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Posts posted by ivana81nis

  1. I was called to do biometrics again since my fingerprints didn't pass. When i went there second time i was told that my fingerprints are keep being rejected and that it doesn't work. No need to say how sad i was... So for my interview, knowing that if I don't have proof they would decline the green card i went to the police office and asked for proof that i wasn't arrested, went to the court house to ask if they give anything like that but they said that police proof is good enough...

    So at my interview I was not asked for police documents but I gave it and explained that my fingerprints didn't go true. They sad oh yes they did, and they checked in computer and they were right.

    So for those that have problems with fingerprints, they might be accepted after 2 times going there... Make sure you press your fingers on that scaning machine. I heard that is not possible to pass it if you didn't pass it first time, so there is hope as you can see.

    if it doesn't, don't forget the police report that you haven't been arrested!

    Good luck! If you have any questions feel free to ask me :)

  2. I have few questions....

    My husband is unemployed student, does he feel out the I-864 as it is and then his father is a joint sponsor? or he is not feeling in the I-864 and his father is the only sponsor???

    I don't understand how this go either, for AOS i need to pay I-485 amount of $930, and what else? Since I read that it is 1010$ for AOS.

    And what evidence do you send along when applying for the travel document, do you need an G-325A for both of you and proof of his citizenship?

    Thank you sooo much!!!

  3. I went to a bank to pay fee for K-1 interview... in letter they say to pay 131$, bank say they have no visa for US that costs this much, that is old price... I got letter a week ago and my interview is on Tuesday! need to call them on Monday to check but what if they don't answer the phone??? how to trait this issue...???? to make bank charge me 131 or I will have problems????

  4. Dragi prijatelji, imam pitanje a i objavu :) Napokon sam saznala datum mog intervjua- 14. Sept!!! zvala sam ih telefonom stalno i tako sam napokon saznala, ali oni kazu da mi nece zvanicno pismo od njih stici jos 10-ak dana...

    Sta ce stici u tom pismo? Da budem spremna ako treba jos nesto da se pripremi!

    Vidim da na drugim forumima kazu da se placa 350$ za vizu, jel to tacno :bonk: nadam se da nije, ali ako je za njih onda ce i meni da traze... :blink:

    Pozdrav svima :)

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