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Status Updates posted by Brenda2010

  1. RFE - another round of prints...nice that they waited 6 months to tell me the first set was no good, lord!!

  2. Biometrics done today - another round of fingerprints and ugly photo, lol!

    1. Canadiandggal


      Ha I cant imagine what my new one looks like

  3. Just mailed ROC package today, and the wait begins again!

    1. Canadiandggal


      awesome! hope it goes quick!

    2. Brenda2010


      Thanks so much, I hope so too! How're you doing? Where do you guys live again? We're in Baltimore - where is was 90 degrees on Wednesday, wow!

    3. Canadiandggal


      We are doing good, patiently waiting to hear approval for the i751. we are up in Hagerstown, its been pretty hot up this way too.

  4. Haven't been on in a while, now thinking about the ROC process...look forward to chatting with all my online immigration friends once again!

  5. Green card in hand, done with immigration for almost 2 years, yayyyy! No offence :)

  6. EAD and AP approved, but got a RFE on the AOS...really? At this stage of the game! Damn. Hope it's something silly, fingers crossed.

  7. 2nd bio appt due to unreadable fingerprints on first, jees, hope it worked this time! Come on approval...

  8. Hope after my bio appt tomorrow it'll be a quick approval process on the EAD/AP/AOS!

  9. Very best of luck to you and your jeans tomorrow! :)

    I'm confident you'll do fine - let us know when you can (after you're done celebrating of course!).

  10. Hey Vero - would really appreciate taking a look at your cover page for the EAD/AOS...thanks so much, when you have a minute. You can email me at bfsimpsonusa@gmail.com

  11. Just wanted to say hi, it's been a while! Hope you're doing well, looks like you're successfully moving through the process, congrats!

    I'm just now pulling together my EAP/AOS/whatever it is :) submission - hope to have it off end of this week. you'll most likely see some lame-o questions from me on the forum shortly, lol

  12. Congratulations on your approval...yayyyyy! Will you be celebrating tonight? :) Thanks for your offer of help on the EAP/AOS forms...I'm sure, as always, I'll have some questions, would love to take you up on it, will be in touch. Have a great weekend

  13. Got my ssn last week, driver's license and registration yesterday, things are moving along!

  14. hey there, been a while, just checking in to say hi, hope you're well. Got my ssn last week, drivers license/registration yesterday so I can put it off no longer...must start the damn forms for EAP/AOS! :)

  15. Thanks! How're you doing? What's next on your list of 'to do's'? I've been in Baltimore now for 2 weeks and am still getting settled in. Tomorrow off to get my ssn, and Tuesday might try the DMV...so exciting! Not.

  16. Hi all - no updates on my end, hope everything's going well with you!

  17. All consumed with de-cluttering, selling my condo, getting prepared for the big move!

  18. Relieved this leg of the journey is over! And now the fun starts!

    1. J & J

      J & J

      Congrats on your approval :D

  19. You must be elated! Congratulations. And thanks for your review, will come in handy for Tuesday!

  20. Thanks for your words of encouragement Vero! I'm so excited for you/us/whatever!! :)

  21. What if I'm denied? What if I'm approved? :)

    1. Veronik


      You'll be fine and dandy! Don`t worry! :D

      You'll be home before you can say... well, I don`t know... Fill in the blank!

  22. Relieved interview's assigned!

  23. lol - how embarassing (my bloody knee!), should've seen it at the end of the day...black and blue and swollen...pretty! Yeah, let's hope the rest of my 'journey' is at the very least, safer. :) keep in touch, B

  24. You're still not calling/on strike? good for you! I was going to call yesterday but work went nuts and I forgot. Planning on calling tomorrow just for fun. :)

  25. You totally have to go there - it's crazy beautiful!

    So Sangria huh? Hardcore. I'm going to a patio after work...think ciders are on the menu for me!! Look out!!

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