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Posts posted by Chibuogwu

  1. So I called the mexican consulate again and asked to talk to the supervisor. The lady I talked to was really nice and told me they would call me back. To my surprise, they did and they explained to me that I would need a visa. So My husband just got a visa last week. It was a really easy process and cost only $30. We just wanted to be on the safe side. :)

  2. My husband is in the process of removing conditions on his greencard. We filed in August and his Green card expired on October 14th. We are flying to Cancun Mexico for a 1 week vacation in December and was wondering if anyone on here has had similar experience travelling to Mexico with the extension letter.

    I called the Mexican consulate here in Chicago and they do not know for sure if airport officials will accept an extension letter. :unsure:

    I reseacred a bit online and found some people that said they did not have problems but I was wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience and can share with me.


  3. Below is what my fiancé wrote about his experience, Enjoy


    I got to the US Consulate by 5.45am. Those for immigrant visas could be easily identified by the x-ray films they carried in their large brown envelopes. At about 6.20am, security men attached to the Consulate started to arrange the applicants into 3 lines.

    We filed into the waiting bay, names were checked against the master-list, were processed, issued interview numbers and then had to wait for to be searched and called into the Consulate compound in troops of fives. At about 7.15am, it was my turn and we went into the consulate. The security guards seemed nice, friendly and courteous.

    Inside the Consulate compound and we paid at a cashier post. IV and DV applicants paid in USD. I was surprised as I thought they would allow local currency. After payment, there was another search point and then we entered the interview hall.

    I must comment that the hall was not as cool as I expected. Inside the hall, the IV and DV applicants sat to the right of the entrance door while the ‘NIV’s sat opposite; Nigerian staff of the Consulate came first and called out interview numbers; and the bearers will go to the glass window and afterwards return to their seats. When it was my turn, the lady asked for my DS156 and 156k Forms, original certificate of birth, police certificate, white envelope containing the medical report, affidavit of support from my fiancée, her tax returns and the letter from her employer. She however, rejected my DS230 saying I didn’t need it. I also told her I didn’t sign the forms and offered to do so but she stopped me saying I don’t have to. When she collected them, she sent me back to my seat.

    When the American CO’s came about 20 minutes later, they started with folks whose children had filed for them. After that category, came the DV applicants which were being interviewed alongside the IV applicants.

    I was already getting a bit weary and nervous as the time crawled to 12noon; I had believed I will finish with the interview before noon (the usual wake-up time for my fiancée). Then one of the CO’s (there were 3 of them) called my number and I walked up to the booth. I was shown my DS156 and DS156K forms and requested to sign them. I raised my right hand and promised to say the truth, completed my biometric finger-printing. She reminded me that if successful, I will be required to get married to my fiancée within 90 days of admission into the US, then she settling me into the questioning;

    When did U meet your fiancée for the first time?

    Where did you meet her for the first time?

    When did she travel to the US?

    Did you keep in touch all the while she was away?

    Where U dating before she left?

    When and how did you guys re-kindle the relationship?

    When was the first time you saw her since she left for the US?

    When was the next time you saw her after that?

    When and how did you propose to her?

    Why do you want to get married in the US? Does she have family there? Do you?

    Has she started making and wedding arrangements?

    Have you started marriage counselling?

    When you get to the US, do you intend to do a court wedding or a church wedding?

    Will you still have a church wedding, after a possible court wedding?

    Is your fiancée Christian? Which denomination? What about you?

    Do you have any pictures you have taken with your financee?

    When was that picture taken? And that one?

    O.k you can have the album back...

    She then faced her computer terminal and typed furiously; she had been smiling and was generally animated with my story throughout the 6-8mins or so. After she had printed what she was typing, she spoke to me... the transforming words while handing a letter to me... I will issue you the visa. You can go and collect the visa at the address on that letter in Lekki next Tuesday being 11 May. However, do not buy your plane ticket until your collect your passport to make accommodation for any unforeseen delays that may occur. I thanked her and left.

    I was surprised, they didn’t ask how often we spoke to each other, request for emails or SKYPE records...cos I had a bag full of phone records, email print-outs covering over 5 years and phone records from January 2009... Not talking about Skype records. So in the end, they based their decision on just pictures and there were less than 60 of them... We are grateful to God!!!

