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Posts posted by Aut&Ismet

  1. mh i start wondering why i got no biometrics appointment yet....

    I didnt get mine yet either. :clock:

    I wonder if it has anything to do with where we are from. I notice you're in Dallas, well Im in Houston. I know we have a lot of immigration due to the proximity to Central America, primarily Mexico, so our local offices are probably busier than others making it harder to get an early appointment. It also may have something to do with timing. I sent my first petition out right before the big rate hike and I remember a lot of other people did that too trying to avoid the deadline and extra fees so USCIS was bombarded with more applications that usual, now I assume it is time for all of those people to reapply too so maybe this is the second wave and USCIS is extra busy. Just a thought, I could be wrong.

    For the people who got their bio appointment letters, where is your bio appointment office? It could help us gauge the status of our own local offices.

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