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dj's baby

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Status Updates posted by dj's baby

  1. So, I've been in the States for a year now... my experience here has been everything but easy. Hopefully things get better in the future. Wish everyone a beautiful day.

    1. BigSigh


      I hop this coming year is nicer to you :)

  2. Hey there! I see you have the interview on my birthday :). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, everything will be alright. Please let me know how it goes. Where in the States are you going to live? best wishes for you and your love, Ivana

  3. Yes, I've been here since August and our baby was born in September. I was waiting for 8 months to get the Visa, but it's alot easier if you can afford to visit each other in the meantime.

  4. Awww, I love Venice. I've been there a couple of times. I grew up in Istria (Porec). We're doing great. I hope you and your other half are going to be together forever soon.

  5. There's a new post on my blog called "Made in Croatia"... it's about pregnancy during the immigration process http://ivanawatkins.blogspot.com/

    btw, where in Italy do you live? How's your process coming along?

  6. For anyone that's interested, there's a new post on my blog called "Made in Croatia"... it's about pregnancy during the immigration process http://ivanawatkins.blogspot.com/

  7. Note to friends: I'm starting a blog where I will be writing about immigration and the life of an immigrant (among other things). Feel free to stop by, comment and share your experiences http://ivanawatkins.blogspot.com/

    1. ABandIG


      Just read your forum, and shared on Twitter. Everything you say is so true it made me smile with bitterness. But very nice. I'll keep coming there for more! Good job and good luck on the rest of your journey

    2. dj's baby

      dj's baby

      Thank you so much, this means a lot to me.

  8. Haven't been here in a while, but I see you guys are together now... congrats and hope your enjoying every moment of it. I know I do :)

  9. Hey there! I apologize for not answering sooner, I haven't been on here for a while. Congratulations! I'm so happy that you guys are finally together. That is awesome and I hope everything is going ok. We've been good, went to see my family in Croatia in January and the baby is doing great too... he'll be 6 months old this month :). Do you have facebook? I'm alot mor...

  10. Hey, how is it going there?

  11. At least your finally getting somewhere, that is awesome. Oh come on, have them expedite your case cause you guys have a baby. It took me only a week to get my visa after we emailed them and told them that we wanna be together when our baby's born :)

  12. Hey there!

    Sorry, haven't been here in a while lol. We are doing great, he's growing so fast. I'll put a new pic of him up right now.

    How are you? What's going on with your case?

  13. Hey there... yeah, I'm super busy but also super super happy. It's an amazing feeling to be a mom, I even enjoy changing his diapers lol. You can check out the pics when you get a chance. How have you been?

  14. Jesi stigla? Jesi happy? Nadam se da je sve ok. Javi se kad stignes. Pusa draga :)

  15. How have you been? Anything new yet?

  16. Hey there!

    I had our baby on Saturday (09/25/2010). I've been in labor for 2 days... ugh, that was hell... and then, in the end, they had to do the c-section. But everything went well, he's healthy and we're sooo happy. When I saw his face all the pain just disappeared... amazing experience. I'll post some pics on here today. Thank you for being here :)

    How have yo...

  17. Micheal David is finally here :)))) He was born on the 25th of September, at 6:55 pm... weight: 7 pounds, 15 ounces... length: 22 inches... he's healthy and gorgeous :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Wow you're really a true warrior!! You've been through the pains of labor for so long & then C section. I'm very impressed, so much endurance!! Hope when my time comes I'll be so strong as you, who knows i might need it. Is a beautiful process, but also scary a little bit!!(or alot) haha :)

    3. dj's baby

      dj's baby

      Yep, it is kinda scary... I was scared as hell lol. But when you hear your baby cry and see his/her face you forget about the pain... it's oh so worth it. I don't know about others, but I'd so do it all over again :)

    4. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      I know, the baby is going through hard times too... Mom & child both struggling. Baring a child I think it feels like you get borned again yourself, you change, you become mother... a nourturing and loving beeing willing to do every sacrifice for the well being of the child! All the best to you and your little ray of sunshine!! <3

  18. I will let you know as soon as I can... thank you for being here :)

  19. Ah, ne brini... normalno je da si nervozna. Bit ce sve u redu, drzim ti fige. Da, i ja sam se unervozila oko poroda. Joj, samo da sve brzo zavrsi :)

  20. Oh man, wish I could help :S

    I think I have everything packed: nightgown, slippers, towels, personal hygiene stuff, some clothes... remind me if I forgot something lol. Oh, do I take the stuff for the baby with me or can hubby bring that when we're about to go home? I have no idea how things work lol

  21. Ej draga! Jesi spremna? :P

    Sretno na intervjuu, moj bebac isto dolazi next week :)

  22. Hey there... nope, he's still hiding inside lol, he should be here next week though. I'm so freaking scared lol. Been really busy with trying to get my pregnancy insurance, but I finally got it today and then I can finally go see a doctor on Monday and check on my baby... he should be fine though, he's kicking like insane lol.

    How are things with your process going?

  23. Oh ok, well at least something is happening right... my due date is Sep 17th. Hope he won't come out before I manage to get health insurance tho cause I still didn't get my ssn lol

  24. hey... how are things going for you guys?

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm thinking of you... hugs

  25. Yeah, I guess so... starting to be kinda scared of the process of him coming out lol

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