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Posts posted by waiting4rana

  1. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:

    Thanks everyone for your warm congratulations for my husband (wellmux) getting his visa. You know its very strange nodody was posting much in vj for awhile there, now suddenly everyone is just chattering away lol, that is becus so many visas are being issued now, so to those of you waiting, this should be some encouragement to you and yours also is on the way very soon, keep the faith. God will come thru when you least expect it, stay positve and it will happen. When wellmux got his visa i had to pinch myself to see if this is real after this long wait, at long last its happened. Hang in there everybody. God Bless, you are in our prayers!!!

  2. Congratulattions on getting your visa.I was hoping to log on and see someone had gotten there visa today.wooohooookicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif Now for a ticket and he is home with you where he belongs.Best of luck to you both .God bless you .good.gif

    Thanks you guys, We are gonna have one big party when he comes here, i have a welcome home rana party decoration sign thats been hanging on my liveing room wall for a year now becus i had no idea it would take this long, so i never took it down lol, i will throw a big party for him when he gets here and invite all family and friends, can yall tell im excited :D

  3. Congratulations again!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

    We want details...is it just me or has it just come out of the blue??

    Gosh, so that's six visas issued this week, and hopeful news on another three? (Hot Guy, Starlight and Meredith_Brahim...have I let anyone out?) It really has been a great week :)

    Yay this definitely good news...have you started planning when he's coming over yet? :D :D :D

    I called the dos on april 28 and the man said the visa had been approved, also on that same day i sent an email to the embassy and recieved a reply that they would soon contact my husband, i called 3 times on april 28 to confirm this information, the first time i talked to a guy named chris, he was nice and informed me that my husbands visa had been approved, i said man you just made my day and millieum, so i hung up called wellmux to tell him the good news and he ask me to call them again, so i called again and talked to this horrible woman BJ who said its still pending,i said oh really becus i just talked to chris who told me its been approved, she said its under review as of yesterday i said i dont care about yesterday what about today lol, lets just say shes rude and not qualified for her job for sure, so then i called back a 3rd time and got chris again and he confimred what he said the first time :dance: On april 29 i called again talked to sandy and she also confirmed again and his visa arrived april 29. Yes we are in the process of makeing plans for his comeing, i tell you guys for something that moved so slow for so long is now moveing very fastttttt lol :dance: I got a feeling Hotguy is nextttttt!!! Thank God this is over, the stress has just lifted from us just like that goneeeeee. Happy Days are here , behind every cloud is a silver lineing where the sun will one day shine thru again for us all so for those of you still waiting hold on your visa will come. I pray for all those still waiting. Pat

  4. Call back - nothing brightens your day like one who'll give you a little hint. I can't remember her name, had an N in it somewhere. Best of luck to ya! How's the weather in the UK? I'm headed over for a few days next week for business... It's been sunny in Paris for like two weeks straight (unheard of in early Spring!)

    :dance::dance::dance: My husband Wellmux got his visa today, at long last this hellish wait is over with, thank God, i hope you all get your visa's soon, they seem to be issueing more these days it seems. What a HAPPY DAY THIS IS!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

  5. Thank you! :) I really hope so. That this is it. My fiance even got the email that he will be

    hearing from them soon.

    Thank you for all your well wishes. I did not call DOS today since I got the wonderful email

    from the consulate. I just hope that nothing of ours expired. I checked with my fiance and

    we still have a few months on the documents. They even have our 2009 taxes so, I could not think

    of anything else.

  6. Update :-

    OK guys i just got an Email from the embassy .They asked me to provide them a new police record .I tried to call them several times to make sure but they did not answer the phone .I sent them an Email back and i asked them if they want me to send a new medical exam with the police record '' I told them its already expired '' .They sent me an Email back and they said '' Please provide us with the police certificate along with the medical examination '' if its already expired ''

    So it sound like good news for me .At least i know that they are working on it and its not collecting dust on someone's desk .

    But i really don't know if i did wrong by asking them about the medical exam .As a matter of fact i don't want to wait a few weeks till they call me or till they send me an Email when they will find out that i have to redo it .And i really don't want to redo it in USA cause its going to cost a lot of money .

    Good luck everyone .

