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Status Updates posted by Fifi30

  1. The visa application was approved, and he is scheduled to pick it up on 11/12. Thank you to all the Ghana/Sub-saharan Africa vj'ers for all the information, support, and assistance. I wish you all good luck on your journey. I posted information about my fiance's interview this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MensahLuv



    3. Evans and Flor

      Evans and Flor

      Congratulations!! Im so excited for you both! This is the greatest news yet. So happy for you.

    4. kps518


      Congratulations to you and yours!!!! Hip hip Hooray!!!!!

  2. Good luck tomorrow.

  3. Hey girl. Just getting ready for 11/1. Trying to summon good karma and prayers...hoping for the best. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

  4. Hey, hope all is well with you. I am anxious for 11/1 to come. I'm not going for the interview. I was in Ghana in August. Are you going for the inteview?

  5. Hey girl! I hope all is well with you. Thanks for checking in with me. I am alright, just obsessing about Cephas' interview. Praying everything goes alright. How about you?

  6. I saw that you also use skype how are you compiling your skype logs. I was just going to download it and then hit print and see what happens. Do you know if their is another way?

  7. CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you. I was thinking about you, and hoping things would work out. What happened at the 2nd interview?!

  8. We have the same interview date. I will be praying for you guys. Make sure to keep your fingers crossed for us.

  9. Good luck tomorrow. I will make sure to say a prayer for you guys.

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