYI you inspire us with your patience. God bless and may you two find all the happiness you deserve.

    4. Evans and Flor

      Evans and Flor

      I want to thank you all for your kind words. God bless you all

  10. Thanks for stopping in. Never give up hope for God is in control here. I pray alot, several times a day. Everytime I think of the process and where we stand. I pray that God will have an acepttance on Thursday. I will be leaving on Tuesday to be there for the interview. God bless you on your journey, God speed!!

  11. Thanks for adding us. We look forward to know how your process is going and if youhave any questions, we will be gladly to try to help in any way.

  12. 13 days to go and Im already packed and so ready for this interview. Just counting the days and praying very hard, knowing that God is listening.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HisWill


      Wishing you a safe trip and God's Blessings on your upcoming appointment. I know you will be successful.

    3. MensahLuv


      Wishing you a safe trip and a successful interview!

    4. william kotey

      william kotey

      how god will make a way for you in jesus name amen

  13. 28 days and counting. I pray that all goes well. Im really missing him but all I can do is be positive, patient and pray alot.

    1. kamson


      God is hovering down on Ur life and spreading his GLORY!

    2. MensahLuv


      Yes, Stay postitve! Wishing you the Best! have a safe trip! God Bless!

  14. Im happy that it is moving along for you. I will be in Ghana in 28 days and pray that all goes well this time. Thanks for the update. How is Israel liking it there?

  15. Thank yo Debby, I really hope so cos I dont know what else to do.

  16. LOL...I sure remember those days but for some reason they went by quickly. I know that the embassy has a problem with our age difference but thats the reason i will be there in 41 days just to make sure they understand us.

  17. Your day is just around the corner. I will be praying for you. Take care and God bless you both.

  18. Stopped in to say hello. Hope life is well.

  19. Stopped in to say hello. Hope all is well.

  20. Stopped in to say hello and hope that all is going well.

  21. I will be leaving for Ghana in 41 days for our 2nd interview. I really hope that my presence makes a difference. I cant wait till Im with him. How I miss him so much. May God bless everyone and help all with thier journey.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Evans and Flor

      Evans and Flor

      Thank you all. It helps alot with the encouragement

    3. GhLove


      Wow! It's really getting close. Wishing you all the best!!!

    4. OSMAN R&M

      OSMAN R&M

      you are in my prayers always, good luck and best wishes always....

  22. Thanks for stopping in. Hopefully all goes well this time

  23. Came by to wish you the best and send prayers your way. God bless you

  24. Stopped in to see if there was any updates. Hope that all is going GREAT for you both. God bless and take care.

  25. Stopped in to say hello and I will pray for you both. GOd bless you.

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