    Have a nice blessed day all .

    hotguy , they may just let that go hint hint, just ask them when visa will be issued, im praying so hard for you my friend, i have feeling your long wait will very soon come to an end, believe it, it will happen soon for you. Pat

  7. He isnt allowed to apply for refugee because he is in Iraq.He can apply as refugee after he works for the us for 1 year.Or if he flees Iraq he can file.He has nowhere else to go.And where he is staying now the cousins are selling the house he is in.So he must leave there soon also.He has an interview Thursday with a securitys company whom contracts out for our military so hopefully he will get a job.But it is so dangerous because he will now be hunted for working for the us.So he may be killed.But he must do what he can to survive,he has to eat.I am sad our government went over there and started a war then left these people i this situation.So many have fled.Alen did and then was sent back to Iraq from sweden.It is so much money to flee again and then you have to have a way to support yourself.We just dont know what to do.This could take a year or so.He still has to wait for sweden to tranfer our case there after we get out of ap.Then they could require another interview and then mabe even ap again.Im so scare3d for him .And discouraged because i cant even go there and marry him and refile for spouce visa because of the war and i dont even know if we could marry there.Im just having a bad day i guess.Seems like everyone is getting ap these days and only a few are getting out.It sucks that we all must suffer because of terrorist.I pray every night for each and everyone one of you on here.May we all be reunited with our loved ones soon.Please keep us in your prayers as well. :crying:

    awwww, bridget keep ya head up honey, i know its so hard to wait, i feel it too, by the way i am from around the same neck of woods you are, im originally from ferriday, was born in natchez, will keep you in my prayers, one day this will all be over. Pat (F)

  8. Thanks again everyone. Pat, I don't know if they did a field investigation. they never tell me what they do. In november the embassy told us that the file was sent back to embassy for processing. So they finished the US checks within the month, and then it was 4 and a half months of AP at the Embassy level. They never asked about his brothers or anythng. We think it took such a long time cuz he works for the gov't. I wish you the best of luck and Zaheer was worried about rana bhai. he said "Allah Bless him". So.. we hope to hear good news from you soon.


    Thanks tara and well wishes to your husband as well. If they did a field investigation they would have come to visit your husband and his family or employer and ask questions, i guess not everyone has field investigations, glad it was smooth sailing for you all. Best of luck, Pat

  9. Thank you thank you thank you so much everyone for all your well wishes and congratulatory comments. I am praying so much for Wellmux and HotGuy. I hope you hear something so soon. To all of you who are in AP, I will keep you in my prayers because I really do understand how hard this is. Insha'Allah, it will all be over soon. Zaheer is planning his trip for May 6th. So lets hope he has a very easy POE at JFK, NY. Its pretty warm here in South FL, so I am hoping to take him to the ocean so he can see it for the first time. I am not a beach person, but I would love to show him around. Well, thanks so much all of you who prayed for us and held out hope. May Allah Bless you and make all your dreams a reality.

    Allah Hafiz


    Hey congrats Tara and best wishes for you and your family. Tara did they ever do a feild investigation on your husband? Thanks, Pat :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

  10. I'm trying to live my life but can you tell me how ? It has been over than 13 months and still no visa .It has been long time since my queen was in my arms last .And after all of that pain and suffer We still don't know if we will get a visa or not !

    Yeah I'm so sorry i know that ''wellmux' had a heart attack .I hope he will be better .

    You are in my prayers as well .I hope that AP will be over soon .And he will get his visa in no time so guys you can be together forever .

    Believe me i know how you feel, its hard being away from our loved one, i have not seen wellmux in 2 years and 4 months and i miss him so much. Yeah 13 months is ridiculous amount of time and we are comeing up on 8 months, i pray this will be over for both of us soon. Pat

  11. AP is the hardest part of the journey .It has been over than 13 months for me and still no visa .This is really ridiculous !

    I think yeah they should be honest with us and tell us the truth .When i had my interview back in March of 2009 the CO said everything is ok but i need to do some AR .I asked her how long its going to take ? She said 2 weeks :rofl::rofl: .Yeah right 2 weeks ! I mean why she did not say 6 months or 9 months or even a year ?!

    I hope you will hear good news soon .Next time when he will call Armex they will say yeah your visa is here come and to pick it up .

