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Posts posted by breezy

  1. Hope this little note finds EVERYONE well.

    Here's some news for you....

    or should I make you all guess.....

    that's what I do...I'll torture you all with suspense......

    or torture myself, because I'm horrible at keeping secrets!!

    We're moving to the U.S. in a week!!!

    It's about time!!

    You shall hear back from me as soon as we get settled, but remember I do check in here so if there's anything I see which I know a lil about, Ill drop a line for you DCF'ers.

    I after I RE(lol)adjust, youll see more of me!

    xoxo, Bree

  2. whattodo-

    Cover letter looks nice, just wondering though, does Rome now ask also for the Evidence of Relationship as part of the I-130 documents?

    It dosen't look like you've forgotten anything to me.

    Best of LUck, Bree!


    Welcome to our little bunch, glad to see you here! I've posted in your DCF, hope I was of some help, about your husbands US jobs, just keep asking around, I'm sure someone has had a similar experience, (I used a joint sponsor)

    as far as transportation and hotels go...

    I do remember 3sila and mollyrena mentioned hotels a few pages back, but it dosent look like they had the best experience there. IMO downtown Naples isn't a nice place, I mean yes there are things to see, eat but....

    Here's some hotel info a few pages back, but I don't remember if 3sila's husbands experience there was ok or bad. Have a look:


    Have you had any successful searches on the net? Are you close to any airports, easyJet and Ryanair have nice deals, alipeagles sometimes is a good bet.

    Sorry to be of no help, hope someone can!


    BIG HELLO TO kappa!

  3. bbwings3-

    Congrats on the I-130 approval! So glad things are moving right along for you!

    When you 2 attend his interview, almost everything will take palce at one window (like at the bank) they will review the documents requested and then send you upstairs to pay the whole 380.00 and get a reciept. You will go back down stairs, give that to the same window and then wait until you are called again to the same booth for the interview. Real simple.

    The total fee was $380.00, which included everything, and was paid at the Consulate on the day of the interview. I never saw any documentation about what costed what and no fingerprints were taken at the time of the interview.

    Does your husband have a letter from the US company stating their intent to hire, salary and dates expected?

    Don't start stressing and making yourself problems, just post and get those worries out!

    I'll be on a months vacation soon, ill try to check in here!

    We are finally activating hubby's visa!!


    hi whattodo and NJ!

  4. Don't know if this would be any help, but...

    After calling many many many times and insisting, I finally discovered that the Immigration Office in Naples only takes calls on Tues and Wed at exactly 2 - 4 p.m.

    Best luck when I called at 2.00 on the dot!!

    The "operator" will connect you to the office, and it may seem like the phone keeps ringing, but your really on "hold".

    Congrats Anna on that date, and good luck getting yours endless!


  5. Molly and all for my love-----

    Happy now? When you get some time.....don't forget to fill us in!


    Any interview dates assigned yet u other 2? Where u at?


    Any newcomers feel free to become part of the bunch!



    Alex, Angela and Anna, if you see this...know I'm thinking of you, sending hugs and hellos!

  6. Molly-

    Any news?

    I don't think that they will deny the petition and put you back to square one. He might get some kind of pending letter, maybe they will look at the other documents, and tell him as soon as he has the BC to come back. The people at the Consulate really were polite and patient, don't be scared, u 2 don't worry too much, it will work it's self out, you'll see!

    Getting off here in a hurry, but keep us posted!

    Crossing fingers for some kind of miracle for you two,

    Bree :innocent:

  7. whattodo,

    Sorry I didn't see your post sooner. I'm glad to hear your progress, and yes it seems simple until you sit down and actually do it. I dont know how many practice runs i did until i felt confident with my answers. Keep in mind that those forms are used for all kinds of visas, not only for spouses, (children and relatives) so they can be confusing, i know, you'll be fine.

    :star: I went and double checked my forms, and I used my Italian address on all. Once i think it asked for U.S. domicile address, so only there did I put my U.S. address, on all others I put my Italian address. I did that becausue I've been living in Italy for 5 years now, and in the last year I've taken steps to "re-establish domicile in the U.S. and I included all that info seperatley for the I864 docs, in case they wanted to see my U.S. ties, which they didnt ask for. I also wanted to put my Italian address because I wanted no confusion as to where to mail documents from the Embassy. I called once and asked, and they pointed out that the petitioners address was requested more for mailing purposes.