  4. Hello all,

    We have our k1-visa interview on may 4th and I have gathered all the documents and will hand it over to my fiance in London in 2 days. I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything major. A little bit of background, we met in 1997 in high school, we were best friends. I moved to the states right after high school. we kept in touch and got involved emotionally a couple years ago. He proposed last April in Nigeria. we have seen 3 other times after that- once in London & 2times in Nigeria. I am a few months older than him (I hope this won't be a problem cos I have seen on here that it's a red flag if the woman is older but I don't think a few months should be a problem)So, this is what we have:


    Phone records showing his number Jan 2009 - April 2010

    Copies of all pages of my Passport ( both Nigerian & American) I'm a dual citizen

    Paystubs Sep 2009 April 2010

    I-134 Affidavit

    Letter from Employment

    W-2 2006-2009

    Tax Return 2006-2009

    401k Account Balance

    Updated Letter of Intent

    Emails From Sept 2008- now

    Skype Records

    Boarding Pass- All 4 trips

    Pictures About 70

    London Hotel Receipts

    Fedex Receipt- For birthday Present I sent him

    Chase Wire Transfer Receipt- from me to him


    Birth Certificate

    Police Report

    Completed Medical Exam

    Completed Form - DS156 (2), 156K, DS230

    4 Passport Photographs

    $131- visa fee

    Updated letter of Intent

    Receipt for watch he bought me on my birthday

    Receipt for all the flowers her sent (birthday, anniversay, valentine)

    His phone records that shows my number for all my calls

    Do you guys think I'm missing anything? your response will be greatly appreciated :)

  5. So I might not be the very last one on this thread to get an interview? laughing.gif Well good luck with all! Keep me posted.

    Ive been taking a little break from VJ and thinking about immigration 24/7 for the last couple of weeks. It's been good to focus on other things.

    As you might know, Montreal schedules interviews in batches, and they scheduled the last batch one f*#&*@ day before they logged in my packet 3. ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... girlwerewolf2xn.gif ... At least it's Spring, and Spring is amazing in Montreal.

    And Matt is coming to visit for a while in a few weeks. So that will be great. Im really excited!

    Congrats on all the approvals & weddings! And good luck to people having their interview soon! Who's next, is it you Chibuogwu?

    Did steaba say how their interview went?

    I don't know if I'm next but I have 23 more days to go!!!

  6. ahem. "Ukraine" not "The Ukraine". :no: Now, Jim, I don't go around saying "The VietNam"

    Anyway, it is a misnomer to say the consulate in Ukraine is "very easy going". In fact they are very strict about having all the documents needed for each case. In your case, that can mean all the court records. They are also well known for discussing past indulgences of the petitioner with the Ukrainian fiancee. And they are well known for doing so in unflattering ways..."You know your fiancee is a drug addict, right?" So....make SURE she knows all the details of these cases. The worst that can happen is for them to surprise her with this information.

    The consulate in Ukraine does not make up reasons to deny people. It does not look for reasons to deny people, it is not a high fraud country when it comes to family based visas, they do not have a lot of strange (perhaps "unusual" is a better word) traditions.[/b] No one cares if you had an engagement ceremony or if Mommy and Daddy approve, because that is how Ukraine society is. Typical Ukrainian women do not come to the USA and then try to find a way to bring all their cousins, brothers, sisters, parents, aunts, uncles, etc. to the USA. They are not a country associated with terrorism. They simply do not have all the "red flags" other countries have...but the women HAVE been vistims in the past of human traffickers seeking the hot Ukrainian women for porn and prostitution, they tend to be more protective of the women coming to the USA, making sure THEY are not being taken advantage of. There have been many instances of Russian/Ukrainian women being found here in basically "sex slave bordellos" and it is still happening regardless of the IMBRA.

    Plan on them discussing your history with your fiancee. How that plays with her is another matter. Such things will have less impact on a younger Ukrainian woman than an older one. More mature Ukrainian women have had their share of intoxicated, abusive men and do not look kindly on abuse of drugs or alcohol, it is a deal breaker for a lot of them.

    be honest and direct with your fiancee. Good luck

    Such violations should have nothign to do with your ability to get an approved petition. YOU are not applying for a visa so it will have no affect on her visa application, except that you can expect them to discuss it with her. She should answer directly and with clear knowledge and they will drop it like a hot potato. She should not let them rattle her with terrible sounding statements.

    Being different is not strange or unsual.

  7. Can anyone recommend any good travel agents or websites where I can find some reasonable price tickets from ATL to LHR.

    All the websites that I know have went crazy and the fares they are showing exceed $1000!!! for a roundtrip

    It used to be freaking $550! at the most during peak season!!!

    Try Vayama.com, I just bought tix from ORD to LHR for april n it cost me $800(united airlines). I agree that it used to be $550, those were the good ol days. Goodluck!

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