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Posts posted by Bill&Jade

  1. Legally, going from New York to Hawaii is no different than going from New York to Connecticut. Going from California to Alaska is no different than going from California to Nevada. Hawaii and Alaska are both integral parts of the US, no different than Kansas or New Jersey. Though they both require moving through international/Canadian airspace, you are not considered to have left the country, unless there is an international stopover.

    The key here is not to have any stopovers. If you board a direct flight from Seattle bound for Juneau, it will be assumed that you have not left the airplane 36,000 feet over Canada. Likewise, if you board a direct flight in Los Angeles bound for Honolulu, it will be assumed that you have not left the plane in international airspace. Thus, you have not left the country. If AOS is not complete, you can forget about driving to Alaska through Canada, or jetskiing to Hawaii.

    Entering Hawaii, you will need to fill out a Hawaii state customs form. This form is similar to the blue customs form you fill out when you enter the US. Entering Alaska you fill out nothing. Entering the US mainland again, there are no forms to fill out. The State of Hawaii does have an agricultural inspecting for passengers leaving the state as well. This involves a luggage x-ray machine and nothing else.

    The only form of documentation you need in order to board a domestic flight in the US is a state issued photo ID. This can be a foreign passport, US driver license, green card, state ID card, military ID etc.

  2. Just to reiterate no you don't need to file before the I-94 is expired. You are out of status though so you should be aware of that and stay away from borders.

    I am curious though, you arrived on the K1... Are you saying that during your K1 medical you were pregnant? Or that you've come to the US and tried to have the I-693 done here and they tried to do a new medical?

    Yes, when I had the medical in London I was pregnant so I didn't have the chest x-ray, they said that I would need to have it done once I'd had the baby to complete that side of things. It's been a pretty rough experience trying to complete something that should be so simple. To cut a long story short the CS that I had basically said that the medical in London was worthless and he needed to do the whole medical again, I informed him that I didn't need to have it done again but he said that he needed the information for his records. His medical also included the gential check again, which my husband and I are going to seek legal advice over as he physically touched me. He also said that I couldn't just have the chest x-ray, that I needed a TB skin test first which came back positive. He then sent me for the x-ray which was clear but it wasn't over then. As my skin test was positive he said that I had to be enrolled into a TB program and possibly have treatment for 9 months because I "could" have latent TB and I HAD to attend the program or he would not sign my forms. So I attended the first appointment and thankfully the DR I saw didn't see the point in treating me do to a number of factors, one being the fact that the medication can cause very bad side affects such has severe liver problems so he felt that it was better to just leave the medication as there was such a high chance of the skin test being a false positive and I could therefore be doing myself more harm than good.

    So after a string of Dr's appointments, feeling physically violated, being treated like I have TB and paying out more money I finally have my forms completed! Definitely the worst part of this whole preocess.

    It doesn't matter.... You have fulfilled the terms of the K-1 visa that you entered on. The fact that your I-94 will have expired by the time you file for AOS won't have any negative effect on your case. I would advise you to get the medical done ASAP so that you can file your AOS forms sooner rather than later though.

    Good luck for the future.

    Great, thanks.

  3. OMG. This has to be one of the worst stories I've read... the genital part bothers me most as my husband would have hit him.

    First your medical was not required to be redone and neither was the TB skin test if only doing the vaccination transcription.

    The doctor is NOT allowed to physically touch your genital region so I certainly hope he did not. He is only allowed to do an external genital check.

    The TB part is also ridiculous. You have the skin test, if it's positive you have the x-ray. If that's clear you're supposed to be fine. it's lucky that you weren't pregnant here when doing the medical. You aren't allowed to waive the x-ray, even while pregnant. You can either have it, or wait till you've given birth which is plain ridiculous in my opinion.

    Here's some CS info: http://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/civil/technical-instructions-civil-surgeons.html

    I'm glad it's all over but I would report him if he's done anything seriously dodgy.

    Unfortunately the Dr did touch me. I won't go into details but it was pretty distressing for me. The nurse and Dr didn't see why I was so bothered about it which made it even worse. Who are they to say how I should feel about having that done. Good for them if they don't see a problem in it and would happily have someone do something to them that was not needed! It took me quite a while to stop feeling sick and violated, my husband is still wanting to knock the Dr out. It makes me so angry that these Dr's can basically do what they want and charge what they want because they know that we need them more than they need us. We've actually decided to seek some legal advice about it.

