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Posts posted by caygirl1

  1. Hi There,

    I had a question and was hoping if someone might be able to provide an answer or if anyone knew of any resources to look at. Are there specific entry ports that individuals must use when coming to the U.S from Turkey after they have their visa approval? I am asking because the two times I have flown to Turkey, I have flown from DFW to New York or Chicago but always my return flight from Istanbul is to Chicago. Does it matter where your destination flight lands in the U.S when coming from Turkey? Normally I fly into Chicago and then from Chicago to Dallas, so I was just curious if we would need to look into alternative flight options?? Anyone have a clue?


  2. I just realized that the US Embassy in Ankara posts interview schedules on their website. http://www.usemb-ankara.org.tr/consular/english/schedule_iv.html

    Looking at the dates here, it seems like they are booked until 7/7/2011. Does this mean that they go by first come first serve basis, or is it possible for someone being scheduled for an interview today to be assigned a date earlier than 7/7.

    Any insight into this?

  3. I really don't think it's a risk to ask. All they can do is tell you NO. The unfortunate thing is, Ankara serves as the hub for all Visa matters. They also take care of Iraqi applicants as well. It would be nice if the Embassies in Istanbul and Adana could handle, too. I would give it a try..they are very nice and quick to reply. But expect another long wait, as hard as it is. If I'm not mistaken, the two couples listed below me under the 'Upcoming Interviews', one of them had a date for December and now have October, because they asked for an earlier date. We didn't ask for an earlier date to not mess with fate..The September date was meant to be..Good things have happened to us, because we've had to wait so long... :)

  4. Hello!

    Our interview date is scheduled for 27 Sep...This date was assigned around the end of May. So you can imagine the disappointment having to wait another four months. You can ask and request and earlier date. From what I understand, some have actually gotten scheduled earlier. We didn't ask for an earlier date, but I've written to the Embassy using their contact form and they've been very quick and friendly about my inquiries. The whole part of the process from start to finish will have taken a whole year. Hope this helps a little...Good Luck!

  5. I feel your pain! I was very disappointed to see our date when it was scheduled back in June. 27 Sept. It's so hard to wait...You would think that during their busiest times, they would have the other Embassies pick up some of the slack. Everything goes through Ankara. They even process Iranian applicants. So, we wait and wait and wait. Are you aware of the 'Interview Schedule' on thier website? There you can enter your Case Number and see your date. I had kept checking after our date was assigned for about two weeks and I finally wrote to them to confirm, saying we are not on the schedule, and to make sure we were not over-looked. About a business day later, we appeared on the schedule. Better safe than sorry.

    Take care!

  6. Hello ! We received our interview date a little over a week ago. But to get it, I let about a week pass after the required forms were sent by my Fiance and received by the Embassy. I filled out their online form to inquire about our status and when could we expect to be scheduled for the interview. I received a reply stating our case was being processed. Then, eight hours later, we received an eMail with our appointment. It's for 27 Sept. They seem to be very back-logged. I was happy we got the date set, but disappointed that it's September. Looking at the Interview Schedule, they are scheduling in to November, so it could be worse. The waiting continues.......I do have to say, that the Embassy replied back very quickly and were very polite. It seems that Ankara could be relieved of some of their workload by having Istanbul and Adana issue some of the visas...

  7. Hi all-

    I hope that everything is going well for everyone. A couple of random and important/unimportant questions:

    - Efe and I finally got our NOA2, and I hope that Ankara has received our petition by now. If all goes well, hopefully we'll at least know our interview date by July 1st. I guess that our interview could be anytime from August- December. Efe wants to be in Turkey at the end of September for his friends wedding (his two best friends are marrying each other:)), and we can't decide what to do. We were thinking that he could come here on his tourist visa (which he already has) from July-September, and then go back to Turkey later for the wedding/ K1 interview? I just would hate for something to go wrong and customs not let him through when he gets to Philadelphia. I know that this topic has been exhausted (visiting while waiting for the interview) in the general forums, but if anyone has any opinions/advice/experience with this, please let me know!

    - What's our best bet for Turkish TV in the US? Do any of the popular providers offer Turkish channels? I've searched and haven't found anything but very random websites.


  8. After months of waiting...We get a request for more evidence !! Argh....For something they already have evidence for..Proof that we've met in the past two years. They have pictures, flight itineraries, stamped passport, etc...Just something to delay us. Makes me wonder if a portion of our packet was somehow misplaced. Maybe in somebody else's file? We will never know...

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