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Posts posted by westcoastwoman

  1. Here's a kicker, though. In Canada (at least the province that I worked in), even if there is a DNR in effect, the Doctor who admitted her must also arrange a DNR order for the hospital. I guess it was their way to ensure that a DNR was still valid.

    I know it sounds nuts but that's the way it was.

  2. Family Conference time. You need to ensure your siblings know of your mother's wishes.

    You also need to let any alternate caregivers know of her DNR status. My Dad, in his last months of life, carried his DNR order in his wallet just in case anything happened when he was out and about (didn't want a paramedic doing his thing and saving his life when he had three months to live).

    It's not an easy spot to be in but if you make HER wishes known, not many people will fight you on this. I've seen too many people, have long drawn out deaths because they didn't have a DNR and nobody in the family wanted to be the one who brought up the subject.

  3. Beware of AllNurses. If you go to International Section there are a lot of hater of forgein nurses whom post there. They are very anit immigrant nurse and especially tend to hate nurses from Philippines

    But the NCLEX Section is pretty good

    I've read Allnurses and usually their advice is spot on.

    But then, when I posted I didn't post that I was going to "save nursing in your country", that only nurses from my country was caring and compassionate, etc. Some of the posters from the PI were just so OTT.

    Let's not even mention their husbands who think that their wife is going walk into the hospital of choice and get the job of their dreams. One fool, Red Ranger was just so arrogant that the entire board felt sorry for his trophy wife, it was like she was a Stepford Wife that was bought to do his bidding.

  4. I am reading this thread thinking, am I the only one who hates Valentine's Day. :unsure:

    Chris arrived in Edmonton one year on Valentine's Day. And he insisted that we had to go out for a romantic dinner. I refused time and time again. Finally I relented and told him we'd go someplace romantic to appease him.

    I took him to the Motoraunt.


    Tell me that he had the big burger and you ate in the "romantic" upper deck with the view!!

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