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Michael Palmer

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Posts posted by Michael Palmer

  1. Dude, Am I too late to tell you..WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU THINKING?? You can always call your carrier to get copies of any and all texts, deleted or not from her phone. New federal regs. that went into effect nearly 10 years ago made that possible. You may have to pay so much per page but if you really wanna know.....they can surely give it to you. From the looks of her prior pics back when you guys were kicking it in like 2007 and all, she has definitely become "AMERICANIZED". Her new friends are telling her she is an idiot for following the customs and traditions from back home now that she is here in the States which explains the empty plate when you get home. My wife is even shocked by your wife's change. She is even embarassed by how your wife is representing Filipinas because of the suspicious nature of her actions. Try getting her to sign an agreement, if someone cheats, they have to pay the offended spouse $1M USD and have it notarized and filed with the local family court system. Shouldn't be an issue if cheating is not in the cards. And if she does, then hey, a cool $mill will help with the healing for sure. Good Luck Dude.

  2. Dude..I totally agree with Just Bob..What you have written here will get you fined and possibly imprisoned because you claim your willing particiption to commit Immigration Fraud..pretty serious stuff considering the hoopla now going on in that area. Just save any correspondence where she says she is coming home and to where she now claims to be, file your notice in the local papers for the two areas and present the receipts and a copy of the print with your other paperwork to the Court. Very simply process. As for your wife, sounds like she is one of the very people that causes the creation of such enormous amounts of red-tape in the VISA process. Marrying someone just to cross the big pond is what we try to guard against. Guess it's better you found out now than a year or two down the road with a kid in the mix. Inform Immigration by sending them a copy of those conversations with your wife regarding where she is and all along with your divorce papers but, do it now. Don't sit on your bumpkus because the clock is ticking..for you..not her..

  3. No, they will not last 5 years but, they are guaranteed where a job is not. I know that if I dont find employment for the next 36 weeks, I have this income coming in, whereas with a job, you dont know if you will have it tomorrow, much less 36 weeks from now. Therefore, it would seem the guaranteed benefit would outway one that is not. Just my common sense opinion though. It would seem also that with the crisis across this Country, this information should be made available by the State Dept. which has been unresponsive to my request for information about this topic. But I do appreciate all the input from you guys and gals out there that have firsthand knowledge and experiences in sponsoring CR-1 or K-3 Visas and thank you for your feedback.

  4. My Wife and I were married last August and I want to start the I-130, K-3 process for my wife in the Philippines to come to Vegas and finish the process here. I have been layed off and now my only income is from Unemployment Insurance but the amount I receive is over the $18213, 125% above poverty for the two of us. Can I still file the I-129F using these funds since they do meet the income requirement per year.

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