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Posts posted by Faby

  1. Hello!

    I am still waiting for approval for my I-129F here in California but I do have some questions about the consulate process.

    I know my fiance is supposed to get the medical done before we schedule an appointment at the consulate but I want to know how long is it good before it expires? Should he wait for us to get the NOA2 before he gets the medical done? I'm hoping to make the appointment scheduling happen as quickly as possible because I have only limited times that I can go down to visit him. I also saw that some people got their appointments scheduled much faster (and cheaper) via email than with the $12 pin line. I would like for the appointment to happen before my semester starts in January so I don't miss any classes. (NOA1 date 7/16 so it might happen), and I'm hoping I can email them and schedule it during that time.

    Is it true that I should not contact them until after my petition has been sent from the NVC? They won't know who I am or have anything to tell me if I do, correct?

    Also, I'm wondering about contacting my congress person. It is somewhat dangerous for my fiance where he is right now and I don't have any way to help him. I just want him to come here and be safe and I don't know how to get our packet expedited or if we could even qualify... I went to Ecuador last week to visit him and it was so difficult to walk into the Airport to come home. What can I do?

    Thanks for your help :-)


    Like Indy90 said, I suggest that you or your fiance calls one of the 2 doctors offices and ask them about the medial exam just to be sure.

    And I really doubt that they are going to expedite your case because your finace is in a very dangerous place, I was robbed in Ecuador once at gun point. It seems like thats a "normal" thing to happen in Ecuador so they are not going to make a big deal about it :mellow: About your classes, they dont really care, trust me I missed a mid-term exam because i needed to go to our interview. It was easier to talk to my professor about it than to try to contact the Consulate and re-schedule.

    Oh and I did contact the Consulate via e-mail before my case was even over there and they did helped me with all my general questions. :)

  2. So they approved my husband's visa without a problem :D . The Consul actually told me i gave her enough proof and i was so organized with it lol (I just posted my entire experience in the Ecuador review link)

    I just wanted to tell you guys that I met a guy and girl that were interviewed that day as well and they were without the spouses (the american citizens) and both of them were approved as well. BUT they asked them a lot of questions and made them sit down and wait some more. They even asked the girl for her email to look for her facebook profile and since they couldnt find it, the girl ended up giving them her facebook loggin information, but they approved her at the end :)

    My husband is actually coming to the US today. I need to go pick him up at the airport tonight :dance:

  3. I have two questions. Were you all asked for the certificado de movimiento migratorio del peticionario? If you look at the consulate's website, this seems to be a common reason for not approving right away. I am only going to be in Ecuador for 4 days (really only two because of travel), so it is going to be a bit difficult to get it.

    Also, what time did you generally leave the consulate? Instead of flying into Guayaquil, I am thinking about flying into Quito and taking LAN to Guayaquil, but I need to know what time I should schedule the flight from Guayaquil to Quito. I would prefer not to take the last flight, because I will be flying Quito-USA the next morning. If I bought a 6PM flight, would that work?

    I really dont know what el certificado de movimiento migratorio del peticionario is. I was born in Ecuador so i dont know if thats why they didnt ask me for that. Sorry i cant help you with that question.

    My husband and i left the consulate around 11:30am but it seems like it all depends on how many people they interview that day.

  4. I'm going crazy!! Im supposed to fly over there tomorrow for my husbands interview next Tuesday and they closed all the airports.. :crying:

    I'm getting all the info from http://www.eluniverso.com/ and they also blocked most of the streets and highways and my husband is at work and he works far so he needs to get una "carretera" to get home and I dont know anything about him right now (so far they have robbed 2 banks in Guayaquil and a bunch of little stores) I just hope he is okay :(

  5. We have a couple of sworn affidavits, including several from USC friends who we both know and the Colombian citizen minister who married us. Showing proof of financial commingling is kind of difficult, but one thing that I have done is gotten my wife authorized on all of my credit cards. Most credits card issuers will be able to even send a letter saying that so and so has been added and therefore can purchase items. American Express even will show how much my wife spends per month and where (obviously Quito), which obviously shows some commingling. It is probably too late, but Banco Internacional will let an American citizen on a tourist visa open a joint bank account with his/her American spouse, which we have done. We also keep skype records and everytime my wife calls me from a cabina, she asks for a receipt. I think that our biggest mistake was not documenting our relationship more thoroughly before getting married...but we were not yet aware of the importance of evidence.

    And TBone, I completely agree with you. Going to the interview is a must. I do think that things are slowly changing at the consulate based on recent reviews and conversations that I have had with others that have not posted reviews yet, but it is way too risky to even think about not using every means available, which includes attending the interview...even then it is not a guarantee, unfortunately, as several other recent cases show. Because Ecuador has a rather small volume size compared to countries like Colombia, the Philippines, Russia, etc., we really need EVERYONE here to post a review, and not just a review that says "it went well," so that we can actually see what things are like on the ground. There have been way too few quality reviews over the last 6 or so months.