    I know how you feel hot guy, this is the most horrible thing to endure, these last couple of months have been the worst especially when wellmux had the heart attack and i could do nothing but sit over here and cry and stress, its just plain out unfair, if only we had some idea when the visa would come it wouldnt be so awful. Tara im so happy for you and i know you guys will be so happy now that this is all over. :thumbs: Pat

  12. OMGGGGGGGGGGG hot guy come on, as i told you before you have to relax and don't think about it always . i know it's too hard to do that but you MUST ,as from now on it affects your health . take it easy man and don't think about it too much and it will come isA very soon as your AP is over already :)

    update me with your news plz :)

    hotguy you must get out and live your life and not stress and eat well and do all the things to keep yourself healthy, this is the thing that caused my husbands (wellmux) heart attack, do it for your wife, this has also taken a toll on my health as well, i feel it, even tho thank god nothing has happened to me mine is mostly mental, this is so hard but we must keep our selves healthy so that when this is all over with we can be with our spouses. I pray for you, pls pray for us as well, thanks, Pat

  13. Wow I break for lunch and I miss all the fun stuff! LOL

    Edward, no insult taken.....and I'm only 19 years older than my husband. There is another women on VJ who is 25 years older than her husband and being in marketing I had to go for the shock factor to make sure the thread was read. And man, I ALWAYS lose at the lottery, so no thanks, not taking any chances there. LOL

    No, no RFE's only a silly I-864 blip on our radar.

    My husband and I are very lucky to have proceeded as we have so far...but it's still hard. One day is hard without someone you love, let alone six month....or 3 years like some of the couples on here.

    Carolyn, we have SO much in common it's unreal! Thank you for validating that I'm not the only one going through some wonkiness on the US side of life. My husband and I didn't know each other for years either before we got married and some would consider it a short courtship.

    John & Camie....you're too sweet to come to my rescue like that! Thx.

    Keep the stories coming about the age differences....all countries....I think the "mature" wives club has begun. :luv::girlwerewolf2xn:

    oooh, Carlyn...one more thing...

    I got the "he's only a young man why would he fall in love with you" comment also. I found that really insulting because I think I'm a wonderful person, not hard on the eyes and very lovable....so why wouldn't he fall in love with me? I'm certainly not perfect, but I'm not the Countess of Bathory either LOL

    Hehe, get ready, sit down, i am 25 years older than my husband, no big deal, listen this age thing is way over rated and incidently its our business who we marry anyway right? That being said we have a wonderful love story we talked for over 2 years before i decided to go to pak and marry him, now we have been married over 2 years and continue to wait in this ap hell. I would like to point out that in my past i married a man 22 years older than me, unfortunately he died so now its reversed, no big deal, my husband and i feel noooo age difference and our love has grown so strong through all this painful process and his haveing a heart attack due to all the stress and yes it was directly related to the stress of this waiting. Anyway its nice to know there are others out there like us, carolyn is my good friend , we talk everyday and we will meet in june and sit on the beach sippin our margaritas and de- stress lol

  14. NVC responded to my email and told me that they have already approved my visa petition and

    forwarded to the consulate. So, in other words there is no progress until the consulate makesthe decision. This is so frustrating. Two days back they responded to my congressmens inquiry with the usual AP.


    i have contacted senator and congressman twice on both and only got back same ole standard response, dont think that does much good. Today i have found out about a catholic charity that helps ppl with immigrations problems and i think maybe they can help me with this writ of mandaumu and they dont charge that much so i will look into this tomorow. Yes its very frustrateing and stressful, we must try to stay calm and live healthy during this very hard time.

  15. Hang in their Pakistan usually takes a bit long, but I am positive that he will get the visa. Not to mention its a CR-1. India is not known to take this long, so I am just a bit stressed as ours is a K-1.They don't consider K-1's as much of a priority. Don't waste your money on the writ as he is going to get it soon I am sure of it.


    Thanks Starlight, i did plan to wait a couple of months anyway before takeing action, we will see, do you know of anyone fileing this writ? Pat

  16. Can you file the writ yourself?I think we are all sad and know one seems to be getting off ap.They are moving so slow these days.I wish a few people from dos could take a walk in our shoes.ulsers ,nerve problems,depression. :bonk: Yuck ...They need to speed it up.lol :help:

    i could bridget but the cost is 350 dollars and i was told that i may be turned down and i would have to file again and also i was told you really have to know what your doing with the writ of mandamus and i did look into it and its complicated. Pat

  17. Guys is there still hope for me. I am so upset. I just don't want them to hurt us at the end.

    I'm stressing out too starlight, been on phone all morning with lawyers, they adviseing me to let them file a writ of mandamus, hey im not rich, was in the process of trying to save money to go back to pakistan to be with my husband, keep contacting with senator and congressman, i know they gettin tired of me lol but hey squeeky wheel gets the oil ya know. The lawyer wants 2500.00 dollars to file the writ ughhhh, im so tired of this, this has not been a good day for me. I hope we all get visas soon and i hope ya soon to be father in law gets better soon. Pat

  18. We all are praying for you please keep yourself healthy as that is one of the most important thing in bring you closer to your spouse. We will all pray that you get your visa ASAP. I am not sure if this is possible but if you or your wife has a lawyer contact them to see if it is possible to expedite the case because of your health. However, as far as I know I do not think it can be done but I am sure that lawyers sometimes have way of getting around things.

