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Posts posted by Irishlover

  1. Thank you for your help.

    He sent the package to remove conditions in, got an appointment for the biometrics, then I thought he had his interview that day too, which was October 2013. Then a week or so later we received a letter in the mail stating that the removal of conditions had been approved and that he was temporarily extended for a year, while the 10 year green card was being processed and to keep the letter as proof, since the stamp in his Passport is expired ( expired December 20th 2013). So now, he cannot find the letter that he was supposed to save and he needs to show proof that he is able to work since the stamp in his passport is expired.

    This process is so confusing!

  2. And when you say The GC should come within 10 business days of "Card Production Ordered" I'm not sure what that means either? is
    "Card production Ordered' a letter that we should have received?

    All I know is that he received a letter a week or so after his interview an biometrics appointment in October 2013 that said, keep this letter as proof of a one year extension, while the 10 year green card is being processed, but there was no date that we would receive it.

  3. Thank you Harpa,

    What is infopass?

    And when you say The GC should come within 10 business days of "Card Production Ordered" I'm not sure what that means either? is
    "Card production Ordered' a letter that we should have received?

    All I know is that he received a letter a week or so after his interview an biometrics appointment in October 2013 that said, keep this letter as proof of a one year extension, while the 10 year green card is being processed, but there was no date that we would receive it.

  4. Hello,

    My husband did the interview to remove conditions and biometrics in October 2013. He quickly received a letter in the mail stating that a year extension had been approved while the 10 year green card was being processed. Today my husband started a new job and went to look for that letter as verification of the extension since that is all he received and he cannot find it. Will he need this for his I-9? and if he does need it, how can we quickly get a new letter or confirmation of the extension so that he can complete his I-9?

    Also, how long does it normally take to receive the actual 10 year green card?

    Thank you so much!

    He is seriously freaking out right now. ClockWatch2.gif

  5. We were trying to file our AR11 last night on the web site.

    The form would not allow us to leave the NON-MANDATORY fields blank. Even fields not relevant to our circumstances such as:

    If "Other" please specify (this in reference to the question preceding it "I am in the US as a")

    "If Above Address is temporary, specify Years Months "

    "If not a Permanent Resident, my stay in the US expires on (month/day/year)"

    Do we just N/A these fields?

    In case it matters, we are using FireFox.


  6. Hi, I have no idea, I need my question answered before I can look at the document... Do you have an answer to my question?

    "Ok This might be a very ridiculous question but my husband, whom is in on a CR1 Visa.... is he considered a US Citizen or not? I need to choose that to be able to fill in the application and I know he is considered a permanent resident, does that make him a US citizen?"

  7. Ok This might be a very ridiculous question but my husband, whom is in on a CR1 Visa.... is he considered a US Citizen or not? I need to choose that to be able to fill in the application and I know he is considered a permanent resident, does that make him a US citizen?

    Is this change of address for a U.S. Citizen?

    *Yes, this change of address is for a US Citizen

    *No, this change of address is not for a US Citizen

  8. Hello Visajourniers :)

    My husband and I are now in the states and everything is going well (besides the fact that I can't seem to get a job but that's for another forum) But anyways, our permanent address has changed, who do I need to tell and how do I tell them?

    Also, he got into the states on December 27,2011 is there anything we should be doing in terms of preparing for his future interview and besides the, social security information and welcome information should we be expecting much mail from them and if so around when in the process do we receive it ?


  9. Hi Everyone, (I never really got any replies so I thought I would put this up again;)

    We are finally leaving for the states on December 27th (he had to be in by December 29th). I was just wondering what he (we) should expect at POE in San Francisco? Will it be like another interview, if so what do they generally ask? Do we need any other documents, besides the envelope which came back to us in the mail that we didn't open?

    Also, after we get into California, how long does it take for him to get his SSN? Will we need to fill in any forms, or is it automatic?

    Anything else we should know.....?

    Thank you all so much for being such amazing support throughout this long and difficult process :)

  10. Hi Everyone,

    We are finally leaving for the states on December 27th (he had to be in by December 29th). I was just wondering what he (we) should expect at POE in San Francisco? Will it be like another interview, if so what do they generally ask? Do we need any other documents, besides the envelope which came back to us in the mail that we didn't open?

    Also, after we get into California, how long does it take for him to get his SSN? Will we need to fill in any forms, or is it automatic?

    Anything else we should know.....?

    Thank you all so much for being such amazing support throughout this long and difficult process :)

  11. I just spoke the the American Embassy in Dublin and they seemed as confused as I did, which I think has made me feel even worse. Because I thought they would be able to give me concrete answers :wacko:

    They said to me: That he can leave for up to 12 months, but it is up to the immigration officers to let him back in and if the forfeit the visa. SO that did not give me any definitive answer.

    So then I asked them, if we forfeit the CR-1 will we have to reapply and if so how different is the process for IR-1, since we will have been married for over 2 years at that point. She said "Well, you have to go through the SAME process even though you will have been married for two years, it's just for a different visa." And then she said "they might be changing it so that you cannot to DCF and it will take about a year and a half to process again.

    SO then she told me about getting a reentry visa for him, which would grant him a year outside of the USA, but she did not know much about it, as I asked her if these 12 months would count towards the initial 2 years and she had no idea. Nor did she know how often they grant Reentry visas, or anything else.

    SO Does anyone know about reentry visas?

    I really though things would have been clarified after speaking to the embassy, not for confusing! :bonk:

  12. Thank you so much!

    You are correct about the company. They hire employees from all over the world (legitimately). The headquarters is based in SF.

    I was under the impression that to qualify for change of status after the 24 months, he will have to be in the states for at least 18 months of that time, and if he doesn't then he will be denied Change of status after the two years. I'm so confused ;/

    We will be married for 2 years January 2012, would it be any different after that? If we are married for two years, could we just apply for the 10 year greencard? Oh I'm so confused :bonk:

    I feel like I did when we first started this process so long ago :blink:

  13. "Removal of Conditions is what you do after the two years. Doesn't look bad being her only 18 of the 24 months but if the departure is more than six months, it would delay eligibility for citizenship. Not really a big deal for most folks."

    So you say it will only delay eligibility (if he is gone for more than 6 months out of the 24), but would it require us to do the process over again, or just slow it down?

  14. So, here is our crazyness... we were just issued our visa, but we both just got jobs with a company based in San Francisco, but it is a remote job, from Ireland (or anywhere else in the world) The job allows us to travel while we work, and we are contemplating our options.... which are many. So these options are bringing up a bunch of questions.

    1. If we choose to not use this visa to go to the states within the 6 months, and have to reapply will this look bad to apply for a second time?

    - if we reapply, I will be employed and making enough to sponsor him, but even though it's an American based company (and I'm paying taxes) will I be able to sponsor him since I will be living abroad?

    2. If he goes into the states right at the 6 months, and then leaves for 6 months (to go work/travel) then comes back to the states for the remaining 18 months, will this look bad for the process?

    Also, his issued visa says "Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 Evidencing Permanent Residence for 1 year" What does this mean?


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