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Posts posted by Todd&Paije

  1. Thanks for the link, Krikit. I'll definitely use that. This happened at the Coutts/Sweetgrass crossing on the Alberta/Montana border. I did ask them why I'd never heard of this requirement in all of the paperwork I've filed and documentation that I've received, nor had I heard of this requirement from any of the border guards while crossing in the past year. The now 3 people involved blew this off and insinuated that I hadn't been forthcoming about my intent to immigrate whenever I'd crossed, then started blathering on about how this is a technicality, but still needs to be done any time I want to re-enter the States. Fortunately, the next time I cross the border, it will be with my visa in my hot little hands.

    Thanks dggal! In addition to the stamp in my passport, I also have documentation stapled in stating that I've received AP (for "compassionate" reasons) as well as the date by which I have to return to Canada. I have to give that paper to Canadian customs to show that I've returned home during that time. In all honesty, this makes NO sense to me... but I didn't really want to get into a huge argument with the folks at the border then be denied entry into the country because they were feeling pissy. That would've screwed Christmas RIGHT up!

  2. I was detained for quite a while at the border tonight when coming down to visit my husband for 2 weeks for Christmas. We filed our I-130 last February, my interview is in January, and I've come across the border at least once a month since then. Whenever asked about immigration, I've been very up front and have explained that we've filed our paperwork and have been waiting (for the myriad of reasons that we've all had to wait to get our visas). There has NEVER been a problem - until tonight. After explaining where I'm at in relation to the visa application, I was told that I shouldn't be allowed to enter the country whenever I wanted, seeing as it would affect my status. I told the woman that I didn't understand what status she was talking about, seeing as I'm a resident of Canada and am applying for a CR1. I was then held at the border, fingerprinted, and told that I should've applied for Advance Parole simply to enter the States because I was applying for immigrant status... and that next time I'll have to apply to enter the country. My passport has now been stamped, and I have to check in with Canadian customs (and give them a piece of paper) when I re-enter the country to go back home.

    Anyone else experienced this?

  3. alright thanks, that what ill do

    i even sent out an email asking where do pick the DHL office and he explained it to me which is super obvious but i definitely dont have that option.. i even replied with a screenshot haha

    ill call tomorrow, its going to be easier.


    OK, you're having the same problem I am. Hopefully it's just a glitch in the system right now and it'll be easily fixed.

  4. OK, I've read the threads, followed the steps... but at no point have I been asked to pick a DHL location once I've set up an account and logged in. I get to the point where I'm asked to select an interview date and time and click continue without any reference to choosing a DHL pickup location. Ummmm... anyone else had this happen?

  5. In going through paperwork that my mom gave to me, I came across Packet 3 for for an IR-2 visa. My mom's an American citizen and was sending me off to join my two sisters in Hawaii, so she sponsored me for a visa for the child of a US citizen. Due to a situation that arose, I ended up not completing the final step and actually getting my visa, but I just discovered that I have another case number for the NVC from 15 years ago, and all of this information was sent off to the Vancouver consulate.

    So. When the Montreal consulate finally swings into action and I head there for my CR1 interview sometime next year (hopefully it's next year - although at the rate they're going, who knows any more?) should I bring the documentation showing my previous approval? I imagine that this would be on file, so despite the fact that I've been approved (again) at the NVC, would this be a red flag to the person interviewing me?

    As an aside, I just about cried when I found the letter and saw how quickly everything had been processed. Oh, the things you take for granted as a teenager :(

  6. Yeah Phel... it's pretty sickening. I know I certainly don't understand how the consulate can just keep falling further and further behind. Anytime people ask me why I can't move to be with my husband yet, I have to try to not burst into tears. And then I get mad. And then I get disheartened. Usually I get mad again.

    I can't offer much in the way of an explanation, but I think that everyone here can certainly empathize with your feelings of frustration and sadness.

  7. If you're a pizza fan, Amelio's on Rue Milton was always a favourite for my family. We'd drive in from the West Island to get it!

    Unfortunately, I moved away from Montreal 15 years ago, so I don't really know what's out there now. I always enjoyed walking around the Old Port and exploring the side-streets. Ste Catherine was fun for shopping and people-watching. Other than that, I don't have much to offer. Sorry!

    God, I wish I didn't have to make my Montreal trip as short as possible for this interview which will hopefully be scheduled sometime in the next 6 months!! *sigh*

  8. Glad you could change the date without any fuss, mtlgato!

    I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much that a bunch more CR1 interviews will be opened up for October. I know I won't get an interview any time soon (my DS-230 got lost on its way to the NVC, which really threw a wrench into the works) but at least if we start getting SOME scheduled, I'll have a bit of hope! This not knowing nonsense is really starting to wear me down.

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