  4. I too had done my research but unfortunately the only Dr that I could find basically said that the medical that I had in London was also worthless and that he needed to do his own checks for his records, which included the infamous genital area check. And unlike the Dr in London who felt it acceptable to just "take a peek" down below, he had to physically check me! An experience that I found pretty disturbing as did my husband who was ready to knock him out.

    I also HAD to have the skin test done, which came out positive meaning I had been exposed to TB at some point in my life. I was then sent for the chest x-ray (which I couldn't have in London as I was pregnant, hence going to the CS here) The x-ray came back fine, no surprise there BUT as I had a positive skin test they then said I had to be referred to the Health Department to be enrolled in a TB Program!!! I asked if I had to attend this and was told that my forms would not be signed unless I attended at least one appointment with this other Dr. I was also informed that this Dr would be prescribing me medication to treat the latent TB, 9 months worth to be precise. Oh but I wouldn't have to wait that long to get my forms signed...that's good of them!

    Thankfully (after several questions) the TB Dr agreed with myself and my husband that the chances of me having been exposed to TB were very slim and as I'd had the BCG vaccination as a child there was a chance that my skin test was a false positive so therefore decided to not treat me...thank heavens!

    So finally after over a month of back and forth to various Dr's, forking out over $100 in Dr's fees and also being treated like I had full blown TB at the Health Department, I can finally start my AOS process.

    The most frustrating part of the process by far, so far.

  5. Hi,

    Just wondering if anyone could advise me on the following...

    Due to being pregnant at the time of my medical I was unable to have the chest x-ray. Therefore I was told that once I'd had the baby that I would need to complete the medical, which was fine but that would mean that my I-94 would be expired. I spoke to someone at the USCIS that said I definitely could not submit the AOS forms without the completed medical and not to worry about the I-94 as long as I'd got married within the K1 time frame which I had.

    Anyway to cut a long story short, I understand from the guides section here that I have to submit a copy of my I-94 with my AOS forms, does it matter that it's out of date now? And if it does matter what do I need to do about it?

    Thanks in advance!

  6. Congratulations! My interview is on the 29th and I seem to spend all my time rechecking paperwork....


    That's all I kept doing but really just try not to worry too much or you'll drive yourself mad. The first lady I saw was really nice and chatty and she didn't rush me or anything. And the interview itself was fine and again nice and chatty.

    Good luck!

  7. Hi,

    Had my interview today and successfully got my visa approved! So excited and it was a great feeling waking up my soon to be husband to tell him the good news.

    Also wanted to thank everyone who has so far given us advice on here. And to anyone who has their interview coming up, good luck and the sitting and waiting is the worst part. The interview itself will be a breeze as long answer honestly and remember your loved one, the questions will be as easy to answer as breathing.

    See you all soon for the AOS!


  8. Hi,

    Just a quick question. I understand there is a place (pharmacy???) that you can pay to leave certain belongings that you can't take into the embassy. I know I have read it somewhere, but I can't find the info now that I need it.

    If anyone can let me know whereabouts it is and the cost, that would be great.


    Hi, sorry just found out the information I need on the embassy info page. I knew I had read it somewhere on here. Nerves setting in!

    Didn't know how to delete the post though.

  9. If the baby hasn't been born yet then there's nothing you need to do. The subject is very likely to come up at the interview. Who's baby is it? Does your fiance know about the baby? That sort of thing...

    Check with the airline you plan to use. Most have rules about late term pregnant women. Some won't allow a woman to fly in her last trimester. Some won't allow it in the last month. It depends on the airline. They usually also have rules about the minimum age of a baby that can travel.

    If you end up getting stuck in the UK until after the baby is born then your fiance and you will need to file a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) at the consulate. The baby has a claim to US citizenship, and won't be eligible for a visa. The CRBA will allow the baby to get a US passport. This will add months to your wait time.

    Thanks very much! That's a great help. I'll check online about the airline regulations but fingers crossed I'll be out there well before the cut off point for flying.

    Thanks again! :)

  10. Hi,

    My fiance and I are expecting our first child next January and were wondering if anyone knows what the process is for the baby (before or after birth)? I have my embassy interview on 17th September and didn't know if I needed to do anything before then or ask them at the interview etc. I informed the Dr at my medical so it's on my records. I hope to have moved to the US by the end of October, so the baby will be born in the US.