    So on every form I put my Italian address.

    :star: I printed out the whole form, 4 pages was it, which included 2 pages of identical bio info, one for each spouse.

    Keep me informed on your progess and don't hesitate to ask! ;) Bree

    Molly, big days coming up! Did the B.C. come in the mail? How's everything looking? Anything I can do? Hope everything has come together! Well wishes your way! Bree

    colgirl, it seems over welming, but don't let that get you down, i promise you'll laugh at how stressed out you were when this is all said and done with visa in hand. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner, I hope that I haven't made you loose any time.

    :star: We have a bank account at monte dei paschi di sena, we went to a main branch (sede in italian) and asked for a "assegno piazzato" a favore U.S. Embassy Rome, in U.S. Dollars. The I-130 packet was clear that it should be payable to a U.S. bank and already in U.S. dollars. We got it one the same day if I'm not mistaken, I don't remember waiting a week. The check was payable to the American Express Bank LTD. of New York. Have you called the Embassy, and asked them if there is an alternate means of payment? Ask if you can send a western union money order or if they have any other suggestions.

    What is the fee increasing to? If it's soo much, will you consider going to Rome? In my opinion there is an advantage in paying in person, it seems, seems, that compared to another person who started the filing process who personally delivered the I-130 and mine, which I mailed, well they had a faster I-130 approval date. It could have been because that person didnt file during the Adam Walsh Act mess and I filed right at the begingin of the confusion, but I called many times and mine was just jumping from room to room, waiting to get on the right desk. So there might be that advantage if it is possible for you to file in Rome personally.

    :star: I downloaded all forms off the uscis website: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00045f3d6a1RCRD

    you'll need the DS-230 part 1 and 2, youll fax part one to the Consulate when they get your I-130 approval info from Rome. but youll keep part two and sign part to at the interview with the consular officer.

    youll need I-864 for you and one for you joint sponsor if your using one.

    the consulate later, super later sent me these forms which even are expired! So i filled out both just in case, and gave them the ones that I downloaded from uscis.gov

    thats it. keep us updated and quit worrying!!! hugs, big ones, Bree

  8. 3sila- Sending you and yours lots of Good Luck wishes for tomorrow! Hope everything goes smoothly! Give us the news as soon as you get it!! :yes: Bree

    Molly- So the big day's almost here!! Nerve racking huh? Now that 100 Dollars is for what if I may ask? Is that the interview fee? I hope someone can answer your question about the check. Let me know what you find out. Bree

    colgirl- I'm glad everyone's ideas helped you out some, don't hesitate to ask anything else here. Do you have a joint-sponsor in mind for the Affidavit of Support/I-864, a relative or friend to help you out? Time flies.

    Here's a link my/others Cover Letters for the first step, the I-130 that you'll send to the Rome Embassy.


    It's also helpful becasue of the documents listed. Good Luck!


  9. colgirl,

    Hi and welcome to our little bunch, glad you found your way here. In no time you'll sort your options out and find the right one for you and your husbands needs. Don't put too much worry into the process like I did, you'll see in the end that it wasn't that bad at all, quite simple once you get the hang of things really, so set your worries aside!

    whattodo did a great job of explaining things, nice and simple unlike me....

    First things first, do you have a permessio di sorrgiorno/Permit of Stay in Italy? You'll need that to be able to use the DCF option.

    You mentioned "Well, it seems as though that fast track may not exist here in Rome."

    If you are talking about DCF an option in Italy, Rome/Embassy just takes care of the first thing you will file, the I-130. I believe yes, Italy still offers DCF or have things changed that much since I filed? Here's the number I called quite often: 0646742190

    You will send just the I-130 form and the documents they requested to the Embassy in Rome who will process just those papers. Looks like they take about a month to be approved. After approval, they will contact you stating that the I-130 Petition for Relative was approved and sent to the Consulate in Naples for further processing. In my opinion, all the staff at Rome couldn't have been more polite and helpful. I'm thankful I was able to call them for any concerns or questions.