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention we have a joint bank account at Banco del Pacifico!

    I dont have any sworn affidavits, so i should look into that... thanks :)

  6. thank you guys for all the advice.. I'm trying to get all my proof together but it seems like it's not even enough :(

    these is what I have so far:

    - emails from 2007 til now,

    - handwritten letters

    - pictures from 2004 til now (I even have professional pictures of our religious wedding that took place in July with 150 guests)

    - wedding and honeymoon receipts

    - phone logs

    - Copies of my passport pages that shows I've been going to ecuador 1 time in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and then when we finally made everything official since I turned 21 last year Ive gone 9 times (July 09, Oct 09, Nov 09, Dec 09, Feb 10, May 10, July 10 and sept 10)

    What else can I do? or need for the interview?? any suggestions??

    btw Stephydanny I'm so sorry to hear that :( I don't know what I'll do if I was in your position but at least u have the ecuadorian citizenship now :/ please keep us updated!!

    can u tell me the reason why they denied his visa?

  7. That would be great, I leave for Guayaquil on October 4th, I know alot of people in Guayaquil. My wife used to work for Popular Brokerage and she introduced me to ALOT of people! Its been fun, but kinda scared.. I mean you read nothing but bad reviews... Then again they are a few years old!

    Yes, I know it is a bit scary, all those bad reviews get me kind of nervous :blush:

    but yeah you are right they are old reviews.. hopefully we can make some new good reviews!

    I dont know how you were able to live in Ecuador, Ive been spending weeks over there with my husband and my family (since I was also born in Ecuador and I came to the US 9 years ago with my mom) but i dont think ill be able to go back there to live there.. I even got robbed at gun point last year on a Friday at 1pm :( but anyways, I'm going to send you my husband cell # on a message ok? just feel free to call that night and Ill tell you how it went! but then u have to call me after your interview to let me know how yours went :thumbs:

  8. I have an interview October 6, finally this process is over. Its been hard living abroad... I ended up coming back to NY so I can get a job and save my visa time. I used up almost a whole year of visa's. I have less than 1 month remaining on my visa for ecuador and im done for a year i guess... The Ecuadorian consulate in new york has been really good and helpful..

    I just cant wait to get back in the military, i put my life on hold and was living in ecuador. My recuiter told me he cant get me to re enlist untill my wife is here because he has to run her through security checks..

    Wow! I read your whole story on the other post, and Im glad you finally have an interview date!! :thumbs: In my case, i cant complaint that much, I submitted the I-130 on March 18th and I never got an RFE not even from the NVC, but still the waiting part was killing me! :blush: I've been traveling every 2 months for the past year just to spend some time with him, and it got to the point where I didnt have any more time off from work and I just want to be with him.. Imagine i only work a part-time and all the plane tickets are very expensive.. so Im finally happy to travel next month for the interview and lets hope for the best!!! ;)

    I have the interview a day before yours.. and Ill be traveling to Ecuador 2 days before, If you want i can give you my husband cell phone number so you can call me Oct 5th at night and I'll tell you how it went so you can be ready and stuff.

    Oh and by the way, My husband also has a magic jack with a Miami number!! It feels great to talk to them anytime you want without the expensive phone bill :D

  9. My wife was born in France while her ecuadorian parents were stationed in Paris and she is ecuadorian not French. We got married at the corporacion registro civil de Guayaquil. We ordered our certificate of marriage in line. Don't use the machine. And they will have you go in the back and a lady will put the raised seal on it and then stamp it and sign it. If u are going to the USA. Go to the mmrree infront of the edit wtc and get it apostilled for 10 dollars. It's an easy process but takes a long time to wait. Then that certificate will be accepted in USA. I submitted that document to the Nvc and they accepted it.

    Yes that's exactly what I had to do, I also went to see the lady in the back that put all the official stamps and they accepted the document at NVC, now I need to get another one for the interview that we are going to have OCt 5th :)

  10. congratulations! my case was completed also as of august 31st and still waiting for interview... goodluck!

    Thank youuu! :)

    and ur case was completed the same day as mine so u should be hearing from them soon, but they also explained to me that it all depends on the capasity of the embassy at your spouse country.. keep me updated about your case :)

    i have a question, is it a good thing to acompany wife, on the interview. does it matter, make things worse/better :rofl: :rofl:

    Yup like Darnell said, there's no 'rotfl' for Ecuador, 99.9% of the time the spouse needs to be there at the interview!!

  11. I just received a letter from the NVC letting me know that my husband has the interview on October 5, 2010 in Guayaquil - Ecuador! :dance:

    I'm soooo happy and I'm going to fly over there to be with him at the interview :)

    The NVC only took 3 weeks (not 6-8 like they said) to review and complete our case so be patient! I used to call the NVC once a day to see if there were any updates. Our case was completed on Aug 31st, and got the interview e-mail today!