    Any and all advice is most welcome! :)


  11. Hi,

    Does anyone know if it is ok to manually correct the DS-156 form? As I understand you cannot fill it out online a second time. Just that for question 14 - National Identification Number, I wrote my national insurance number, thinking it was one of the same thing. But my friend who completed his AOS last year sent me his form and he left it blank. If I was wrong to enter it should I just leave it or neatly cross it out?

    Also, I read somewhere that if you have a (provisional) intended date to travel (question 22) that you can enter it. So I did but on the example form here (which I only found out existed after filling it out) it doesn't show a date, neither did my friends. Did anyone else put a date in?

    One last thing. I didn't see anything in the instructions that you needed a passport photo for the DS-156 but on the form there is a place to attach one. Do I attach one then or so they use one of the ones that you take to the interview???

    Sorry for the last minute daft questions, just wanting to get everything sent off on Monday.


  12. The only check that I received for that in April was a quick peek down my knickers, the doctor just lifted them momentarily and then put them down. It may be different for men though. I'm sure that you can tell from the x-ray, but a different person deals with the x-ray than the doctor whom you do the rest of the exam with. And also anyone that has done certain sports (particularly to an elite level) has a slightly different bone structure to the norm for their build.

    Thanks ladies. I'm feeling a bit more prepared now. Although I won't be having the x-ray as I am pregnant. So maybe my baby notes will be enough but hey, we'll see.

    Thanks again!

  13. With all respect to Audy_Rob, you have been given incorrect information for procedures in London. Each consulate does this stage differently and you should follow the directions for London.

    You will send in the 4 forms:

    DS230 - part 1 which is pages 1 & 2 - Sign page 2.

    DS156 - (in duplicate) Okay to sign

    DS157 - (in duplicate) no signature required

    DS156K - Do not write below the line. You sign in front of the officer.

    If you have the items on the checklist, then check it off and mail it with the four forms for fastest service. If you don't have the items in hand, then you can send in the checklist separately later. They will start your file with the four DS forms, but they will not give you an interview date until the checklist is returned as it is what tells them you have everything ready for the interview.

    All the items on the checklist (birth certificate which shows your parents names, police certificate, I-134 etc) are taken to the interview. Nothing is mailed in but the four DS forms and the checklist.

    London will not ask for a new letter of intent, nor do they look at evidence of your relationship, photos, emails, or engagement ring receipts.

    You will find this VJ Wiki article and related links very helpful UK specific info

    Oh wow! Ok that's really good then. I have all my forms ready so I'll get them sent off right away. I don't have the checklist yet, I understand you can only get that with the packet 3 letter, so I'll do like you say and send that in when I have it (hopefully any day now). Which by then I'll have my police report.

    Sorry, just one more thing. Do I have to wait to be told when I can book my medical??

    Thanks so much!

  14. My case made it to the London Embassy today, so we're trying to gauge how soon my fiance needs to schedule his medical exam. I've ready recently that they're sending out Packet 3 within 2 to 3 days of case receipt. He'll be ready to send the checklist back immediately upon receipt, so how soon have they been scheduling interviews after they receive the checklist? 3 to 4 weeks out?

    We're trying to make some plans and I'm trying to kick his butt into gear to get things rolling on his end. (Typical male. I guess they're the same around the world... dragging feet on everything!) He's scheduled his Tdap and MMR shots for this week, and is supposed to pick up his medical records then. The ACPO police certificate should be there by the end of next week as well, he ordered it early last week. My packet full of forms and evidence should be there Monday at the latest, so we're all set!!!

    It's getting exciting!!!


    Sounds like we're at about the same stage. Just waiting on police report, fiance's documents too, like you should all be here in a few days.

    I called the embassy and they said it takes a couple of weeks to send packet 3 out due to the case needing to be put on their system. Did your fiance print off the checklist from somewhere?? I can't find it to print, I have all the other forms just not that one.


  15. hi.. I am in the same boat / My fiance' is Nigerian but lives in London, so we are having to deal with the London Embassy... I can't even find on their website rather you get the iv-15k at all/ nor can i find an email address to ask. I have went though the history of this site (visa Journey) and i could not find anything either. When you find out will you please post it

    I will. It's so annoying, it's the only form I'm missing...Arghhhhhhh! I'm still working on it though.

    - Thanks Eric & Lizeth, any advice is always welcome!

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