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Posts posted by Laura&Leo

  1. My husband, Leo, had his naturalization interview this morning in Dallas. He passed the English & History tests just fine, but apparently the interview didn't go as smoothly. He got an interviewer named M. Nair who was apparently having a bad day and asked him every possible background question you could imagine. He even asked to see recent bank account statements, which were most definitely not requested on our invitation letter. Leo got flustered after all the questions and mispronounced our street name and couldn't remember the exact city I was born in, so it seems they are going to "review" our file and get back to us.

    Has anyone else had this issue in Dallas? Every single case I have come across here says that the interview consisted of a few history questions and a few background questions. Leo says he was asked 10 history questions and at least 20 background questions.

    Any idea what we can expect from here? Do you think they'll request more evidence?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  2. It sounds like we are in the EXACT same situation. My husband applied for his SS card way back on October 28th. (before we were married) We've been fighting an uphill battle ever since to get him the card. SS claims they can't "confirm his status"- but USCIS says everything is completely fine and progressing nicely. We've also got one of the state Senators involved now, hoping that will help. We've written to the White House, filed a formal complaint on the SS website, contacted the the Regional and National SS offices... NOTHING has happened. If you finally get some assistance, I would love to know how you do it!

  3. Hey Newbie--

    My fiance and I are going through the Jo'burg consulate, too. (He's currently in Botswana) Ours wasn't a direct filing with them (we got our NOA1 & NOA2 from Vermont filing center in the States)- but right now we are waiting for his interview appointment. They've been great to talk to on the phone, so you may want to just give them a call and ask if there's been any progress. Sorry I can't be more help-- but at least know that there are others in the same boat with you! :)


  4. Hey everyone! I'm new here, and just starting the K1 process... My fiance is originally from Rwanda, but we're both living in Botswana, Africa at the moment. We each have pretty limited internet access, which makes this that much more interesting. I'm sorry if some of these have been asked many times before, but I'm hoping someone out there can help!

    1) My fiance has no middle name. Should I put "None?" I'm just afraid they'll think that IS his name.

    2) I've heard from other people who have filed that they did a criminal background check for their foreign fiance. I can't find any mention of it on the forms or on VJ. Am I missing something?

    3) For proof of meeting, can we send in copies of our individual Botswana resident permits? Will that prove that we both live in the same country?

    4) As for addresses, can we put down a PO Box? That's how all mail is delivered in Botswana.

    5) If a parent is deceased, how should we handle their "current residence" on the G325a? Leave it blank? Write "deceased?"

    6) How specific should we be on our occupations on the G325a's? For example, can I just write Teacher or Coach? Or should I put what he teaches or what he coaches?

    ...and lastly...

    7) My fiance technically has refugee status in Botswana. Will this slow down the process or hinder us in any way? For instance, we don't have his birth certificate or immunization records or any of that...

    Thanks for any and all advice!

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