    Naples, will take care of the other forms and surprisingly was also wonderful to go through in my opinion. Yes, they were slow sending us papers, but in reality we didn't need to wait on their papers because you can download and print everything you need from the internet! We were assigned an interview date really quick too. There are easy as cake to contact for questions on Tues and Wed, and are SO laid back, they asked for those required documents at the interview, (birth certs, marriage certs, etc. ) and that was pretty much it! I'm sure every case is different, but if yours is straight forward, they will be staight forward also.

    Our whole process took 3 and a half months! They estimate that it will take 4-6 months. That wouldn't happen in the U.S. as far as I know it's more like 6+ months!?! It would have been even faster for us if the Adam Walsh Act didn't confuse and put a hold on things at the Rome Embassy for us! You can look in the processing times or the immigration timelines tabs at the top of the page and get a better idea as to what the california service center looks like. I haven't done my research, but in my opinion DCF is generally alot faster!

    You might need to consider the I-864/Affidavit of Support, it is a form stating that the spouse immigrating will not become a public charge in the U.S. (ask for food stamps/other help from the U.S. goverment) You will always be the main spronsor for your spouse and only U.S. income is counted. If you have no or not enough U.S. income (i think its some where in the 16,000$'s per year or xxx much cash) you'll need to get a joint sponsor who is a U.S. citizen and makes more than that to support your spouse.

    If you just do not have anyone to be a joint sponsor THEN I would consider you going to the U.S. continuing to work for the I-864 purpose, keeping the 16,000+ amount in mind.

    Read MargotDarko's post here : http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...p;#entry1047890

    So my vote is DCF. I'm thankful we were able to do it! But then again I don't know so much about the U.S. route, can your husband be in the U.S. during the process over there? I thought no, but I'm not sure. All i know is that it seems to take longer. Sorry I'm not much help, you might try to post there too and see about others, or check peoples timelines.

    Another thing i wanted to add. If your married for less than two years at the time of the visa approval, (called conditional) your husband will later adjust status in the U.S. if instead you are married for more than 2 yrs at time of visa (called unconditional) then he will not havve to adjust status later.

    cr1=conditional=married less than 2 yrs and ir1=unconditional=married more that 2 yrs.

    So, I would suggest the DCF Italy route to everyone! lol

    Hope you've made some sense from my jibberish, sorry to not be much help! Let us know what your deciding!


  10. all my love,

    When you reserve the room, say the room is for __your last name___/__his last name__. Or when he checks in, have him give them your last name for the reservation and then he'll give his documents. I really don't think they'll care who's staying in the room as long as it's paid for, lol, and they're not all that strict here in Naples, I doubt there will be any problems. Just explain that the credit card last name and the person staying's names are diferent. Dont sweat the small stuff, if i were you i would make the reservation and payment over the phone, that website with out the contact number seemed a little strange to me... Good Luck on that part!

    Thanks for the offer of help, not sure when move will be...still to see...


  11. all my love, yes i have been away for a bit havent i? The interview date is SOON!!

    I didn't have any luck either with finding their number , Hotel Canada is nowhere in the 2006 Naples yellow pages and i couldn't dig up ay contact numbers, not even on the German pages! Looks like this is their official website: http://canada.hotelsinnapoli.com/overview/...re-hotel+napoli

    i punched in your dates for reservations and it gave me availability and asked for credit card info sure enough!

    How odd that there is no contact info listed!

    I've just found this site: http://www.sea-hotels.it/hotel_canada_pren.php

    number is listed on that page is: Tel. +39 081680952

    and i called AND ITS HOTEL CANADA!

    What a mess!

    and your always welcome,


  12. all my love,

    Hi there, sorry I haven't been around much lately. My nephew is here staying part of the summer with us and I just can't keep up with him, lol, he's 3! Everything I do he wants to do too!

    :star: No, you do not have to fast, interview pack specifies that you don't have to, sorry that you haven't got that packet yet. In a nut shell it says that you'll need the Vaccine Certificate from the ASL for the Medical, 180 Euros, pictures (how many, was it 1?)Interview: origional documents for them to verify the copies that you'll give them, asked for passports, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, any military or court documents, husbands Birth certificate (the one with his parents names and places of birth). DS-230 form 1 and 2 (we faxed them part 1 like they asked but found out thtat they didnt have it on file.) part 2 unsigned, evedience of relationship, I-864's.


    hey girl! Get that ticket! The brown envelope was given at the same moment as the visa at 4.00 p.m. day of interview! Good Luck!

    hellos to all, 3sila and kappa, your dates are when?!

    o's, Bree

  13. Do Note:

    Bene = Beneficiary and Pet = Petitioner.