    Now i just need to wait for October and hope that everything goes well!!

  12. Regarding the marriage certificate issue

    this is what they replied to my e-mail :

    "Dear Mrs. Cortez:

    Thank you again for contacting us. If you married in the Ecuadorian Civil Registry “Corporacion Registro Civil de Guayaquil” we will accept an original of them, If you married before November 2006, you need the handwritten marriage certificate.


    Immigrant Visa Section

    American Consulate General

    Guayaquil, Ecuador"

  13. I'll ask my wife again to make sure that that is what happened. If I forget to respond in the next day or two, just message me.

    Hi, I e-mailed "el consulado" from Guayaquil and I also called last week while i was in Ecuador to find out about the marriage certificate and they told me that if I got married after Nov. 2006 en el registro civil del norte then they accept the original marriage certificate from the books with all the official stamps even if its a computer form not a handwritten version. Just thought i should let you guys know! :)

  14. Hey, Congrats on your case completed at NVC! Good wishes and best of luck for the upcoming interview!

    Thank you, and good luck to you guys too! I see that your case was completed on August 18! :dance:


    wait for the interview email.

    then stalk the DHL site for when your package may go out. call NVC to confirm when it's sent.

    then contact your embassy to move the interview to an earlier date.

    good luck.

    Thanks!!! :D

  15. (I just wrote a long response that the machine ate, si man.)

    If CR-1 is like K-1, you can e-mail the Immigrant Visa unit at the Guayaquil consulate to learn whether they've received it. Then, without waiting, download Packet 4 from their website. (The consulate will mail the packet so that it arrives weeks late, & it will include outdated information about physicians & other matters.)

    For an interview day/time, you'll have to call the $12 PIN line, which is staffed by evil chicas who almost certainly earn commissions for how many times they can get you to call back. If you perceive that this is happening, cut them short, take names, & insist on speaking with a supervisor.

    1. If you haven't, you must read the Embassy Info, Embassy Reviews, & the entire thread "US Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador" (Consulate/Embassy forum), paying attention to the WORST of the stories.

    2. It's mandatory for husband & wife to attend the interview.

    3. Be in Guayaquil at least a full day ahead of the "set" interview day. The consulate is known for phoning the beneficiary on an hour's notice to reschedule appointments for earlier, "or else."

    Thank you for your help :)

    As far as i know, the k1 is a bit different than the CR1. We have to wait for the NVC to schedule an interview for us. we dont need to call with the $12 pin. We just need to wait for the NVC to email us letting us know the interview date. The only way we need to call $12 pin line is if i need to re-schedule.

    and we dont have a packet 4, we do something different.. i believe, but im not really sure about that part but if you go to the website http://guayaquil.usconsulate.gov/what_to_bring_to_your_interview.html there are two links there, one with the packet 4 and the other one for us (CR1) which are scheduled by the NVC. (I dont know if all this information is right but thats what i understood from reading different things)

    I read your story and there's no way im going to leave my husband alone in the interview! I'm definitely going with him. I've been traveling every 2 months to see him (in matter of fact.. Im going to Ecuador tomorrow to spend the long weekend with him :dance: )

    I just hope to have an interview next month if its possible! :unsure:

    And by the way I've always wanted to thank you for everything you share with us. You have helped me a lot in the whole process without you even knowing it :D

  16. Congrats on case complete! Unfortunately, yes, you wait. NVC lies! They schedule interviews through out the whole month not just the second week like we are all told. They have already started scheduling for the month of October. If you look at some of the statuses you will see this. Call NVC back on Friday to see if they have you scheduled yet. Then if not call again next week. No one knows how long it will take for any of us to get interviews. Some wait a day or two, others, may take weeks, or months. Go look at your country's portal and go by the dates on there. I looked and by the dates given on there, it looks like you should have October interview, but again, it all depends on the capacity of the Embassy. I wish you luck.

    Thanks a lot for all the information ;)


    Thank you! :)

  17. I spoke to the NVC and they told me that my case was completed (yesterday) August 31st (it only took them 3 weeks, not 6-8 like they say :) ), and they also told me that they schedule interviews the 2nd week of each month so to call back the 3rd week of september to see if i have an interview in October.

    Does anyone know what am i supposed to do next? Do i just wait for an interview? Does he go get his medical exam done or wait for the interview letter first?

    If you are from Guayaquil-Ecuador or have a case there.. do you have an idea how long does it usually take for them to assign an interview date??

  18. NVC emailed me a couple weeks ago saying that I needed the long birth certificate but did not say anything about the computer produced marriage certificate that I sent. However, my wife did obtain a hand written marriage certificate that we will take to the interview in the registro civil del sur. We were not married at that location though.

    ohh I didn't know I can actually get a hand written marriage certificate from el registro civil del sur even if I got married en el del norte. Thank you so much for the info, I'm going to tell my husband to get one so we can have one ready.

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