    Hope you get your visa soon and are reunited with your family. Best of Luck.

    I tried to get wellmux visa expedited , went thru my senator and my congressman and just got reply back that medical is no reason to expedite as to say one country is better vs another concerning medical care. They will not expedite no matter what and this i was told by immigration specialist who works for the senator. I dont think lawyers speed anything up, i dont think callings, sending emails and contacting senators and congressman does much good either, this is the 2nd time i have had both congressman and senator do an inquiry on our case. We just have to wait in this black hole knowing nothing and thats what seems so inhumane to me, they just dont care that ppl are stressing haveing heart attacks at a young age or anything else, you just wait.

    You are in my prayers .I know how it feels .

    It has been 13 months for me and still no visa !

    Insha'Allah you will get your visa soon and you will be with your wife forever .

    Hot Guy, my heart goes out to you, hang in there friend, one day they have to give it to you. Pat

  19. Congrats again malarie! Such great news for you!

    Thanks to all of you with your positive vibes in my direction. Hehe. Yeah, I hope its god news too. Thanks so much Rana bhai.. I appreciate your well wishes. They never asked for zaheer's brothers' info. But I voluntarily gave them that info via email when i was upset about the way they spelled his name in an email reply to me (Ahmad, not Ahmed..), so then when they said that they were trying to call from the embassy, and had been trying for 2 weeks, it was weird since I had just called DOS earlier that week and they never mentioned it. But, we sent them the info they wanted, (proof I was back in USA), and then after that, they asked Zaheer to confirm his phone numbers and contact info. So, after they received our info via courier, they told us AP was over and we will hear someting in 8-10 days. After 7 days they told us it was BACK in AP. So, we think (Insha'Allah) it is in Final AP since they are working witht he Passport. So.. we are praying that it is because of the passport. This time, when I had called DOS, it seemed positive. So.. please keep praying for us. Insha'Allah, rana Bhai.. you will also hear some good news soon. Its just harder for you to get a time frame since they already have your passport. So.. good luck to you as well. Allah Hafiz.


    Hey Tara, Am I supposed to let the embassy know if I go to pakistan?

  20. Ok another thing that disturbs me is some men go to any country and marry females half their age, and they fly through the system even if they have been married a few times before. Where is justice in the system? What as being a female petitioner marrying a foreign man we have to suffer. I thought we are living in the modern world now, but it still seems like society has not changed.


    i totally agree with you starlight, my husband and i have been apart now over 2 years and now this 7 month ap is ridiculous and i think my husbands heart attack was directly related to all this aggravation stress due to ap hell. Its simply not fair, meanwhile the mexican slip back and forth thru our borders ilegally at will takeing our jobs for less pay and working under the table and not paying taxes and our gov't does nothing about it, yet we have to wait, i would think after 7 mos they could do all the checks they needed,i'd like to know just what it is they are doing but then thats part of the aggravation they seem to love to put on us.Its not like i can go see my husband whenever i want to, i'm not rich and i have to stay here and work. Yeah, i second that motion, wheres the justice????????? Pat

  21. LOL I had no choice the government holds the cards and there is very little we can do but wait I truly hope no one else has to wait as long as I have I have a remarkable spouse who made it a lot easier. i just hope I can bring him home soon. Good Luck

    god bless your heart whazup, this is also my fear, we already over 7 mos ap, you made it, im so glad for you. Pat

  22. waiting4rana, perhaps you are only familiar with 'love' that involves sleeping with another person?

    What a small world you live in.

    I do love and care for her, but I have had no romantic feelings for her since I discovered a lot of the things she was up to.

    (which are an unknown mixture of things stemming from her being dishonest, stubborn, and a dingbat) :)

    I don't feel any obligation to support her the rest of her life. I don't think I need to 'hate' her to end the marriage.

    I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow.

    Perhaps you are clueless, your name suits you well

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