    I had 3 photo copies of everything and took those to interview.

    All required translations were included, Rome asked for translations and Naples did not.

    * = Required or what was asked to be seen in our case.

    Note that everything I have listed is not required, refer to the instruction packets you are sent.

    Quite simple process really, feel free to PM me if you have any Q's.

    :star: MEDICAL EXAM: :star:

    -Beneficiary Photos*

    -180 Euros cash for the Medical fee + extra 100 Euros for any other vaccination costs*

    -Bene’s Passport (expires 2009)*

    -Certificate of Vaccinations from local Authorities (ASL)*

    -Personal Vaccination Book (Libretto)

    -Letter from family Doctor stating what he had as a child. He had morbilla but had to get the shot again, only whats on Cert of Vacc counts.

    -Medical Questionnaire: wasn’t sent one, and was told by Naples that he could pick one up at Exam. I have printed and completed the one here from VJ to take with us just in case. And surprise, it wasn't needed.


    - Bene’s Passport (exp 2009)* must be valid for and additional 9 months after visa issue date.

    - Bene’s Birth Certificate with parents names, (I think Articolo 3 is the term used at the County records office.)*

    - Police Certificate (very recent)*

    - Bene’s Photos*

    - Recent Original Marriage Certificate*

    - Statement from the Bene saying that no military, court, or divorce applied to him.

    - Pet’s short form Birth Cert

    - Pet’s Permission of Stay or Idenity Card (Permesso di Sorggiorno)*

    - Pet’s Residence Cert (Certificato di Residenza)

    - Stato di Famiglia

    - Marriage Extract (Estratto di Matrimonio from the County.)

    :star: FORMS MISC.: :star:

    -Collection of previous forms and communications between Naples, Rome and us, just in case they were missing something out of our file. Which they were.

    -I-130 and approval letter, DS-230 Part 1 fax received, appointment date e-mail, case number and stuff.

    :star: DS-230 : :star:

    - DS-230 Part 1,* with attachment sheet completed and signed, w/affirmation of Naples receiving fax.

    - DS-230 Part 2, completed and to be signed at interview with Consular Officer!*

    :star: I-864 PETITIONER: :star:

    - Form I-864 completed and signed*

    - Copy of the Pet’s Birth Cert*

    - Copies of Pet’s and Bene’s U.S. and Italian Bank Statements

    - Explanation from Pet, stating no U.S. taxes were filed for the years 2003-2006 because Pet did not meet the requirements.

    - Copy of IRS Publication 17 and 54, showing Pet didn’t meet requirements.

    - Copy of tax transcript Pet requested from IRS, and them saying I have no records for those years.

    - Explanation from the Pet stating I was not required to file any of the 1099 series, including “who must file 1099/IRS”

    :star: PETITIONER’S DOMICILE: :star: (mentioned in instructions of Pet’s I-864) which was not asked for.

    Continuous ties which the Pet holds with the U.S. are:

    - Family visits, copies of passports and boarding passes attached.

    - Mailing address maintained, copies of postmarked mail attached.

    - State Driver’s Licence maintained, renewal made, copy attached.

    - Library account opened and active, copy of account terms attached.

    Steps taken by the Pet and Bene for U.S. if visa is approved are:

    - Living and Mailing arrangements made, tenancy letter from Pet’s father.

    - Joint Checking Account, deposit slips, statements w/names.

    - Pet registered to vote, copy of completed registration form, and verification.

    - Bene received special thing for his career which is needed in the U.S.

    - Pet received info and apps to different U.S. colleges.

    - Pet and Bene prepared resume for potential employers if visa is issued.

    Relinquishing Italian Residence Statement from Petitioner

    - Stating the Petitioner intends to remain in the U.S. for the foreseeable future, and steps she will take to relinquish my residence in Italy.

    :star: JOINT SPONSOR’S I-864: :star:

    - Form I-864 Completed* and Notarized

    - Copy of their Birth Cert.* (Org was w/ me just in case.)

    - Copies of Tax Return Listings (transcripts) from years 2006-2003*.

    - Copies of W-2 forms from the years 2006-2003*.

    - Copies of 4 recent pay stubs.

    - Letter of Employment that was NOT issued by employer, but states hourly wage, permanent position, years with company, job title and duties.

    - Explanation stating that the Joint Sponsor was not required to file any 1099 Form.


    - Pet and Bene’s Statement (our story) concerning whereabouts upon meeting, includes:

    Pet’s proof: detailed proof, pics, documents, of my whereabouts at time of meeting.

    Bene’s proof: detailed proof, pics, documents of his whereabouts at time of meeting.

    - Evidence of Relationship Part 1, Dates include blank to blank proof included:

    Plane tickets, Boarding Passes, Passport stamp entering Italy, Pics us/fam/friends.

    Postcards/letters/E-mails sent.

    - Evidence of Relationship Part 2 Dates, include blank to blank proof included:

    Plane tickets, Boarding Passes, Passport stamp, apartments together, payments, pics, mail received addressed to Pet and Bene at those addresses.

    - Evidence of Relationship Part 3, Dates include blank to blank proof included:

    Marriage Cert, Decorative Marriage Cert, Pics of Wedding Day, Invitation, Menu, Letters of Congrats, Announcement in Hometown Newspaper, Bene’s Pay Stubs Claiming me as a dependant, U.S. and Italian Bank Account Statements, Pics of us from Wedding until Present time, Tenancy Letter from Bene’s Mother, All Plane tickets, and boarding passes/explanations of travel together.


    Expect to get Medical Exam info approx. 1 month before interview date. The Med Exam is no longer held at the Naples Consulate, instead Bene was instructed to be at the Istituto Varelli, Via Cornelia dei Gracchi 51/60 Vomero, Naples. Tel: 081-767-2202 at 8.00 am.

    Directions: Nice map here:


    Use the Airport Tangenziale, Exit at Vomero.

    Take Right at Pigna.

    Then Left and go down a curvy hill.

    Reach Round about and its first Right.

    Which is Servio Tullio.

    Pass Shell gas station which is on right.

    Go 360 meters and turn Left at Caruso Store which I think is Via Adriano.

    Go 180 meters until you reach the T in the road.

    Take Left at T.

    Go Right (carabenieri sign)

    Instituto Varelli is half way down the block on the right side.

    We got there at 7.am found great parking and little traffic, and

    a great bar, there will be plenty of time between waits to grab a bite.

    Excellent facility and professionals, bring a book. Button up shirt was a hassle.

    :star: BENE’s INTERVIEW: :star:

    On the 8th of May (our 4 yr. wed ann!) we arrived outside the Consulate at 7.00 am and there were already couples in front of us. (We were finished at 10.20 am, so keep that in mind when paying for parking!) Every so often an officer came to the outside gate to collect new comers passports. At 8.00 sharp, a couple at a time was let in. We passed security, left our cell phones downstairs and went upstairs and waited until the number they gave us was called. Ours was 7, my lucky number! At the window we were asked to show originals and give a copy of each to them. (So when its time for you to organize, keep things in Original Document/ Copy order to make things easier. Documents requested are listed above with *’s. If you have any ?’s PM me) Took just a few minutes. Instructed to go upstairs and pay 380 Dollars Cash, and return with receipt, we went back to same window. And were asked to sit and wait. Waited. Got nervous. Waited. Saw first couple get approved, I almost cried, lol, waited some more. Husband was called to window, I decided to join him and stood behind him. Let him answer the questions until I was spoken to by the Consular Officer. Signed DS-230 Part 2. Answered how we met, future plans, had some laughs, and heard Congratulations, come back at 4.00 pm to pick up your visa! SIMPLE! Everyone was patient and polite! Good Luck!

  14. whattodo,

    Good luck on the petition fee, they did us a huge favor by accepting our cash, I'm sure they only did because it was a particular situation, but again ask. They are always very kind and helpful. As for the BC, simple, we went to the County Hall in his birth city, the records office and asked for the BC articolo 3, we specified that we needed both parents names included and they pulled it up from their files and printed a recent BC, I think it might have cost a couple of Euros or so.

    In the Packet three they sent, they requested a recent marriage certificate.

    Good to hear your starting to get those first steps down.

    Let me know when anything else comes up!

    Still crossing fingers n toes here!


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